

The Monaco Industries have been the world's top

cooperation since it's foundation ,not only it's the top company but it's popularity and influence have made the cooperation high enough that it could buy countrys and be a universal power.

After a while Monaco was the company that controlled the world behind the scenes,so it was no surprise when Monaco inderstries had a sit at the United Nations. Being the first company to reach such a level that could be like a country Monaco was not to be messed with .Many people tried to but those who tried got completely destroyed and never mentioned again .In the eyes of the people Monaco was a dream ,a place when a person could grow and have a future , naturally all wanted to be employed by us. After the death of the North Kream leader Kim jum col the country fell to it's most troubling times , this is when the government sold the country to Monaco. After Monaco settled in NK they've been ordered to let all the North Kreamers to leave the country if they wish , many left made a fact most of the country left those who stayed were all employees of Monaco. we started building factories and even formed our own army , because of our Own influence and power we became the most important and powerful even amoung the nation's.