1 Minerva


"No. Come on, get up! 2 more laps around the lake. Go!"

Wyatt groaned but still obeyed me. It's not like it's his first time doing training. I've been training Wyatt extensively for two years now since he turned ten years old. Our training field was in the middle of the forest with a small lake where Wyatt was doing his laps.

My thoughts drifted while keeping my eye on Wyatt. It has been almost two decades since I've decided to start my little journey away from home. After visiting a few cities, I decided to find a place to temporarily settled in.

Finally, I found a forest where I met a family of seven rogue werewolves where they introduced as the Simons. Rogues were people who decided to isolate themselves from a group and established independence among themselves. That's why I was not surprised to find rogues in this forest.

The family was nice and I was welcomed to stay somewhere in the forest. In the condition that we stay away at each other and no harm shall be done between the two parties. Of which I quickly agreed, I actually don't mind since I like my personal space.

I noticed that Wyatt was almost finished on his last lap and the sun will be setting within an hour giving a beautiful shade around the forest. I stood up dusting myself and waited for Wyatt.

A few minutes later Wyatt collapsed from exhaustion in front of me. I looked down with a smile, "Well done. Let's head home."

I picked up a tired Wyatt and settled him on my shoulder carrying him like a sack. He sighed, "Thank you, Minerva."

After speeding up a bit, we've reached my little cottage where the Simons family helped me built. The mahogany house has a front porch and a narrow pathway surrounded with herbs and flowers. I made my way to the door and entered with Wyatt still on my shoulder. It was a one bedroom house, a small kitchen and a bathroom.

I tapped Wyatt and lowered him down to let him cleaned up in the bathroom. I lightened up all the candles as they were no electricity. Then I made my way to the small kitchen where I chopped up some meat from the deer I caught in the morning. Whilst preparing Wyatt's dinner, a flashback was displayed of how I met or found Wyatt.

It's been a few years since I settled at the forest and was currently on my once in a month going out to wind up in the city few miles away from my little home. I decided to get some, I mean a lot of alcohol and party all night. Then a thought came to my mind and was walking outside the club. And noticed it was few hours away until sunrise.

Few minutes later, I lazily making my way to a forest few kilometers away from the city searching for my prey for the night as I'm in a mood for animal blood. I don't know but for some odd reason or maybe because of drunk mind I'm actually looking for animal blood since it is usually not in my diet.

I spotted a few rabbits but even in my drunk state I managed to looked away from the white fuzzy animal. I decided to look for another animal. After a few stumbling and actually passing out I managed to spot a deer.

A smile followed by licking my lips. I stealthy stalked the wandering deer. I jumped and tackled the poor deer and finally filling my weird craving. After I was satisfied, I got up and thought that I should go back to that club for more drinks.

I was humming an old tune whilst skipping through the thick forest but stopped on my track. I thought I heard something but was very faint. Few seconds later I heard it again. I consciously followed the sound and was making a buzz line to the source of the sound. I sniffed the air and frowned at the scent pointing at the source of the sound.

My drunk mind was quickly sobered up at the sight in front of me. A small creature bundled up in a clean sheet around his small body. His little face, especially his brown eyes was staring directly at mine as if actually seeing me.

I crouched down, pocking his chubby cheeks. Immediately the baby or should I say a pup, shivered from my touch. I retracted my finger then picked up the pup and then settled him in my chest hoping some body warmth but irony was this body lost its warmth long time ago. Oh well. I actually don't mind adopting him and abandoning him didn't even crossed my mind, even with my little skill taking care of a baby, can probably enough to take care of this little guy.

And to think there still some parents abandoning their child was just a sad thought.

"Okay. I got you. Poor little babe." I cooed at the baby. But the baby just stared at me, his brown eyes meeting mine although I guess that he was following the sound of my voice. I wondered how much my nephew would have grown by now.

I made my way out of the forest with a baby in my arms. I decided to head home and let this baby get settled. A smile graced my face and looked down at the little creature.

"So, what should I call you? Liam?" He just stared at me. No reaction.

"Chris? No? Okay."

"Raphael? Adrian? Edward?" Still no reaction.

"Hmm. Wyatt?" Suddenly he giggled.

"Oh! You like that, huh? Hello, Wyatt. I'm-"

"Minerva?" Wyatt's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Oh. Are you done?" I asked while cooking the meat.

"Yeah. Smells good." I heard a loud screeching from the chair.

"I'll be done in a minute." He hummed his response.

"By the way, pack your things or just bring a few important things with you." I said as I placed his food in front of him with a smile on my face.

"Why? Are we going somewhere?" Wyatt asked then frowned when he saw the smile.

I thought about it few times already. Then this year, I thought it was time to head home as I already missed my family there. And I'm dying to see my brother's reaction. My attention was then on Wyatt, the smile turned into a smirk.

"Just a little trip back to the castle."

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