15 Chapter 15 - Second Challenge

"So is the whole team getting eliminated or just on person on team?" Zoro

"I was thinking the same thing-"

Kazuma got interrupted before he could finish his sentence

"It's time for rewards at stake!"

Seiko snapped his finger and the whole team got teleported onto an battle arena.

(the battle arena looks something like the Cell games)

"This is where we will elimnate an person here, the people who are safe gets an reward!"

"First safe is-"

"Hey hold on!" Both of Beerus's and Meliodas's team said simultaneously

"You forgot to give us our prizes!"

"Oh yeah, sorry. Both will get prizes when the elimination round ends."

"Now since that's out the way, First person safe is....Kazuma with zero votes"

"Here's an leviathan card, you can upgrade it to be stronger and bigger"

"Wow! Nobody voted for me, I'm lucky!"


Luffy and Megumin are also safe with zero votes"

"You both get to have plants that shoot stuff"

"It's between Zoro and Aqua"

"They wouldn't vote for an beautiful woman like me!" Aqua proudly said

"yes they would, Aqua is eliminated with 5 votes"

"Zoro, you get to summon lightning on your swords now" Seiko snapped his fingers

"W-What?!" Aqua said shocked

"Wait an minute, if Aqua got 5 votes then doesn't that mean Zoro was the only person who got an vote?" Kazuma asked

"Actually all of the audience voted Aqua" Seiko rolled his eyes


"Remember how I said this ball is powerful? Well I'll show you the power!"

Seiko holded out the ball in front of Aqua and pushed it. Suddenly, an humongous and powerful energy beam shot towards Aqua, removing her from the challenge.

"Alright, now time to get you guys an reward" He pointed towards both teams

"Meliodas's team, you get an space ship that can leave an entire universe in minutes" He held out his hand and an space ship came from out of it

"Beerus's team, you can get an mini black hole that can grow"

"Wait, wouldn't this kill someone-" Gohan tried to ask before he got interrupted by Seiko

"Time for the next challenge!"

"This challenge is about space"

"What's space?" Armin asked

"Basically in the sky where the stars are"

"Oh ok"

"Oh No! Mecha Godzilla stole the grand prize! He's currently guarding it on the Sun, First team to defeat him and return the ball to to me gets an prize. There's also other rewards on the Sun, last team to return the grand prize or a reward is up for elimination. There are other Mecha Godzilla guarding the prizes, also only one person in an team needs to return an prize for their team to win. Go!"

"Armin, you have the eye of distortion right? then we should use it to teleport us onto the sun" Levi said

"Ok Captain!"

"Wait do you even know how to use it?" Mikasa asked

"Yes, Seiko taught Me and Eren how to use our ability. However, Eren can only use his ability for 5 seconds"

"What, he didn't teach me how to summon my Dark Shadow!"

instantly, Her blades instantly turn into an condensed black fire.

"Oh, nevermind then"

Armin used his ability to teleport his team onto the Sun then everyone but Armin got scorched

"Maybe we didn't think that through"


"Did I just hear Levi's team die? Perfect time to bring them back"

Seiko snapped his fingers and they came back to life

"We didn't think that plan through" Mikasa said

"Hello there! Take these Sun-protective suits, now Bye Bye!" Seiko kicked them towards the Sun

"Guys we should use the space ship to fly towards the Sun. Quick everyone, Get on!" Meliodas said

Meliodas's team swiftly got into space ship but they don't know how to control it.

"Uh guys, I don't know how to control this."

[Hello Captain, where would you like to go?]



"Team, let's sneak on their space ship! they probably have extra Sun-protective suits" Kazuma said

Kazuma's team ran quickly towards the space ship and Managed to sneak into and steal some extra suits.

"Hey guys did you hear something? I thought I heard rumbling on the ship, probably just my imagination" Meliodas said

"Anyway, take us to the Sun"

[Sun set as destination]

[How long we get there: 15 seconds]

"We'll be there in an flash!"


"Wow space looks so cool" They all said simultaneously

"Armin, how didn't you die?"

"I think when I used the eye of distortion, it automatically ripped space and made an invisible sphere around me"

"And you didn't think we needed one?"

"I said it turned on automatically, you already turned into an crisp by the time you teleported onto the sun"

"it doesn't matter now, we need to go for the grand reward if we want an better reward"

"These things look harder than stone, good thing that I have my dark shadow blade" Mikasa said

"Dark Shadow!" saying that, Mikasa's Odm gears all turned into an condensed black fire but this time an part of it was blue

"I'll turn into an titan and fight the giant one, you guys take the grand prize"

"We made it!" Meliodas said

"Hah, thank for the ride!" Luffy exclaimed

"wait what, I knew I heard something" Meliodas said

"Mikasa, hurry and get the grand reward" Armin said

Mikasa used her ODM gear to grab it

"Oh no you don't!" Luffy exclaimed

Luffy used his gum gum fruit and stretched his arm, stealing the ball away from Mikasa.

"Guys I got it! Hurry get back to earth-"

Before Luffy could finish his system, Ban used snatch to steal away from him

"No no, I don't think so" Ban said

Levi used his ODM gear to try and steal the ball from him but Ban dodged it with ease.

This time Levi came with an more aggressive approach, he used his ODM gear to get closer to Ban. He went for an slash to the neck, hoping it would kill Ban, but Ban ducked and punched Levi in the gut. He didn't do too much of an injury to Levi since Levi had his Endurance increased.

"Your tougher than you look, however you're not getting this ball"

"And your not going to stop me" Levi said

Deku out if nowhere charged forward using OFA and punched the surprised Ban, sending him 9 meters away. Levi grabbed the ball and gave it to Deku.

"Izuku, get that ball to Seiko. I'll try to hold back the others"

Deku nodded

Deku thought he had no time to ask Armin to teleport him into Earth, so he used OFA to jump off the Sun and towards Earth.

"Escanor! Hurry and follow him!" Meliodas said

Escanor also jumped off the Sun with tremendous force, Deku had just reached earth and was about to give it to Seiko until Escanor showed up and snatched the ball away from him.


However even before Escanor could give it to Seiko, an stretchy arm showed up and stole it.

"Hah, the prize is ours" Luffy exclaimed

Luffy using his gum gum fruit, streched his arm and gave it Seiko.

"Wow! you got the grand prize and your the first team to finish! Your team gets an bonus Reward now!"

"Damn it, now I got to hope that they got an-" Deku got interrupted by an astronomical force

"Eren just used his time ability for the first time, Great Job!" Seiko exclaimed


"Izuku, get that ball to Seiko. I'll try to hold back the others-"


"O-Oh ok"

Deku used OFA to jump off the Sun while Kazuma's team and Escanor followed after. Deku followed Eren's orders and dodged the incoming Escanor and Luffy, He then gave the ball to Seiko

"Wow! Thanks for bringing back the grand prize! You get an bonus Reward"

"Levi's team is safe"

Seiko snapped his fingers and Levi's team appeared back on Earth still with their suits.

"What's our prize?"

"You get have never ending food, However since you've returned the grand prize, you get an bonus Reward! you get an pencil that add life's to anything it draws"

"Now time to wait for the other teams" Seiko showed an smirk on his face

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