
Wednesday, January 6th 2021

Dear Diary;

I am officially scared of my father, you know my father is the White Fang of the Hidden Leaf, and is married to the Legendary Sannin Orochimaru right? What I learnt last night was that one should not mess with either Orochimaru or Sakumo especially when it is wolf mating season. And yes even though, they are already mates and married and have 6 kids including myself. During mating season if the mate of the wolf is interacting with someone it isn't only bad for the the mate but also for the person interacting with them.

I learnt that the heard way with my father literally ripping me away from my parent when they were just trying to hug and congratulating me for scoring good in class. And worse of it gets horrible during the night time. Why did I have to hear my parent yelling at my dad to stop biting them? And this was a random quote when I went to grab water in the night.

Orochimaru: Wolf-heart stop biting me down there.

Sakumo: Mine.

Orochimaru: Wolf-heart, please stop that hurts. I swear I won't make you have sex with me if you continue being so rough.

Sakumo: Mine

Orochimaru: Ok ok take it, jeez. Just take it I want to go to sleep now.

Sakumo: Mine, Lovely is mine.

The flying freak is wrong with my dad with during mating session, it happens every freaking year with them. Like get an inn, or motel, or hotel I don't care. They too freaking loud, oh and don't get me started on how I heard a whole steamy teasing with Big Brother Kakashi and Cousin Iruka. Like god damn, I can't sleep in peace.


I wanna sleep Mitsuki

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