
Monster: Descent into madness

========== It was the year 2021, when vampires emerged and waged war against humans. Humans were outclassed by the superior vampire race and were pushed on the brink of extinction. However nature took pity on the poor humans and gave them a chance to survive... A mystical energy later named the source energy spread throughout the earth blessing humans with superpowers. Humans fought back and vampires were forced to sign a 50 years peace treaty. This is the tale of a young lad named Alciel. Worried and frustrated in the discriminatory world, he is forced to fight with his life on the line. However everything changes when the lad awakens something much darker and terrifying than both the humans and vampires. An ability named...MONSTER! Watch him as his ability slowly strips away his humanity and turns him into a true monster... ==========

Dretno · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Alciel Yale

Zone 3, Year 2085

49 years after the Human-Vampire treaty.

In the middle of a small city, there was a local school.

The school comprised of a small building which had small cracks all over it and green moss growing on its concrete white walls.

The school had a considerable playground which was grassy and beautiful. The ground had a stone path connecting the school building with the outer street.

The building hosted highschool students ranging from ages 14-17. It was the only government highschool in the city, thus majority of the students of the city studied there.

In one of the final year classes, a particular male student was looking outside through the window, completely ignoring what the teacher was saying infront.

This student was Alciel Yale, a final year student with an above average intellect. His grades were usually above 95% but his face showed a disinterested expression as if it all didn't matter.

"So students, this is my farewell. It has been a great pleasure teaching you lot. Your results will be announced tomorrow and you will finally graduate." The teacher Mr Kenson announced in his usual strict temperament.

Mr Kenson or Mr Ken as his students liked to call him, was the homeroom teacher of class 4-B. He had taught this class mathematics for the past year and today was the final day of him teaching to these students as they were about to graduate.

The students had already given the final examination but the results were yet to be announced. The school had specially organised today's classes for the teachers to wish their students a final goodbye.

This day, Mr Ken didn't teach anything instead he just gave a motivational speech about morals and ideals. He told his students to never do anything morally wrong and other stuff. He concluded with a farewell and wished them goodluck for the future.

But to say that Alciel was disinterested was an understatement. He didn't listen to one word his teacher said, he didn't give a damn about his righteous speech.

He had other important things to think about, his teacher's blabbering was the least of his concern.

He turned his gaze towards the class students and hidden deep in his glare was resentment. 'What nonsense! They all are lucky bastards with everything handed to them.'

He narrowed his eyes as poisonous thoughts clouded his mind. He was the outcast, he had nothing. They all had awakened good abilities and now life would be smooth sailing for them. He knew it.

However he, on the other hand had nothing. He was trash, a fallen with no ability. He was jealous of them, very jealous. What did he not have that they had? Was he unworthy? Or were they all special? Why was world so unfair?

These thoughts had been plaguing Alciel for years to no end. His jealousy of others was so deep that it had gradually transformed into hate and had taken root in his mind, poisoning it.

But he was not to blame for this, all humans are like that. Once they see others have something better, they quickly become envious, wanting to have the thing for themselves. It was their nature.

Alciel was no different. He had no parents and was left alone from the very beginning, with no one to guide him. He had hoped to awaken a nice ability but fate had other plans. He became a fallen, a nobody with zero power.

This had a great impact on his psychology. Since he was a kid, he had no parents, this made him feel different from others who had a father and mother to love and care for them.

Later when he awakened no ability and was unable to form a source core, he felt even more dejected, an outcast from all others. Maybe his luck was bad or he was just fated to be a loser.

But what changed Alciel the most was his days of school. When people found out that he was a fallen, they avoided him like he was some parasyte. They didn't want to make contact with him, calling him filthy and worthless.

Alciel was heartbroken by this treatment and simply closed his heart to all others, turning him into a cold and apathetic person. He had enough of everyone. He didn't choose to be as he was. He never asked for all this. It wasn't his fault.

Thus his impression of the Wielders worsened.


The homeroom teacher Mr Kenson left the class with a goodbye and every student began to pack their stuff.

Some students went near their friend's desks to converse but no one even looked at Alciel, as if he was invisible.

Alciel on the other hand just minded his own buisness and also packed his stuff up to leave. He had already gotten used to the treatment he recieved at school and thus didn't care.

Avoiding big groups in the class, Alciel swiftly made his way towards the exit. He didn't want to waste his time with people who considered him a black sheep.

Slowly walking through the corridor, Alciel looked at the ceiling while thinking about his future.

'So what do I do now? I will be drafted into the military whether I want to or not. There is no other choice, I am as good as dead without a strong ability.'

A frown formed on his face when he thought about it. He was simply being forced to die against his will. Was it even fair? Only the Wielders had a chance to fight not canon fodder like him.

'Sigh~ This is unfair. I have to both be discriminated by the Wielders and fight for them? They really think I would simply do as they tell me? But what can I even do? I have no power...'

Alciel lowered his head, he could do nothing to go against the government or the military. If one way was a deep valley, the other way was a never ending abyss, there was no way out of this...He had choice other than to dance on their fingertips.