
Moonlit Destinys

Haunted by betrayal and heartache, 21-year-old protagonist, Ava, reluctantly agrees to her parents' decision for an arranged blind marriage As Ava adjusts to her new life as a wife, she is initially met with suspicion and hostility from the pack members, who view her as an outsider. Unbeknownst to her, her husband harbors a secret Ava's life takes a dramatic turn when she discovers the truth about her husband's identity and their shared destiny. Conflicted by her feelings of betrayal and desire, Ava must come to terms with her newfound role and embrace the werewolf heritage she has long denied.

GameNerdMom_Garden · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Bonds and Boundaries


As the plans for the ceremony solidified and I signed off on a few things, I turned my attention back to Ava meeting her downstairs in the sitting room. "What will you wear for the ceremony tonight?" I asked, realizing the importance of her appearance for this significant event.

Ava's expression shifted slightly, a mix of embarrassment and resignation. "I don't have much, Caleb. My wardrobe is pretty sparse. I didn't bring anything that would be suitable for a ceremony like this."

I frowned, realizing the oversight. "That's not a problem," I said quickly. "We'll make sure you have everything you need." I paused, thinking for a moment. "I'll have Lily take you shopping. She has a good eye for these things."

Just as I was about to call for Lily, she appeared at the doorway, almost as if she sensed she was needed. "Yes, Alpha?" she said, her eyes flicking between Ava and me.

"Lily, could you take Ava shopping? She needs something appropriate for the ceremony tonight," I instructed.

Lily's eyes narrowed slightly, and she put her hands on her hips. "Alpha, with all due respect, as her husband, you should take her shopping yourself. It's important for both of you to be involved, and besides, you two should match."

I opened my mouth to protest, but Lily's stern expression stopped me. "Lily, I—"

"No arguments," Lily interrupted, her voice firm but respectful. "Males are strong but sometimes incredibly dumb," she mumbled as she turned on her heel and left the room, her annoyance palpable. I shook my head as she walked off, her and that attitude is driving me crazy lately.

Ava watched the exchange with wide eyes, clearly taken aback by Lily's boldness. She remained silent until Lily had left the room, then turned to me with a look of surprise.

"I didn't expect that," Ava said softly, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Lily has a way of making her opinions known. But she's right. We should go together. It's important."

Ava nodded, her expression softening. "Alright, Caleb. Let's go shopping then."

As we prepared to leave, I couldn't help but notice the determination in Ava's eyes. Despite the challenges and the uncertainty, she was ready to embrace her new role, and I was determined to support her every step of the way.

We left the manor together, heading towards the nearby town where the best shops were located. As we walked, I noticed the way the sunlight caught her hair, giving it a golden hue. Her scent, a mix of red apples, maple, and cinnamon, was intoxicating, and I found myself drawn to her more with each passing moment.

When we arrived at the town, we made our way to an upscale boutique known for its elegant and unique designs. The shopkeeper greeted us warmly, her eyes widening slightly when she recognized me.

"Alpha Caleb, welcome. How can I assist you today?" she asked, her tone respectful.

"We need an outfit for Ava here," I said, gesturing to her. "Something elegant and suitable for a very important ceremony tonight."

The shopkeeper nodded, her eyes appraising Ava with a professional gaze. "Of course. Right this way."

As Ava was led to the fitting rooms, I wandered through the shop, looking for something that would complement her outfit. I found a dark suit with subtle silver accents that I thought would match well with whatever Ava chose.

After what felt like an eternity, Ava emerged from the fitting room. She wore a flowing gown in a deep shade of midnight blue, adorned with delicate silver embroidery that shimmered in the light. The dress hugged her figure perfectly, and the soft fabric cascaded around her like a waterfall. She looked stunning, and for a moment, I was rendered speechless.

"What do you think?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

I cleared my throat, finding my voice. "You look incredible, Ava. Absolutely perfect."

She smiled, a genuine, radiant smile that made my heart skip a beat. "Thank you, Caleb."

I nodded, still slightly in awe. "Let's get these," I said to the shopkeeper, who had been watching us with a pleased expression.

As we paid for our outfits and left the shop, I felt a sense of anticipation for the night ahead. Ava and I were stepping into a new chapter together, and despite the challenges that lay ahead, I felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. Together, we would face whatever came our way.

I watched Ava as we walked back from the shop, my mind swirling with questions and thoughts. I couldn't quite place my finger on her motives yet, but there was something undeniably genuine about her. She had an inner strength that was captivating, even if I wasn't sure if I could fully trust it yet.

As we approached the main hall, Marcus came into view. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Ava, clearly questioning her presence.

"Marcus, I'd like you to meet Ava," I said, my voice steady. "She will be joining us. Ava, this is Marcus Thorne, one of our best warriors."

Marcus stepped forward, his posture rigid. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Luna," he said, though his tone held an edge of skepticism.

Ava nodded, acknowledging him with a small smile. "Nice to meet you, Marcus."

Marcus's confusion was evident, and he turned to me, his brows furrowing. "Alpha, if I may ask, why does someone with.... umm... her kind of strength need a guard?"

I shot him a stern look, a silent warning to tread carefully. But before I could say anything, Ava decided to speak up after placing a hand on my arm.

"Since Marcus will be in close proximity, I think he deserves to know," Ava said, turning to face Marcus fully. "I rejected my mate yesterday and likely won't be able to shift for some time."

Marcus looked even more perplexed. "Pardon my forwardness Luna but, why did you reject a blessing from the Moon Goddess?" he asked respectfully. "You may incur ....consequences for doing so." his eyes darted to Caleb

I opened my mouth to intervene, but Ava raised a hand to stop me. "It's alright, Caleb." she said softly. Turning back to Marcus, she continued, "I found my mate in the arms of another before I got my wolf. He had known of the bond for two years yet still decided to betray me for months with my best and only friend, despite still having me as his girlfriend. So, I understand your concern but, I doubt it is me who has to worry."

Marcus stood there, speechless, his eyes wide with shock. The weight of her words hung in the air, and I could see the gears turning in his mind as he processed what she had just revealed. It was a lot to take in, even for someone as level-headed as Marcus.

"Ava," I said gently, feeling a mix of admiration and sadness for her. I placed my hand on her back hoping that gave her some comfort. She gave me a grateful look before turning back to Marcus.

"I understand your concerns, but I want to start anew. I hope you can accept that."

Marcus finally found his voice, his tone more respectful and understanding.

"I'm sorry for your pain, Luna. I will protect you with my life." I nodded, satisfied with his response.

"Good. Let's all work together to ensure Ava's safety and help her integrate into our pack."

After Marcus pledged his loyalty and we continued our tour of the pack house grounds, I found myself unable to shake the anger boiling inside me. The thought of someone betraying Ava in such a way was infuriating. I needed to know who this person was, not only to understand her pain better but also to ensure he would never come near her again.

As we walked along the paths, I gently took her arm and pulled her aside into a quiet alcove. "Ava, I need to check on you," I said softly, but there was an edge to my voice I couldn't quite hide. "Can you tell me who your mate was?"

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "Caleb, it's best if I don't say. It's you wont be able to touch him."

Her words only fueled my frustration. "Very few are untouchable to me Ava. Who is he? Ava, I can handle whatever this is. You don't need to protect me from him."

She shook her head, standing firm. "No, Caleb. It's better this way. Please trust me on this."

I clenched my fists, struggling to keep my temper in check. The thought of this man, whoever he was, still having some hold over her made my blood boil. But then a realization struck me. "Ava, did he accept the rejection?"

She looked at me, confusion evident on her face. "What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath, trying to explain without letting my frustration show. "If he hasn't accepted your rejection, the bond still ties him to you, even if you don't feel it. It means he could still have some claim, some connection to you. He may come for you."

Her eyes widened as the implications of my words sank in. "I didn't stick around for that," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

I reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Ava, this is important. We need to know if he's still tied to you."

She looked down, her expression a mix of worry and regret. "I don't know," she said quietly. "I don't know if he accepted it."

The weight of her words hung heavily between us. I knew we had to figure this out, for her safety and for the stability of our pack. But for now, all I could do was be there for her, offering my support and protection.

"We'll figure it out," I said, my voice firm yet gentle. "You're not alone in this, Ava."

She nodded, a faint smile appearing on her lips.