
Harrased absurdly

'This'll be your bed... you're okay with the higher bunk?'


'Anywhere's fine as long as it's warm' (smiling brightly with no traces of what happened)



They began unpacking his luggage. Actually, Dylan's still in disbelief. After the"sexually harrased" scene, the guy still has the nerve to request for them to be roommates.


Do shame not included in his vocabulary??


Yohan pulls out a blue polka dotted longjhons showing it proudly.


'remember this? We have matching pairs back then, it's funny whenever you cry and ask me to pee together' he's laughing but Dylan was annoyed by emabrassment.

He just asked why he brings unecessary clothing with him. Yohan just laughed and said that he's just fond of reminiscing things.


'Your face looks soooo old'

Dylan saw Anika chewing on her willywonkas.


He slaps his cheeks to get rid of annoyance.


He's looking stressed because of that puppy who keeps on following him.



'Hey! I think he's looking for you?'


Anika was stretching her neck like a giraffe forcing to see the guy at the entrance of their room. He quickly looked away as if he didn't notice him.

Their seats are located at the bottom left corner of the entrance, so you can easily recognise peoply walking in, that's why Dylan was so obvious that he managed to imprint a worried face on Yohan.



The day was heavy. It was not that hectic but he feels too tired to even eat dinner. Dylan thought about the club presidents' face as he's consistent on his absences. Today was no exception. He believes that it was that dogs' fault. Following him around the campus.



The silence engulfed the whole room. He immediately stand up to take a shower. Staying idle for long periods of time only results for anxiety to slip through.


Dylan threw the wet shower curtains and turns the valve. He's in the middle of washing his hair when sudden noises surfaced behind the curtain. He paused for a while, searching where it was coming from.






The door was opened by sheer force. He jolted and immediately reach for his towel outside, without swaying the curtains. But to his surprise, his hands was cuffed in by someone and pulled him out of the tub.

He got dragged out that he didn't notice the soapbubble on the tiled floor.

He slips down but someone catches him. Hugging him from behind, it's arms holding his waist. As he look back, it was the shameless puppy.


'I thought someone broke through?'

Dylan pushed him and ran behind the door.


'y-you stupid ass!!! Your the one who looks like breaking in!!! Why the hell did you break the lock?' it was the washrooms door, that the knob broke down.


'I thought I lost the key? since it was locked and I'm about to shower'


His stupiditys' way beyond reach, he didn't even gave him a key to begin with?! It was enough incident to facepalm, now we have to worry about maintenance bills.









'yours way bigger than mine'


He didn't get it the first time. But when Yohan points his fingers towards it's direction, Dylan's pale face became red, like a ripe tomato.



'freakin pervert!!!'


The door closes.



A pervert he is.



since he's having a hard on just by seeing someones' dick.




'That shit's getting on my nerves! I didn't even showered completely since he broke the freaking lock?! Is he a mobster?! Who on Earth breaks locks nowadays?!!'

Dylan's annoyed voice echoes the bathroom as he tries to get rid of his stress through video calls.


'Maybe he just feels lonely, since you're avoiding him? Hahaha!!'


'laugh all you want! TSK! I'll just pretend like he's not here and find a way to exchange rooms with some freshman.'

Dylan's a Junior while Yohan's a freshman, though they're just of the same age, Yohan had his 2 years off.


'I though he's your childhood friend? Why are you so irritated?'


'haven't I told you? That was when I'm still dumb from everything'


Jonas' laugh filled up the whole room as his face scrunched from releasing a big shit on the toilet.


It was the door, someone's buzzing in.

Dylan quickly finished his appointment and ran towards the door, seeing Yohan about to open it, he natches the knob abruptly.



