
Splash! Splash! Splash!

"Z?" A familiar voice called out.

The redheaded young woman veered her attention to her childhood best friend, Remington Grey.

"Are you still thinking about him?" He asked, only to receive a heavy sigh in return.

"Oh come on babe. That idiot doesn't deserve even a fraction of your thoughts!" Remi added after seeing Zara's condition.

"I know Rem...It's just that I... I thought—"

"What? You thought you two would last forever?" Remi asked cutting her off.

"No, it's not that. It's just that we've been together for more than five years. I didn't expect it to end this way... And with my best friend too!"

Remi seemed to be in thought for a few seconds. He was thinking of a way to make her forget about everything, even just for a while. He had thought maybe bringing her to her favorite place—' The Spring Park'— would somehow help. And it did. Until now...

"Mmh, I thought I was your best friend," Remi said, playfully scrutinizing her with his hazel eyes.

Zara smiled at his childish behavior before saying,

"Well, I never made that quite clear now did I?" She inquired raising a brow at him.

Remi gasped dramatically, trying to look as offended as he could.

"How dare you!" He exclaimed, a small frown settling on his handsome face.

"You know, you should pick your best friends wisely." Though his tone was playful, Zara's small smile vanished as his words sank in.

"I really should..." She mumbled quietly.

"Listen, if you sulk at your favorite place then I don't see the point of even coming here. Why should it be your favorite place if it doesn't help you relax?" Remi implored after a few seconds of silence.

His words seemed to affect her, as she looked up at his gentle gaze and nodded subtly.

"You're right," Zara smiled a little. "I shouldn't let anyone ruin this place for me."

"Good." Remi returned her smile.

"Now, what exactly do you do here? I mean, it's beautiful and all, but isn't there anything else to it?"

"Oh Rem, you're always looking for something more, aren't you?" Zara asked, her light brown eyes gazing up at him.

"Isn't this breathtaking view enough for you?" She asked as she stood and began walking.

"I mean, just look at the grass. It looks so green and soft... And the rose garden over there." Zara pointed, as she continued to walk towards the aqua blue pond, where the waters feel gracefully into.

The different colored roses could still be seen, even though it was getting dark.

Zara silently wished her life was just as colorful and bright.

But it was just wishful thinking, as her life seemed to be filled with more thorns than flowers.

"Oh! And this waterfall! Just look at how pure and refreshing the water looks!" Zara exclaimed jovially as she stared at her reflection in the flowing water.

Remi watched her, amusement shining in his eyes. She truly looked like a little kid at an ice cream or candy shop. He was happy to see her mood lifted.

"Oh, I could just..."

Before Remi could infer what was happening, Zara had already unzipped her dark red, knee-length strapless dress.

By the time he realized what was going on, Zara was already swimming in the pond, as carefree as ever.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Z? You know this isn't a public swimming pool right!?" Remi whispered urgently as he scanned the area.

Luckily for her, there didn't seem to be anyone around.

"Come on in! The water is great!"

Zara whispered excitedly as she stared up at his uncertain and apprehensive face.

"What Rem? I thought you wanted something more?" She questioned, smiling knowingly at him. "This is more isn't it?"


The short silence that followed was quickly replaced by Remi's irked grunts.

"Hey!" He clamored in surprise as Zara splashed water on his still worried face.

Zara chuckled softly, remembering to keep her voice low.

Remi's expression however soon changed, as he began to unbutton his light blue shirt.

Upon seeing the vengeful look in Remi's eyes, Zara immediately retreated to the further side of the pond.

Remi's smile grew wider as he ventured inside the pond. Ripples that shinned and glimmered beautifully as they reflected the shining stars rippled around him.

"Zara?" He called out in a half-whisper as he looked around. His friend was no longer in his line of sight, and the fact made him uneasy.

He swam around a bit as he continued looking for her.

Where could she—


His thoughts were cut off as water was splashed on him from behind, wetting his brown-black hair in the process. The familiar giggle made him sigh out in relief and annoyance at the same time.

He turned at the speed of light, catching Zara off guard.

"What? You're already in so what difference does it make?" Zara reasoned, giving him an innocent smile.

"Really?" He asked, grinning mischievously at her.

"Well then, let's see how you like it!"

Splash! Splash! Splash!

Remi bombarded her with a series of splashes, which made her back away subtly.

Remi however, wasn't backing out, and realizing this, Zara instantly retaliated.

Their splashes and laughter were soon drowned out by the sound of the waterfall.


Hello dear readers!

This chapter is only scratching the surface of what's to come, so make sure to stay tuned!

Also I'm kinda new at this kind of writing so if you have any thoughts or constructive criticism, please feel free to share them with me. Yours truly,


Bexley_Gracecreators' thoughts
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