

Auteur: D_Varsh
Celebrities & Real People
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Lisez le roman MSP écrit par l'auteur D_Varsh publié sur WebNovel. I was so nervous. So nervous that I could feel chills through my spine like I was so afraid. My heart was pounding so fast that I was scared maybe he'll hear it too. I've never been this way before. Y...


I was so nervous. So nervous that I could feel chills through my spine like I was so afraid. My heart was pounding so fast that I was scared maybe he'll hear it too. I've never been this way before. Yet I collected all my courage to say what's on my heart. "I...I think I like you", I muttered the words to see his confused face. "No.. I know that I like you", I corrected. My face was burning. I couldn't even look at him anymore. I might run away or start to cry or faint or even just laugh out loud and say it's a prank in an unbelievable way and then die out of embarrassment if I looked at him. "Are you sure it's me and not him that you like?" , he asked me with a huge question mark on his face. He didn't yell out he hates me and ask me to disappear from there or give a sarcastic comment like I was expecting but he didn't say that he has any feelings either. And I really wasn't expecting this reaction. "What do you mean? Is this some way of rejecting someone sarcastically?" , I was about to cry after I asked that. "No I'm serious. Did you initially want to confess to him at first but confessed to me cause you were nervous?" By then I had really lost it. "You really are a psycho", I said as I clenched my teeth. He was about to say something but I started running away as I didn't want him to see my cry. "Yah Jeong ha neul!", he shouted. Maybe I should've stopped to hear from him.. but I didn't.. School has ended.. I'm not gonna see him again anyways..

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