
Misery of Thanatos

Zheng Lin who were sold to the orphanage at a very young age by his blood-related father just for the sake of money, had no choice but to live together with people who had a similar past to him. Growing up in the orphanage, he looked up to the caretakers who worked inside there, he dreamed of growing up to be like them one day. But little did he know that one day, he would yet be sold off to another place unexpectedly by the very people that he trusted. Zheng Lin doesn't know where he will be taken to nor what would his life look like after he arrives at those places. He was ready to face all of those difficulties just for the sake of finding out the reason why the people he trusted sold him off. At first, he thought that they were being threatened, but the answers were much simpler than he thought, that it disgusted him. The farther he goes, the less insignificant the answer that he was chasing after became, and the world that he thought he knew before slowly became unfamiliar to him. Facing with the choice of being killed or killed, he chose the latter. Soul cultivator? Body cultivator? Magic cultivator? Everything and everyone will become a resource for him to reach the top of this world. Cover isn't mine, and can be taken down according to the one who own it will.

Sandd · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Before He Chin could apologize, someone grabbed his head from behind him and pushed it toward the grounds where he spat his food at.

"Eat it or you will be starving for the next few weeks..." The man warned him quietly.

He groaned in pain as he had his face crushed against the ground, tears flowed out from his eyes soaking the blindfold wet, but no sound of crying could be heard from him as he gritted his teeth.

After the pain was subdued, He Chin forcefully opened his mouth and ate the bread on the ground along with the dirt that mixed with it loudly.

Seem like he is used to this type of thing huh... being bullied constantly by the younger kids in the orphanage...

His life is quite sad but hey... thanks to that he is still alive...

Seeing that He Chin didn't get himself killed, people continued eating as if nothing had happened.

"Hey finish all your food, we will be setting off soon" He announced to the kids, especially to Zheng Lin's group.

Zheng Lin breathed in deeply as he raised the bread next to his mouth.

I must not spit it out... must not...

Who knows... maybe the next one to spit out their bread will be the unlucky one, and I will naturally not be that person...

Eating this is better than starving anyway...

He opened up his mouth and bit off a huge chunk out of it, every chewing process was like torture to him, Zheng Lin could only try to chew it as fast as possible and swallowed it the moment it turned into smaller pieces while distracting himself with whatever that came to mind.

As for He Chin, after he ate what he spit out.

The man took back his hand, no longer grabbing his head to keep his face on the ground, he walked over to the side while keeping an eye on the kids, especially the kid who just disrespected the food.

Feeling the gaze of the mystery evil man, He Chin sat up quiveringly and wandered his hand on the ground around him to find the food that he had just dropped.

A moment later, he finally found the most disgusting food in his opinion that flew out of his hand after the man pushed his head down covered in dirt, and picked it up unwillingly.

The hopeless He Chin could only endure eating it while tears were streaming down his face nonstop.

He swore that this was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to him, in the past, people never made him feel this way, no matter how harsh they were toward him.

Food was the reason that kept him living, so forcing him to eat something that he didn't want to was the most disrespectful thing that a person could do to He Chin.

Deep inside his mind, seeds of hatred and vengeance had unwittingly been created, that would change his entire personality in the future.


Soon everybody had finished their portion of food.

Soon after, their body moved by themselves toward the carriage as if something possessed them.

Zheng Lin and his other companion, who were from the same group were startled by these magical things.

"Wha-" Just before He Chin could shout, his mouth was closed down tightly on its own.

Why is my body moving without my control? Wait why can I no longer control my body?

What is wrong with my body?

Is this the doing of that man? But how...

The shocks only lasted for a short time, before he came back to his senses and tried to regain back the control over his body, Zheng Lin tried every method that he could thought up off, but expectedly nothing worked.

Despite not having control over his body, he could still sense everything around him, the motion of every step that he took, the air that his body breathed in automatically, and the sound of his footsteps as well as other people's footsteps.

A lot of things happened including the things that he thought would never exist or take place in real life since the moment that he drank that water from the caretaker that he liked, trusted, and thought to be an angel who was sent down by god to guide them in life. 

The betrayal, the bizarre thing, the fear, he felt like his brain would explode anytime soon as information overloaded his brain, it was just too much information for a 15-year-old kid to process in one go.

I just wanna sleep... for eternity...

What am I even thinking now...

Zheng Lin was lost in his thoughts, while his body was moving closer and closer to the carriage without his awareness, not that he could do anything about it, so he figured that it be easier if he just let go trying to fight over the control of his body.

Eventually, his body reached the carriage and hopped on it shaking the carriage slightly, it continued to shake as the other two also arrived one by one.

After everybody sat down, the only light that shone beyond their blindfold disappeared returning their vision to pure darkness as the door to the carriage was closed down.

"Is everyone on board yet?" The deep voice man asked.

"Yes my lord, We have made sure that everybody is in the carriage right now." Another man replied.

"Okay... keep in mind that if the number goes one number lower, Then I will punish you."

"I will put my life on the line for this mission, so don't worry my lord." The man replied shakingly.

"Let's set off then!" The man who seemed to be their leader announced in a deep voice.

The men in robes each jumped onto the back of their horses, some got a carriage tag behind them, while some had luggage on them.

Neight... neight... neight...

The horses made a sound as they got whipped by the men who rode on their backs and started running.