
Prologue: Death is my Purpose


A man was seen running through his Village bumping into others and pushing them out of his way looking behind him frantically

A Shadowy figure could be seen walking through the crowd close behind him.

The Man started running even fast eventually being stopped by the Village guards.

The man looked frightened and kept begging the Guards which confused the guards but it was too late.

The Man started bleeding from his eyes, he started coughing up blood and finally black spots appeared all over his body.

"Ahh, it's the black Plague, Run!!!" Villagers said running away from the man as another Man started walking towards him.

However, the Villagers didn't notice him at all and when they ran at him, they phased through him, it was as if he was a ghost.

He wasn't a ghost though, He was one of the Hundreds of Reapers roaming the earth.


Mr. Death was 6,4 and wore a more modern face mask as he wore a black suit with white highlights

Humans are so predictable, Running away at the first sight of Death

You thought you could outrun Death, but you only cause the suffering of others...

I cannot condone such Actions

Mr. Death grasped the air to his right as a portal appeared and a Scythe was bought out of the portal.

Mr. Death raised his Scythe before smirking...

However, Death is and will always be Inevitable

Mr. Death swung the Scythe down taking his soul and partially completing the Contract.

All I have to do is just sit back and watch as the Humans die from this "Plague"

Mr. Death kept his Scythe and disappeared as he reappeared soon after in a Lounge.

"Welcome back, Mr. Death, Your colleagues, Nocturna and Revenant are in the back waiting for you" The. the bartender said giving Mr. Death a Death token for another Contract.

Mr. Death walked towards the table in the back seeing two of his friends sitting there.



"Hey Death," Both of them said simultaneously with cheer in their voice

Mr. Death took a chair and sat in front of them confused by why they were so Cheerful today

Reapers can have feelings and one benefit is that they can't be affected by killing someone, they don't feel guilty when they kill someone, it's their duty, their instinct.

Why are you all so Cheerful?

"Well, Nocturna and I are..." Revenant said waiting for Nocturna to continue

"Getting Married isn't that Wonderful, we were thinking you could be Revenant best man," Nocturna said which caused Death to Sigh

We used to be such a big group, 50 Reapers, However, it somehow became the three of us and you are thinking of marriage too

Marriage is a Human thing, If you want to marry...

You'll have to join the Human world too and I would have to kill you

"Death, it's not like that, we managed to have the opportunity to go to Heaven immediately and have a family there" Revenant Said which caused Death to clench his fists

"We were hoping you could come with us," Nocturna said afterward

Sorry, but I have to decline, I still have a duty as one of the Elite Reapers of this world

Mr. Death stood up and turned away walking towards the exit as he got another contract ready for he was fully committing to his duty

As a Reaper


Mr. Death stood above the crowd as he watched crowds of people celebrate the ending of the year 2020.

Necro's didn't need to cause an entire pandemic for a single contract...

Well, time for me to get to work now

Suddenly, a contract appeared in front of him surprising the Reaper

Strange, I choose my Contracts, why did it suddenly choose one for me

Mr. Death looked at the contract freezing at the sight of what he had to do...



