

Double_Impulsive · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


"Who is?"

"Well, I don't know her name."

"Well, you're not helpful at all, suspicious."

"Don't call me that, I'm just a traveler."

"A traveler who is looking for someone but doesn't know the name? Quite suspicious, hahahaha!"

"I only saw her once. I was getting beaten up by two people, you know those movies where the hero saves the heroine? And then fall in love? The roles were reversed, she saved me! I asked her name but... She left without even looking at my face!"

"What the shit are you talking about? And what the hell is a movie?"

"I've been to about ten cities, but I haven't found her to thank her."

"Man, then you're what they call..."



What the fuck is this? He do not know about "movies" but he knows the slang "simp." I don't know if it's a parallel universe or an alternate reality.

"Well, think whatever you want. My dream is to find that woman."

"Okay, simp. Tell me at least her description."

"Well, I don't know much, but I remember a bit. Her eyes were slanted, blue, very blue, fair skin, black hair that reached her waist, and I believe she's a follower of Storm."

'He still says he knows little...'

"Okay, based on the description, I have an idea of who it might be, but there's something not right."


"The person that comes to mind would never, NEVER risk their life for someone else."

Well, I also think the lightning woman wouldn't do that. What a poorly crafted story of mine.

"Who is?"

The bastard didn't answer, he just reached out his hand.

"How much?"


"That's why your life doesn't improve, exploiting others."

"Don't judge someone who just wants to live comfortably with his wife and daughter."

"You must really love your wife, especially your daughter."

"They are my reason for living."

That's the only good thing about him.

"Here. Now tell me."

"Her name is Marie, I believe she's around 20 or 21 years old. She spends most of her time training, which is why you can find her on that mountain."

I looked at the "Mountain." If Mount Everest is approximately 8,000 m, this mountain is twice as high. How the hell does anyone climb up there?

"That mountain is practically uninhabited, hardly anyone goes there. That's why she trains there."


Once again, the bastard extended his hand.

"You're scum. How much?"


"What? Why more than before?"

"This is a very, very important information."


"Well, do you know the 'cursed'?"

"Who doesn't?"

"Well, after him, the most avoided person is her, at least here in town."


"When she was 6 years old, a tragedy occurred... Her mother frequently beat her father. Her mother married her father and quickly regretted it. When they were about to separate... she got pregnant."

Then they didn't separate? Well, at least they cared about their child."

"Are you some kind of idiot? She didn't separate because she couldn't."


"Why are you so surprised? Don't you know the rule?"


"You're nothing but an SIMP ignorant."

Son of a bitch! Am I to blame for being from another world? Son of a bitch! If i had power, I would have killed you already! Son of a bitch!

Despite being angry and wanting to kill this guy so badly, I forced myself to make an "ignorant" expression.

"Sorry, I've spent a lot of time in the mountains, I don't know much about the world."

"Even more suspicious. Well, about the rule... When you have a child after marriage, you can't separate."

What kind of crazy rule is that?

"So, since your mother couldn't separate, she had to stay married. She blamed her daughter for this 'misfortune' in her life, she would constantly beat her father, and he, on the other side, never fought back."


"But there was one exception, as time went on, the mother started to hit at daughter. It was only at that moment that your father fought back, but since he wasn't a match... They both suffered."

"Wow, no one does anything?"

"People only act in extreme cases, adult fights are normal,people unite only when for example: Violence against children, or murder without motive. Your mother was clever. After beating, she would buy herbs. So, there was never any evidence of injuries. And no one knew about it until the day it happened. Your father was a COWARD, he never said anything for fear of his wife."

Who are you to talk? Hardly even walked in a Tropical forest, coward is your surname.

Leaving it aside... Simply put, there are no "police" here like on Earth, just certain groups who join against injustice. An example, the real Milts, central and other people supported the living boy.

"But one day, your mother went too far... and ended up killing your father."


"It was at that moment that Marie awakened her innate power. No other follower has ever done what she did."

"What did she do?"

"No Storm follower has achieved the FEAT of making it rain. Storm followers can use lightning if it's already raining, but she not only made it rain suddenly, but as soon as her power awakened, lightning started striking for over an hour!"


"Everyone in the town came out of their houses, while others cowered in fear! Those who went to witness such an event were amazed. The lightnings was only striking one house!"

What? Lightnings doesn't strike the same place so many times!

"After that moment of terror, everyone gathered at the house that was struck by so many lightning. When they arrived, everyone was shocked. All the lightning strikes were directed at her mother. The only part that remained was her heart, which unbelievably... was still BEATING!"


What a beautiful scene!

"Witnessing such a scene was like a sign. Her heart beating was a sign. Not from her mother, but from the Venerated 'Storm.' He helped that child, and the number of lightning strikes was like a retribution for every slap the girl received. However, others believe it was simply her awakening."

"Oh. But how do know so many details?"

"Marie herself told for all."

Oh, she's been straightforward since childhood.

"Why is she avoided?"

"Because many fear her. She killed her own mother. It's not uncommon for family members to end up killing each other, but killing one's own mother is rare. And many people didn't approach her out of fear of the same fate. However, like the 'cursed,' some sympathize with her."

"Oh. That's why she trains in secluded places."


"Well, I'm going."


How hell am I going to move up this mountain?