
You died (4)

Although Kane couldn't endure even a single minute of watching his fellow humans dying, he was forced to stay hidden in that bush. The kid who attacked him was still looking around for him, so it wasn't safe to leave that good hideout.

"I won't last long here if I think that every single monster was a human before… most likely, monsters already existed in this world. So, there is a good chance that humans aren't being killed all that much."

It wasn't an outstanding prospect, humans were still dying like insects, but that kind of thought made Kane get rid of some of his worries.

(Congratulations! You survived for one hour. You received one reincarnation point.")

That annoying voice returned at an unexpected moment bringing good news… it looked like Kane could obtain reincarnation points just by staying alive. That was excellent because it meant if he died, he could reincarnate as slime again, as long as he survived for ten hours. The difficulty was a bit high, given that he was somewhere nearby a village, but beggars can't be choosers.

"Those kids aren't that bright; they are fighting without considering their surroundings… If I were strong enough, I could kill several of them before they could see what had happened."

For a second, Kane started to wonder what the hell was going on with him. Fighting for survival and killing opponents that attacked him was one thing. Surprising individuals and attacking every single person was very different from that. Although he was a monster, as long as he had his human memories, he couldn't just kill indiscriminately.

"I bet criminals would have a great time in this world… this is the second chance many of them had been waiting for."

Regardless, while Kane observed the slimes appearing and getting massacred soon after that, he tried to focus his senses on hearing them. Just like before, when he tried to talk, the words that came out from their might were just 'pori, pori'… it didn't make any sense, but it made Kane recall a monster of a particularly old game.

It was hard to be sure if he was also like that, but slimes were round creatures that didn't have noses or ears. Their eyes and mouth were somewhat big and round, and most of them had bodies that had a light-blueish tone. Since those creatures didn't even try to counter-attack, Kane slowly but surely was confirming that they were indeed humans.

"… I'd better stop observing them; I will have nightmares at this rate. Anyway, if I survive for ten hours, I will be able to reincarnate as a slime again in case something happens. Still, there must be a way to obtain points aside from that… come to think of it. I also have a level. The most obvious way to level up would be by killing monsters, but I can't do that since, in their past lives, they were probably humans. I guess the only way is to kill animals and the humans of this world…."

Kane was ready to fight and kill in order to survive, but killing just to level up seemed something he shouldn't consider unless he was against the wall. Finding his parents would be hard since he couldn't understand other slimes. Learning the language of that world was possible, but it would take too much time.

"That voice said that I could use the monster system while I'm alive… Although it isn't a good idea to spend the coins right now, it is necessary to know how I can use it."

Kane opened his status screen and then focused his eyes on his reincarnation coins. As he had expected, a new window popped out, revealing the shop of the system. By the look of things, he couldn't buy items while he was alive either. Still, buying something when he needs it would be way too convenient. So, in the end, that didn't surprise him all that much.

Monsters' System Shop.

Monsters (Locked)


Items (Locked)

Extra (Locked)

"I guess that means I can't become another monster while I'm alive… anyway, I need skills. Water Ball saved my life, but that skill is just too weak… firing something like a Fireball or Stone Bullet will be more useful… and deadly."

Water Ball Lv 01 (10)

Fireball Lv 01 (20)

Stone Bullet Lv 01 (30)

For some reason, Kane could only see those options, but even if he could see others, it would help all that much. Basically, to learn a really useful spell, he would have to survive for twenty hours. Considering that he was already born with the ability to use Water Ball, maybe it won't be very complicated to learn other spells, so waiting for a few hours wasn't so bad… but there was one problem.

Slime Lv 01 (50/100)

Strength: 04

Speed: 02

Magic: 07

Dexterity: 06

Constitution: 03

Control: 02

Hunger: 88/ 100 Thirst: 89/100

Reincarnation Points: 01

It looked like Kane obtained some experience points when he attacked that kid. That was a relief; he could level up without killing people left and right. He didn't have any other choice but to do so eventually, but Kane wasn't mentally ready for that yet.

"Something really bad will happen if my hunger and thirst drop to zero… I'm sure of it. In the best-case scenario, I won't die but won't be able to move my body like before, and my health, mana, and stamina will slowly decrease. I can't let that happen."

Fortunately, Kane was in a place where he could see dozens of fruits… he just had to wait for the kids to leave, and he would be able to use Water Ball and knock down some fruits. After filling his belly, he would travel through the night to get away from any signs of civilization. The humans of that world were his enemies, and Kane would never be safe near them.

"But there is a problem… traveling at night shouldn't be safe. Just to be sure, I will only move after having the reincarnation points necessary to reincarnate as a slime."

It wasn't a very elaborate plan, but it was a plan in which the chances of failure weren't that high. As long as he has enough reincarnation points, he can always try again. Still, Kane doesn't want to experience death again and again.

(Congratulations! You survived for one hour. You received one reincarnation point.)

In any case, time was passing really slowly, but that was just his impression. He was on a battlefield where his life was at risk… it would be weird if time passed too fast.

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