

Wiz2006 · Romance
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20 Chs


A/n just so you know mature content in this chapter so if you want you can skip this chapter to keep the sanity of your eyes and mind holy. Not a sex scene. I repeat not a sex scene but there's a lot of stuff kids should not actually read. For the sanity of your pure mind you can skip nothing that important is going to happen in this chapter. Wiz out


I can't sleep. I'm tossing about in this stupid bed that's really uncomfortable. It's been three weeks since we got that call. And,no I didn't make up with Nathan I didn't have the liver to. The moment I walked up to his door I just couldn't do it so I left to my room that day.

Since that night Nathan has been a little bit over protective about Sandra. I don't know why but he doesn't let her do anything herself he's always making sure she's either protected with something like a gun or he's by her side. I was more shocked to find out Nathan had an actual gun with him I was really terrified about that stuff.

I've tried calling my dad for a few days now but he doesn't pick or he's number is switched of I'm really scared for he's safety if you ask me but I don't really know how to open up about that because I get he's a business man and he has a lot to do but I can't help but feel he's avoiding me.

I don't want to believe that because I'm the only family he has left and he's all I've got if he doesn't want me I don't know what I'd do with myself if he didn't want me around so I just decided to stick with the positive side of things.

It's been three weeks. We've been going to school like regular teenagers for the weeks but it feels weird. We sit at our regular tables at the populars except Nathan he wasn't with us before all this but still I think he would be a great fit in that table.

Anyway apart from that Nathan has been distant from every body for a while. He doesn't talk to anyone as much as he used to. Doesn't make any sarcastic comment like before just locks himself up in his room. If Cassandra is keeping quiet or doesn't know about it means there's nothing wrong right and I'm probably overreacting, right? No I don't think so. Since she got in her new relationship she and Colton have been all lovey-dovey to the point it makes me sick. She got Colton in the same night I advised her and here I am still sulking over a guy that I can't get. I don't get Nathan at all ever since Cass got in her relationship I've tried everything. Wore the kind of clothes that brings all the attention in the room,flirted, infact every trick in the book known to mankind that a pretty girl like me can think of.

I mean. I'm I not pretty enough.

Ever since I've tried to get him it's just opening up a bunch of insecurities about my self that I hate.

Can you imagine that the face I once called perfect, I'm checking if the freckles are showing too much and maybe that's why he doesn't look my way. Or whether my-used-to-be-perfect-ass is to small or whether my chest are to small to attract him. Or maybe he doesn't even see me as pretty I mean he has seen a lot of pretty girls before with much bigger asses than mine. God how did Cass score him?

Just thinking about all this makes it even more impossible to sleep tonight. I decided to go downstairs to the living room.

I went down and found out the T.V was on and I found Nathan on a couch.

He had turned on the indoor waterfall where water falls from the ceiling to the small automatically formed indoor pool made in the smart house living small walk pathways and room to put the furnitures (pic of an indoor waterfall in the pic above). This is so beautiful. I'm pretty sure Sandra doesn't know about this. This is really. . . I don't even know what to think. How much billions did these guys have?

"Are you gonna keep staring or are you going to do something other than stand there?" He's voice jolts me back to reality again.

I looked at him this time. He was shirtless. Those abs were in display for me to see. If there was a Greek god with abs that could make a girl die that was Nathan. If only I could just get a taste.

A taste? What are you saying Ava?

"I'm not sure I'm be able to give you that princess."

I just said that out loud. I can feel the the shades of my cheek turning pink by the second.

"Look at that I made you blush." A smirk dancing on his face.

Me. Blush. I don't blush. I can't remember the last time that happened to me. God this is turning out to be really embarrassing.

"I'm gonna go back to my room. Goodnight." I turned my back to leave but instead I find myself on a couch with a body plopped right next to me.

"Nathan what are you doing?"

He raised a brow. Which makes him look extra damn fucking gorgeously hot.

"I just wanted to look at that blush one more time."

"That's never gonna happen again so give it up." I kept a little distance between both of us to hide my face a bit with my hair so it isn't gonna that visible.

"Is that a challenge? That I can't make you blush again?" The teasing nature in his voice makes me not to want to accept this challenge but I want to see what he'll do.

"You can't. I only turned red out of embarrassment. No guy has ever got me to blush and you won't be the first."

"Oh really." He said closing the distance between us. "Challenge accepted get ready for one mighty blush." He got closer to me. "Princess." He said that in a deep sexy voice which was mainly giving me the urge to grab his neck and take my self to the heaven of his lips.

He came closer to me and now he was stylishly hovering above me while he straddled me. His hot breath fanning against me is making me lose it. Our lips only inches apart. I was ready to lose it but I still want to see what he would do to make me blush. If he was going to fuck me to make me damn blush then God knows I'm ready to blush because of him a hundred times over.

The distance between us is starting to get smaller by the second but yet he doesn't stop. He's doing this slowly which driving me insane I can feel myself soaking under.

He hasn't even touched me yet. What the hell is this boy doing?

As we got closer I closed my eyes waiting in expectation for our lips to reach one another's

Just then I felt a kiss right on the corner of my lips.

My eyes opened at the realization that he intentionally made me think he was going to kiss me. Another wave of heat and embarrassment washes over me again. My facing heating up from the embarrassment and the feel of his lips on my face. Really soft and juicy.

"Gotcha again." He said with a smirk. "By the way you are really wet what were you thinking about and I love the night wear." If I wasn't blushing before I was now. I could feel the heat getting up to my ear. My whole face would have been red as a tomato right now.

I was only wearing one of my dad's shirt which was really huge on me if you asked me. My dad is really tall and being the shorty that I am this shirt covers most of what needs to be covered. I didn't were any shorts because let's be honest I'm not a fan of clothes so wearing that to sleep is a little uncomfortable. I only wear this to sleep because there are a lot of boys in this house and something could happen at anytime and one of those idiots would start looking.

Gosh this is embarrassing and to think I'm I was going all wet think about just a kiss. I need this boy badly.

I need him tonight. I'm not the one who told him to start what he couldn't finish.

While he sat down back to continue he's movie in nothing but shorts which I'm very sure that was the only thing between him and his nakedness I couldn't take it that a body like that and a guy this good didn't want me and I wanted him. Well tonight it's not going to be that way. He just woke up a sleeping tigeress.

As he sat down and got comfortable I got up from my position and straddled him positioning my clit against his hard groin. Just the feel of his hard alone encouraged me to keep on going.

I kissed him.

I kissed him hard and it felt good. I grabbed the sides of his face kissing his soft juicy lips. Just feeling how plump it was addicting. I needed this.

It took him a split second to actually comprehend what was going on but as soon as he did his hands slid right to my waist bringing me closer to him.

Gosh this felt good. It felt right.

The way he responded to the kiss made me go crazy he didn't go too hard neither was he too soft. My hands went to his neck as I deepened the kiss I dragged his hair back a bit while kissing him which earned me a groan from him which was making me crazy.

With his head raised up I started trailing kisses down at his neck. Bringing out little groans from him and by the looks of it he wanted a bit more to. When I was done with his neck I went back to his face again and started another kiss to his lips he brought his tongue to play and I decided to start a tease on my own. I shut my mouth to prevent an entrance.

Nathan slides his hands under my shirt his hand goes up to my nipple.

He pinches them a little which causes me to gasp at the sensation of his touch on me. At the opportunity he passes his tongue through my mouth.

Our tongues started it's battle almost instantly. This is good. This is intoxicating and addicting. I want more, I want to touch more.

His index finger and thumb starts massaging my nipple which causes me to moan.

He leaves my mouth and trails his kisses on my neck while taking his other hand directly to my clit. He gets to my soft spot just below my collarbone and starts sucking and licking it leaving countless moans uncontrollably escaping my mouth. I've never felt this good in my life. Not even the first time of me having sex beats this feeling. This is just to un real. His finger reaches my pussy. I was expecting him to just drop his finger in there but instead he was just massaging the surface without putting anything inside. Anticipation was killing me this felt so good.

So fucking good.

He puts a thumb inside.

"Nathan. Fuck." Moaning louder than before. He took his time with his thumb inside me doing wonders I couldn't believe this. My moans where getting so loud he had to start kissing me to lessen the noise but this literally did nothing as I was losing all my self control at the moment.

The moment I went for his underwear.

The door bell rings.

Author's Note

Guys this is another great chapter for you horny bastards that was looking for fun in the chapter Cassandra. You have it now but I'm not going to go all the way. Maybe in my next book. Expect a few chapter's from a new book after this story.

Guys I also feel like I want to change the title of the book to twist or something like that what do you think.

Who do think interrupted the fancy make out session of Nathan and Ava? Where do you think Karen and Gabriel are? Why was Nathan distant and overprotective of Sandra? Now that Cass and Sandra have fallen for Colton and Mason what happens to them when the boys die?

Find out in the next chapter. Read, vote and comment. Wiz out fellas.