
Monarch of Seals

He could taste and smell the sweet flavor and scent of death as it beckoned for him, now he became sure of it – Who ever said death was scary lied. He was Jason Varros, a mute legendary killer who always carried a black violin and whose mere mentioning brought despair to his foes. His death was nothing short of spectacular but he was glad for in his generation, He - a mute had bested them all. Unfortunately, fate had something in store for him, his chapter was not over yet. As a matter of fact - his story was just beginning for he would later awaken a forbidden power - a power others deemed sacred and only for the Gods and he would be hunted for it. The power of SEALS. But Jason being Jason would never submit, he would show them all,,,,,the masses and their gods alike- they would all kneel before him.

Hero_8745 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 7 : Hunted 1

While Samael gained such loads of knowledge, there was one pressing matter that he needed answers to. Why were his parents being hunted?

They were S rank right? What could really force them to keep running?

All those nagging questions had troubled him for quite some time but he had figured that his parents would tell him when they felt comfortable and deemed the right time for him to know, so patient he had become.

It had not been until they reached the 20th floor that he had finally seen and knew what was hunting them.

Horse mounted beings. That was what was hunting them. There were five of them and they had come like the wind, asked no questions and simply attacked as swift as lightning.

Those five horse mounted being had been donned and clad in tight fitting black Armour from the neck down to the boots. The armor was decorated with purple and gold swirls on the arms and a purple cross on the chest. The only other distinct armor piece was their headpiece. It was a black helment which could be summed up as a mixture of the Corinthian helments with plumes atop them which were used by the Greeks and Spartans in their wars back then on earth.

A definitive description of such mounted hunters would be that they were simply covered with armor from head to toe with only their eyes being slightly visible.

Their huge and menancing black horses were also covered with matching armor and together, the riders and their mounts potrayed a fearsome yet beautiful combination.

For weapons, they each carried spears on their right gloved hands and they had dual swords strapped on their backs while on their left hands, coal black circular shields could be seen.

Samael had done all these observations on a split second all thanks to his killer instincts and experience.

When the hunters had first attacked, Samael's father was the first to retaliate. He had first adopted his battle stance : first, he drew and held his sword with both hands infront of him. Next, he slightly leaned his upper body to the front, shifted his right foot in front and stretched his left foot back and then slight turned his upper body such that his hands were facing backwards and the tip of the sword was also facing the back and then he muttered " Aura technique - First Configuration : Blazing golden sun! "

then Boom!

A blinding aura resulted all around him.

His sword turned golden red and a golden sun halo appeared behind him.

What happened next was breathtaking.

Samael's father simply disappeared

His speed was just godly.

The next instance there was mayhem.

There were clangs and grunts everywhere and horses neighed non-stop.

Asingle sword met and deflected spears.

Then Samael's mother joined the fray and more mayhem resulted. Blood spears rained from the sky with the intension to impale both horse and knight alike and the knights were forced to raise their shields and defend.

The combat combination between Samael's parent was simply a thing of beauty. When some knight were frozen due to time stop, Samael 's father was always there with his sword to try and decapitate heads and when Samael's father was in a bind, Samael's mother always teleportated him out. Sometimes she formed blood shield that defended him. She truly provided amazing support while Samael's father served as the unretreating attack force.

But the knight's prowess was nothing to scoff at. Their teamwork was also amazing. When they attacked, their spears were thundorous and they came with so much force such that even Samel who was hidden far away from the fight was actually affected. They blocked and attacked in synch.

Chaos reighed everwhere during the fight and it became even more chaotic when Samael's father muttered " Aura technique : Second Configuration- Elven Moon Dance ". That attack caused the very air to vibrate and call upon tens and tens of more golden blazing swords that appeared behind him. He then waved his hand forward and the flying swords set forth.

In response to that attack, the knights congregated together in a diamond shape with the fifth knight being in the centre and then invoked a group skill whereby their aura which was also golden flared and they shouted " Aura Group technique : Angel's Judgement ".

This attack resulted in the formation of a huge halo of an angel with golden wings carrying a huge sword behind them. The Angel apparition raised its sword straight up to the heavens and then brought it down so rapidly and at such breakneck speed.

But when these two attacks were to meet, Samael 's mother then attacked with "Time stop" which slowed down the angel's attack and then with " Dimensional mirror " Which further slowed down the attack and tried to deflect it. Unfortunately, the deflection ultimately failed.

But that was enough because the Angel' s attack had lost a lot momentum and force such that when the blazing golden swords arrived, they overwhelmed the sword attack from the Angel.

Seeing that their attack was overpowered, the knight tried to erect a defensive shield but allas, it was too late and that spelled their doom and the end of the confrontation.

That fight had ravaged the 20th floor of the Infinity dungeon and seeing that some of the hunters had found them. The family of three collected their spoils(the knight's armors, weapons and space rings). One never knew when those things would come in handy. They then tried to erase their tracks by burning the dead bodies and then removing all the residual aura and mana flows using Samael's mother time abilities.

They then carried on to the next floors.