
Plans in motion

I arrived home shortly after leaving. I made my way to the kitchen and made my mother some food and then I did the house chores. After finishing the last chore I made my way towards town to look for a weapon shop.

I walked around town for about an hour before finding a weapon shop called, 'Saritori's Ninja Tools'. I walked in and looked around while waiting for the previous customer to leave. When he was gone I walked up to the man behind the counter and said, "Hello sir my name is Oliver. I was wanting to know the price of a Chakra metal han jian sword like this one." When I finished talking I showed a drawing of the sword to him.

After I finished talking to the man and making my order I grabbed some kunai and shuriken as well as some ninja wire before heading back home and training for a few hours. After completing my exercises it was dark out so I headed to bed.


Academy 3 months later

I've been attending the academy for a few months now and we are finally having an assessment on our abilities. This will allow me to be placed in the clan heirs class after they see my current level. I wont show my full strength but just enough to take top spot. Sure I may get more attention towards me but I don't care about that. If someone tries something I'm confident in beating them or escaping the scene. As we make our way to the training grounds where the test is set up, I was observing the surrounding chakra signatures I could sense. Aside from the instructors and students, there were 6 hidden figures spread throughout the location.

'Either Anbu or Root shinobi.' I thought to myself as I stood with the others awaiting instruction.

All of us were gathered to one side of the training grounds and opposite us were 4 tests. From left to right, The first one is a Chakra pool size and nature test, the second one is a test of Shurikenjutsu, the third test is a Ninjutsu test using the basic 3 or any other you may know, The fourth and last test is of Taijutsu. As I was observing the tests, everyone else was talking loudly.

"Alright quiet down! I will be calling names in alphabetical order for the test. First is....." an academy instructor spoke out, hushing everyone and starting the test.

While waiting for my name to be called I was watching each student who went up. So far, other than a few clan children, there was no one who really stood out. Everyone pretty much had small chakra pools. I only paid attention to those who had a fire or lightning

"Next Oliver Greene" The instructor called out.

I made my way towards the instructor. He had me turn around and placed his hand on my back. When his hand made contact I could feel his chakra flow into and through me before returning to his hand.

'This boy's chakra pool is enormous!' The instructor thought as he pulled a piece of chakra paper.

"This is chakra paper. To use it, just push your chakra into the paper. It tells us your chakra nature." He explained as he handed me the piece of paper.

I took the paper and pushed my chakra into it. The paper split into multiple pieces with one crumbling, one wrinkling, one soaked, and the last one burnt and turned to ash. Showing that I have all five.

Everyone was surprised about me having so many and some were jealous. I just walked back and waited for my turn on the next test.

When my name was called, I made my way up with Kung Lao's teleport. I threw my hat directly in front of the instructor and appeared below it. The instructor stepped back in surprise with his mouth agape before quickly recovering and motioning me towards the test. I made my way towards the spot we throw from and examined the shuriken and the kunai . After thoroughly checking to make sure they're balanced and maintained, I grabbed them all. Taking the kunai in my left hand, I tossed them straight up before landing every shuriken on the bullseye of each target. As soon as I threw the last shuriken, the kunai were in front of me. I threw ninja wire around each one while doing a Vortex Spin to get power and chucked each kunai into the targets at the same time. Every one of them landed perfectly next to the shuriken, barely touching each other. The whole process was done in 2.5 seconds and I walked back to my spot, ignoring everyone's looks.

When the second test was finished, they annouced the second test's start. They began calling names again, while I focused on which Ninjutsu to use. It was a hard decision because I knew plenty of cool moves but that was through Kung Lao's Kharacter Kard and the arcana I received through it.

When it was my turn for the Ninjutsu test I walked up and used the arcana to summon the spirit of the great Kung Lao behind me. The spirit and I both performed a few hand seals before using soul burst and sending 4 blasts out. Silence spread through the area as the spirit disappeared. I then walked away to wait on the next test as I noticed a couple of the hidden figures disappear, most likely to report what they just saw to the Hokage or Danzo. Ignoring the people, I moved out of the way so the next person can step up.

The fourth test was a spar. To test our Taijutsu, we are to spar with one of the instructors. The instructor is a Chuunin. As other people did there spar, I was thinking on how much power and skill I should show.

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