

In the depths of human hearts, a dream resides,

Money, the coveted prize, that many can't hide.

It surpasses love and kindness, in this frantic chase,

Leaving humanity to wither, like a flower in a barren place.

Countless souls are lost, in this endless, mad pursuit,

Death and suffering, a dire, bitter fruit.

Yet, poverty's dark shadow, also claims its toll,

A vicious cycle, that takes its painful role.

But wisdom's gentle voice, whispers a different way,

Money, a tool, to enhance life's journey, come what may.

In harmony and unity, it can play its graceful part,

Empowering dreams, and healing the heart.

Employment blooms, and hope revives,

Shelter for the poor, a place to thrive and survive.

Education's doors, once closed, now open wide,

A brighter future, for all to abide and reside.

Money, a double-edged sword, we must confess,

Used wisely, it can bless, but haste makes it a curse, we must address.

Let's heed the wise words, of a sage's gentle heart,

Use money to uplift, and never to depart.