
Mistaken Final Boss

I didn't finish so you will not get ending so don't read. And it was shit

Tip_Ror · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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100 Chs


[The Love and Lust of Paintings]

[Introduction to the main plot: A portrait is like a mirror, a flower in the water, a moon in the water. Even if it is close at hand, it can never be touched. It is hard to call the love of the people in the painting rational.]

[But even though I know this, I can't help it. Even Samuel Louis, the genius wizard known as the "Guardian of the Empire", could not avoid this feeling.]

[In order to make his beloved, who had no desire, smile, he did not hesitate to paint the Leon that he had sworn to protect on a canvas soaked in blood.]

[This ability to make his admirers go through fire and water for him may be the terrifying thing about Lust Painter, one of the seven nightmare lords.]

[Immortal people who dive deep from another dimension, please make your choice.]

[Please note that the Prophet is watching you.]

In Astral's infirmary.