6 Nightmare

Taehyung woke up from his daydream to a harsh reality, someone had sprayed his noodles with salt enough to make his stomach protest loudly. Probably it was Jin or Jungkook, but that was not what had him worried... It was the vivid scenes his brain had presented him during that lapse of time while he was letting his body and mind relax while enjoying his meal.

The woman smiling in the floor was imprinted in his mind as if she had been there at the table, sitting in front of him. What had just happened?

At that moment Jimin came into the dining room with a chunk of paper and a pack of marker pens and the strange situation abandoned him for his workmate.


The woman was walking energetically, almost angrily, still mad with herself. Had she been crazy? What was all that about? Fainting at her age at the vision of a magical avatar? She hitted his forehead for the tenth time that day, sad that in her fogged minded state she hadn't told the blue haired man how much she cherished him and how deeply she loved him and his friends. All that strange situation had ended with her sending him back to where he belonged, and leaving a very rare object in her hand. She had seen the little memorabilia keyring on BigHit shop but never imagined one of those bundle of puzzle pieces would ever be in her hand. She caressed it in her pocket again, feeling it pulsing and humming among her fingers. She knew what that thing was, but the responsability of having one of the channeling portals was too much still for her to handle. And a portal to what exactly? If her wild guesses were to be trust, she had the possibility of calling Kim Taehyung whenever she wanted without the energy drainage the task normally would have consumed. But she had never summoned him in the past... She remembered that old day under the heavy rain, but it was Jin the one she had faced (and screamed loudly to, OMG!).

She needed to undertake further tests, she knew... But the street was never a good place!

Then the idea presented in her mind bright and temptress... The street would be perfect to evaluate if anyone was able to catch anything of the magic at work. And her target should be precisely fixed in order to understand how much of the portal she was controlling. Between one step and the other she closed her eyes and relaxing her upper body started to enter her alpha rhythm state...a familiar face being recalled and made the center of her brain activity... Yes... Min Yoongi should be.

A "pop" sound echoed in her ears and from nothing a man materialised besides her. Yes, Suga himself was there walking by her right side, blinking furiously as the change of places had drawn him probably from an enclosed interior to the middle of a wide crossroad. The blonde of his hair was a mess, and he was wearing extremely huge headphones. And he was wearing only pijamas!

A fire started in her cheeks as she knew she was humiliating him while wearing that outfit, so she kind of "lose the rope" and let the magic retract again to the keyring. The last thing she saw was Yoongi's sincere and beautiful eyes trying to say something to her. And then she was by the curb, alone...

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