

It was definitely suspicious.

Jennie couldn't understand what was happening at the moment. Maybe it was because she had just woken up from her deep slumber and, as a result, was feeling slightly dazed. But after taking some time to ponder on the situation she was in, it took her only a few minutes to realize that she was in a dim and unfamiliar room.

After double-checking her surroundings, she was now sure it was definitely not her bedroom. She deduced that based on the purple wallpaper around her and the decorative masks that hung on the walls which she was never in possession of, but most of all because of how messy the room was given how tidy and minimalistic she usually was.

In the dark, she patted around the bed several times as she searched for her phone, so she could get a look at the time and use its lamp torch as well; however, it was nowhere to be found. She then began to question herself. There was no way she could leave her phone that far away.

Nonetheless, she knew that she slept at home after returning from the gym like she usually does every Thursday at 8 PM. She couldn't have gotten there by herself. Could it be a prank? She assumed, but quickly tossed aside that idea. She didn't have that many friends that would pull that off since they all went their separate ways after she moved away with her single mother.

Did she perhaps sign up for some shady business? No, she was not that much of an idiot to do so. She lastly considered that her mom probably took her phone away since she was living with her. It could also be possible that her mother was actually around in the house and was the one pranking her.

She slowly switched into a sitting position as she turned to the left side of the bed she was lying on.

Clothes, clean and dirty, littered all over the floor with only a few places available to step on. She carefully stood up and slowly walked on her toes to avoid making any noise, considering that, if all she thought was false, she might as well be in a kidnapper's house. Who knew? It was better to be safe than sorry.

Turning right, she made her way to the only source of light in that obscure room, the vanity, and its brightly lit mirror.

Upon reaching the mirror, Jennie was abruptly startled by its reflection which almost made her stumble to the ground. She then squinted her eyes at it.

At that moment, Jennie was in utter disbelief. Her ears made ringing sounds from the shock as she began to feel dizzy. This persisted for what felt like forever as nothing made sense to her anymore.

Despite her shock, her rationality took over, she quickly recovered her senses while she took in deep breaths. She should not be passing out, not at this moment. She needed to think things through.

This was something that could never, in her wildest dreams, possibly happen. It was impossible, logically speaking.

And yet there she was, staring at what seemed to be herself. Those foreign fox-shaped hazel green eyes in the place of her normally almond-shaped brown eyes, tanned skin, long straight brunette brown hair cascading down her shoulders accompanied by bangs that covered her forehead. She could swear that last night she used to have black mid-length hair and a lighter skin tone. The most absurdly shocking thing about her appearance was how young she looked.

Jennie touched her face — if she could exactly call it that way, — afterward, she pulled at her hair and pinched at the now slender body of hers. Everything felt real.

Now that she looked more closely at that face, it somehow looked familiar, in a sense that it was a face she used to see every day, but the dark room was making it hard for her to remember where she had seen that face before.

While she was still analyzing her body, a theory popped into her mind. To confirm that thought, she hurried to the only window of the room that she remembered passing by, which had a few streaks of light coming out of its edges and was located adjacent to the vanity.

Jennie stretched her hand and pulled at the blinds. She was not ready for the light to peek through the gap as it made her vision momentarily blur, she gradually made the blinds go further up until she finally got a clear view of the scenery in front of her.

The Eiffel Tower firmly stood on the horizon.

Stunned, Jennie glanced back at the mirror, it became all clear as she connected the dots. The face that she thought was familiar was literally no stranger to her. In fact, it belonged to Lila Rossi, one of the antagonists of her favorite and most hated show that she knew all too well, Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir.

In the end, what she thought could never happen in reality occurred to her; those types of things could only take place in fan fiction or fantasy stories.

This became a whole lot to take in, even for a level-headed person like Jennie.

She woke up in a stranger's room, in a stranger's body, and in an unfamiliar location. However, to top it all off, the droplet that flooded the cup, she came upon the realization that she was inhabiting the body of the Villainess Lila Rossi of the Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir show.

Now that was kind of a troublesome predicament. Usually, villains in heroes' stories never make it, and they always suffer losses.

She needed to find a solution and to find her way back home as soon as possible. With all her knowledge of the current four seasons, she only had to observe the situation and worry about hawkmoth's attacks to not get akumatized until she was able to form a detailed plan.

With an objective in mind, Jennie calmed down and felt a bit better. She rested her arms on the window and let herself relax as she breathed in the morning air of Paris.


Today was a peaceful day in Paris. Jennie, visibly immersed, was quickly writing in a notebook on her desk in front of her window, her hands moving swiftly on the surface of the paper as she wrote.

It has been two weeks since that life-changing event, Jennie slowly but eventually got used to her new environment and her new appearance. Even though she disliked Lila for her sociopathic tendencies, she had to admit that she was pretty attractive. At least she had a beautiful face which made her feel less bad about her current circumstances.

The only downside about her new physique was that she was now in the body of a fourteen years old when, in reality, she had just turned seventeen, which left her feeling slightly bitter. Whatever being that put her into this world could have at least invested a bit more effort and instead put her in a body that matched her age. She wouldn't have to complain then if that was the case.

Jennie sighed in resignation.

For two weeks, Jennie observed the world around her. Ladybug and Chat Noir indeed existed as she could often see them casually swing by her apartment during their night patrols and on the news fighting Akumas.

She also found out that Lila had not entered the Collège François-Dupont yet and was being homeschooled, so that currently placed her around the beginning of the first season, which put her now in an advantageous position as Jennie knew what would likely unfold in the future episodes.

She could use this knowledge to her advantage and make a better impression of herself when the opportunity arises as she gets introduced to her class or stay low as to not arouse Marinette's suspicions for the time being. Both options were equally good.

Meanwhile, whenever Jennie was able to go out of her apartment, she would also actively look for traces of Master Fu who was still, in this timeline, the guardian of the miraculous box. But luck was not on her side in this case. It was very difficult to catch a glimpse of him as he was very elusive, let alone find the exact location of his shop, not to mention on the internet. That was fair enough, since he was over 180 years old and was not much of a fan of technology.

Jennie figured that the strange phenomenon around her could only be explained by supernatural means; that was mostly the reason why she focused herself on finding Master Fu and the miraculous box as soon as she could as only they could potentially give her an answer.

Unless there was no way to get back home, she would otherwise be at loss. Jennie would surely have a purpose in that universe, right?

Other than that, Jennie got acquainted with Lila's mother, — or should she say her "Mom" — who was honestly a decent human being compared to the original owner of this body even though she was rarely around, which was kind of surprising.

The fact that her Mom was often away from home and on countless business trips as an ambassador made it even more convenient for Jennie as it gave her the freedom to prepare and to do whatever she had to do to put her plans into motion without worrying about any prying eyes that may be obstructing her.

Soon Jennie was going to attend the Collège François-Dupont in about a week or so, until then she still had a few more days to explore Paris. So far, although she did not locate Master Fu, she somehow managed to spot some of the important extra characters from the story that were part of the school. Regardless, she didn't act carelessly and watched them from afar even though she wished to soon be able to get close to them.

Yes, Jennie liked most of the characters except Gabriel Agreste for evident reasons. She also wondered if she could somehow help them end this madness, but she knew it was going to be way too complicated to explain herself if she couldn't prove her claims with actual evidence to Ladybug and Chat Noir. They were bound to become suspicious of her.

She shrugged, as of now that wasn't her main priority.

And so today, she had chosen to go out on a stroll, hoping that it would somehow help to clear her mind for a while whilst leisurely enjoying the autumn afternoon breeze.

Jennie calmly rose from the desk she sat on as she closed her notebook and hid it in a hidden compartment in her drawer. She headed to her closet and readied herself.

Since the day she came to this world, she kept a particular notebook where she would write everything she knew about this universe, about all the characters she came across, her knowledge of the miraculous, but also including all the events that ensued up until now. She believed it was a great idea to write down all her thoughts to be more organized.

After Jennie finally finished clothing herself, she put her hair up in a high ponytail and wore a leather jacket over her shoulders accompanied by a scarf. She then exited the apartment.