

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Act and Plan



*grunt* *Inhale-Exhale*

"Did it work?"

Robert is seen in the same hospital but this time there was something different, something odd that he hadn't observed the earlier times, the lights were on and he was hearing crowd noises, the employees were working and other patients were laying in their hospital beds besides him. "Oh my, I don't want to suicide again...." He gets off and starts roaming but to his surprise he heeds a small fatigue to him as if he had been injured very recently and was still being affected by its consequences or had not gotten complete rest, "Something's definitely.......definitely wrong", he keeps advancing as he hadn't forgotten what he had done so much for and was headed for the same area where Woods and other New Day hotel residents that helped keep the intruders at bay were collapsed at but a dubious interruption caused him to halt and recoil from the shock at what he was witnessing, "Sir, you aren't permitted to be out of bed yet, your condition still isn't reliable enough for us to let you off alone. Please lay down, if you need anything just press the buzzer on your left arm rest we'll be right there, for now I'll be heading downstairs to the reception counter, this floor is almost going to be hollow soon so better you get some sleep, wouldn't want to bore yourself, right?"

"You! You're?! Wai-" Robert thinks strategically and holds himself, this was undoubtedly strange and something to ponder upon in a calculative manner, "That nurse......she was the spitting image of the corpse I saw the first time I encountered Woods and others collapsed........wait......she said she was going downstairs.....I NEED TO WARN HER! She'll die!" Robert ran as fastly and stealthly as he could, avoiding every few worker left on the floor, smoothly floating through corners, his body had become strangely 'agile' and he became one with the air, making his way fluently to the bottom floor, but that didn't last long as mid-way through the spiral and narrow enclosed stairs, Robert had his first episode after a long while and he braced himself for the moment, letting everything out while remaining calm and collected, it was something he had to experience a lot more from now, continuing, by leaving the big red stain on the walls he hastily kept progressing along with his blood racing him down. Then he reached but didn't recieve what he was expecting, it was the same old normal hospital it should be, people working and roaming constantly, patients waiting and dozing, bug zappers zapping the flies and mosquitos, the lady who didn't know her coming demise was also standing at the receptionist centre.

"This is bad, I gotta hide..."Robert goes up a little in the staircase but notices a concerning problem, he could have hid himself from being catched but not his blood which was slowly and slowly flowing down the stairs with its lumps and chunks in puke form and it was soon to reach the floor where it would evidently attract attention, now Robert was in a pinch that he didn't want to be in any possible way as it distracted him from his original objective and if he didn't take care of it soon, even more casualties could happen than what he was trying to prevent currently.

A perfect and flawless idea according to Robert lit in his mind, even though it was just simple 'acting'. He decided to create a facade and put up a fake front that would lead him to his goal, "The blood is perfect, it was painful but I couldn't ask for a better oppurtunity. Alright.....here we go....." He clumsly stubles and then drops himself in a crawling position while pretending to hold something in his mouth with his hand on his neck like he is being choked, a nurse quickly runs to his aid and asks him what was happening to which Robert first lets out all that was running in his mouth, some even over the nurse's clothes and says in a begger's tone, "It's my cirrhosis, my symptoms are acting up.....please Sir I need some fresh air and some water, it's too straining on the head to lay in that bed all day staring into the twitching light directly above.....please Sir can I just have some time outside and relax for one moment with a drink in my hand....." while coughing constantly.

"Of course, go through that door there, I'll be right there with a fresh bottle of water."

"It's done.....I probably won't ever do something like that again, gobbling back as much blood vomit as I could then running back and buying all the water bottles from the vending machine by stealing the wallet from the guard in the zizz, and running back so fast, I fell down which consequently played to the act perfectly. Now...this is a hunch, but, I'm probably in the past, as I expected, Woods and the others aren't here, I don't know how, my ability only allows me to see or visit the future, but this has most certainly shown me the past. So if I'm not wrong, the ship hasn't sailed out yet, and the intruders might come soon, I know it will be recent because it was during the time of my injury when I got better and in the state I'm in currently I'm mostly recovered, so I should better not stall anymore, if I'm able to make contact with the captain of the ship or the Doc, I might be able to convince them to either not start the ship or not baord the ship, I can obviously tell Doc Palmer the situation because he knows my ability but that isn't so with the cap who I'm not even sure is a Radiant. If I'm able to convince them, it should change the future, as this is the past; the one who was dead is now alive, that should be enough proof to confirm it is the 'past' but who am I to talk when I have experienced it more than 4 times. Well, let's find a way to get to the harbour, it's my only hope, if I'm not able to get Woods and the Doc to reunite, we might not be able to stop 'Radiant's' tyranny.


"I did make it here safely, but, I picked up this syringe with some sort of fluid inside it, I'm presuming it has something to do with surgery so I thought it might come in handy if I run into combat or if someone tries to fault my plans but nothing so far, I'll keep it, why not?"

"Mr. Oppenheimer! Mr. Oppenheimer!"

Robert cautiously hides the injection and looks back to greet a familiar face, "Oh Miss Lawson, fancy seeing you here, oh and who's that with you?" Azure answers in a warm tone, "This is Lola my friend's daughter, she's actually admitted, coincedence am I right? But she's staying with me for the while."

"Hello there young woman, I trust Miss Azure here to choose her friends only with good people like her and I know your mother must also be someone with a very good personality that's why I pray for her to be discharged safe and soundly and never worry, you got that?" The girl who seemed innocent and shy turned out to be an independant and mature 14 year old who replied joyfully with a "Of course I will never worry, my mother has faced countless challenges and this is a trivial one of them but I really do appreciate you saying that thank you...Mr. Oppenheimer was it.

"Clever girl!"

Miss Lawson had to interrupt and was jumping to ask Robert about his health and said, "I learned what your condition right now is, you're vomiting blood again aren't you, Mr. Oppenheimer you really need to find a doner as quick as you can, it's been two months since you got diagnosed......if you're willing, maybe I ca-"

Robert cuts what she was about to say and goes ahead, "Don't say that Miss Lawson, I know that you know only Radiants will be able to give me a doner and you're not a Radiant, our whole body structure and the way everything works is different, I don't think it will be compatable, besides, of course I'll find a doner, it's my life and I do care, but, I'm doing just fine as I am living right now so there's no need to rush....."

"I just realized something....." Robert starts thinks to himself while begining to sweat intensively, "When they go in, and I go away, the intruders will come.....and they will........take them away...I can't stop it.......but I have to....."

"Miss Lawson....?"


"Here" Robert hands the syringe with the unknown fluid to Azure and says, "Don't put it away, whatever you do...don't put it away.....keep it with you at all times....if you do put it away....I'll die....so please....."

After he turns around and leaves and Azure doesn't ask any questions with the syringe in her hand.

"Let's get this ship, shall we?"
