
Birthday Special: January 8th 2021

Dear Diary;

I really didn't know Konha love hated me so much. Cause I thought I was going to spend my birthday at home, with my wife just enjoying each other's company since everything that happened. But I was surprised that one after the other people came to my house in groups of either family or friends giving me gifts.

Hatake and Snake family: Happy Birthday Hirozen we hope you enjoy this gift on you very special day. Don't use it too quickly though.

Gift: three boxes: one contained a box of paper with the word 'care' on it' with a note that says from Orochimaru (expected), two box- a carving of me and Monkey King Enma doing a jutsu in a fixed position, and third box- box of tea leaves, a note saying, "quit smoking already ~Sakumo" (my feelings)

Senju Family: Happy Birthday Birthday Hirozen, please enjoy your birthday.

Gift: a large box of pictures and scrolls of calligraphy.

Uzumaki Family: Happy Birthday Hirozen, you are appreciated.

Gift: A all expense paid trip to the Hidden Mist Village new opening hotel, VIP treatment bring a plus 1. (how nice of them)

Uchiha Family; Happy Birthday Hirozen, you are growing older and one more day closer to death. =) (why do i feel like Itachi wrote this)

Gift: Decorative weapons with a note 'respectfully stab yourself one day, just kinding hang them up we don't want our gift to be your downfall that would be too nice." (wow they get more creative each year)

Konaha 12: Happy Birthday, enjoy it you deserve it.

Gift: All expense paid meal for 5 at Mini's Garden house. Dinner vip treatment: all you can eat. (dam they went all out with the money)

Sarutobi Family: Happy birthday father, hope you enojoy your day with mom sorry I am on a mission but hope you enjoy the gift.

Gift: Scented Candles with a note (=D quit smoking pa)

I love these people even if they hate some parts of my gutts, at least they aren't monsters to them as I was to them.


Pleased Hiruzen.

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