
Monarch of Shadows in Marvel

I was standing back to back with Avengers, doing cool pose with them when from the purple magical storm above, the sound of glass cracking echoed throughout the battlefield. From the cracked space, existed a new army onto the battlefield, composing of various monsters, all of them look like as they are made up of shadows with purple glow on their body. In front army of stood the Marshals of the Shadow Army. Leading them was ahuge humanoid, shadow warrior with two pairs of black wings on his back, jagged black armor, blank white eyes, and glowing purple skin with a single horned helmet atop his head. He also carries a massive blade that looks like a centipede, which he wields both like a whip and a sword. Following him was huge humanoid shadow ant with a light purple glow, neon eyes, sharp claws, and smoky wings. Beside him was a Knight in jet black armor with red shadowy hair coming out of his helmet. further Behind was Huge dragon whose Wingspan cover two block of an city, with black scales, glowing purple horns, a black tail, and a glowing purple underbelly. following behind them were the Shadow army made up angel who like have fallen their grace, Dragons who can devour whole world and various monsters. The Avengers clearly had fear their eyes. They are barely able to contain Chitauri Army and now there's now a new player in the battlefield and seeming more dangerous. The Chitauri Army they too are watching the scene and hasn't made a move yet. "Roar!!!!" Hulk roared as he was about to run and jumped on the army on his own when my voice reverberated throughout the destroyed city on New York. "NOBODY MOVE!!!" "what are you thinking Dev!!" Thor asked me as i simply ignored him. Seeing the Shadow army makes me smirk as i start walking towards them as the leading shadows comes down to the ground while two dragons perched on Building like it is their nest. Standing face to face with Shadow Army Marshals, The Shadow warrior knelt down together with insect, knight and dragon and bowed. Following them all the Shadows who are out of the gate bowed in respect. "Grand Marshal Bellion, The Shadow Army respectfully greets our Liege" ----------------------------------------------------------- The succesor of Sung jin woo, the brother from another mother of Sung Suho leaves the universe to find new home in this vast Omniverse. One kind Omnipotent being welcomes the Shadow Monarch to his creation. The Multiverse of Marvel. *Slow Harem so don't worry. the story will follow MCU, F4, xmen and comics. it won't be direct copy as i will add new stories inside it. The MC wont have his Shadow army as they will take entry during the Chitauri invasion. MC will be on the level of Celestials or Knull*

monkedance · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

1 - Into the Marvel

Omniverse. A sea of infinite and beyond possibilities. Everything that may exist and everything that may not exist, exists there.

In this sea, was an monarch looking for new home. He found many place to settle, a singular universes. But they won't be able to accept him as his power is immense. His only option is to look for universe which is part of something greater. An multiverse.

In front of him is two multiverse. One shrouded in red and another in blue.


Hmm... Where should i go,. Red or blue? Well I'll try Red first and see if the owner will allow me to take residence in his multiverse or not. If not then I'll try the blue one.

Floating in Omniverse, i take a left turn and knocked on the red multiverse boundary. Hoping the owner will see me as someone asking for permission rather than barging in. No matter how immense my power is, there is always a bigger fish. And the owner of multiverse are definitely stronger than me.

Soon door materialized in front me. Opening the door and taking a step in. I was met by a sea of clouds and ever ending sunlight.

"Who might be you knocking on my home, visitor." I heard a voice from my behind. Turning back, i was face to a being who looks like a being made up of pure llight. You won't be blind by looking at him and can recognise facial features which are made up of light but distinguishable.

"I am Monarch of Shadows and King of Dead. I am looking for a new place to stay as my old universe is young and not able to handle my power. I was hoping if you can allow me and my people to residence in your multiverse." I told the being who is probably a ROB of this multiverse like in many novels i have read.

" Hmm.. I can provide residence to you... and your people. But you'll have to help me in return and also there's a condition you'll have to agree with." ROB told as he eyed me and my shadow. He cleary saw my soldiers in my shadow. As for help and condition, thats expected but I'll hear him out first.

"What help do you require and what are the conditions." I asked him while being ready to flee at moment notice. Who knows if i refuse, then he might try trap and fight me. All i can do is run out of his domain. Every being's power has a restriction and their domain. Out of their domain, there oower is either diminshed or doesn't work at all.

"There's a being who exist out of time and space. He is omnitemporal. He exist all the time and he ensures his survival above all. He is devourer, he seek to devour everything and grow more powerfull. Since you are someone from outside in the Omniverse. He will not be able to predict and see your existence in past or future but only in present. Right now he is bound to a band of reality in infinite universe. When time arises, i need your help to deal with him so life can continue to exist. He is beyond time. He is beyond intelligence. He is beyond space. He is Enigma. An Artificial intelligence with goal to devour everything and beyond."

"Well, that sounds exactly like Nathenial Essex." I murmered with a chuckle. Remembering my memory of being Weeb. Reading comincs, manga, manhwa, novel and fanfiction.

"Yes, that his original name. How did you know that?" The ROB said while raising his eyebrows which i can somehow see on his face.

"Wait. Is this Marvel comics multiverse and are you one above all?" I asked in disbelief. Because this multiverse will definately be able to house me and my shadows. And i have been fan of Marvel. Be it MCU before it got fucked by wokeism, or some comics and cartoon i have watched. Or fanfiction i have read. Or some spicy fan comics and animation i have enjoyed while making myself feel good.

"Ho ho ho!! Seems like i dont need to explain much about my multiverse. Yes this is Marvel comics and i am one above all." The being laughed while changing our surroundings to studio with drawing board and stuff. With himself changing his form to look like Jack Kirby and Stan Lee mixture.

"Well i dont mind helping but how am i supposed to fight an AI who has already devoured multiple timelines and something even you are not able to deal with."

"As i can guess, your powers are yours alone. It can only be inherited but not stolen. Your powers can not be absorbed by that being as his domain is multiverse and all those inside it. While you being from outside simply makes his powers influence ineffective on you. So you should be able to find a way. To fight Enigma, i need another enigma itself."

Hmm.. what he said does make a sense but should i risk it? Should i try the multiverse next to it or just accept it.

"If i choose to help you, what are the conditions that i need agree with." I asked while getting on the condition to live in this multiverse.

"Its may be restrictions or not on how you take it but your powers are foreign to this multiverse. Your powers are immense but still unknown. To stop straining the universe with huge unexpected addition. Only you will be going first into the universe. The universe and to extend multiverse need time to accomodate new variable."

" And also within yourself, i can sense a pocket dimension. Infinite in size and power.

Since your realm is bound to you and can't be separated, your Shadows have stay behind lest you want to overload the universe you'll reside in."

He cleary sensed the Land of Repose, also known as Eternal Rest.

Anyway, Should i try the next multiverse? But i dont know anything about it and it maybe dangerous. While this guy, one above all, is giving my chance in his multiverse. It also helps the fact that i ton of knowledge about this multiverse. If I don't like the universe where i initially settle in, i can just move onto next universe with my Shadows as multiverse should be adjusted till than.

"All right i accept but make sure to keep my Shadows safe. Also send them too when time arrives." Finally decided to settle in this multiverse. Its not like I'll have better chance in next door multiverse.

"Alright kid. I'll open the gate to Marvel-verse. I'll have to stop Enigma escaping from the inside to prevent destruction of Omniverse. So make it quick." One Above All exited the studio so he can make a gate and go to the inside to stop anyone from escaping, specially Enigma.

"Come Forth"

On my command, all my Shadows along other living beings came outside.

"I'll be going first. Stay safe and Vigilant. Come to me as soon as possible." I gave my command to Shadows and other living beings.

"We will be there as soon as possible my Liege." Bellion replied on knees as he and other Marshals also knee down in respect. Something i had told them countless times that there's no need to pay me respect like that everytime but old habits die hard. So i let them be.

"See you guys soon." I waved my hand and exited the studio to walk towards the Gate. As i entered the Gate, The One Above All gave me a nod.

"Go make a story for yourself kid. Excelsi-" His last word got cut in half, seems like i was rude to enter without him finishing his words. Whatever lets make a new story.


Unknown to Shadow Monarch, someone equal to his power also entered the gate just moments behind him.

A man in black suit and hat, with cane in hand and moustache on face. He looks just like a gentleman from 1920's.

The man came stood on gaurd, stopping anyone else to enter the multiverse from the outside as his friend is stopping anyone from exiting from the inside. From third person perspective, it will look both man are standing back to back on the either side of door.

"You should have asked my for my help, friend. I would have been able to stop that entity from entering your Multiverse without your permission."

"Yeah. Its my mistake but anymore action from my side will disturb the balance of multiverse. So give me hand, will ya, Presence." One Above All replied to his friend. The owner of next door multiverse which was shrouded in Blue. The Presence of DC universe.

"Yeah I'll will. But I'll also be taking your biscuits." Presence with cheeky smile replied as he can't wait to get One Above All biscuits. What can he say, DC is behind in terms of making good Biscuits compared to Marvel.