
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

life's problems

Back in the ally, Angus was trying to talk his way out of the situation he was in. "Hey guys, can't we talk this out? I didn't know she was the heir of the Russian mafia. Believe me, if I knew that I would have never talked to her."

It turned out that the bartender that Angus was talking to was the heiress of the Russian mafia and her name was Anna. They talked for a while, technically mostly Anna teased Angus while he was getting embarrassed. After a good hour of talking she left, but not without kissing him on the cheek.

When he left the club he was surrounded by the men of her father who ordered them to teach him a lesson. When he asked why they are doing this they told him the reason and he couldn't help but feel like he was set up.

Angus was trying to relax and keep a low profile while he was here, but now his plan has been ruined.

"We don't care about your excuses. All you need to know is that the boss doesn't like anyone, especially a boy to be near the princess. You will have to pay for your mistakes now." One of the bigger men surrounding him said before they all started charging him.

"Damn my luck. Why can't I just get a break for once?" Angus cursed under his breath before releasing some gases.

He used a sleeping gas to finish the fight as fast as he could and to train his quirk. He decided that while he is in Russia he will fight using his smell quirk as much as he can.

The smell can only go a few meters away from him, so he has to still do close get close to his targets for it to work.

He noticed that none of the people were using their quirks, and he started to wonder why. He gave up that train of thought when some of them got close.

A fist came towards his head, he ducked and swung his open hand towards the attacker and increased the smell coming from him just on his hand to create a small cloud that knocked out the attacker and the person beside him. He ran between the dropping bodies and sent a kick toward the people behind them releasing another wave of gas, but this time it made two people start coughing.

Using the distraction to kick one into the other he made his way through the group. Sometimes using knockout gas, sometimes making them distracted with different types of gas before throwing or kicking them into others.

It took him ten minutes before he finished the fight. He high-tailed it out of there before more of them came, making his way back to the hotel. What he didn't know was that Anna suddenly appeared in the middle of all the bodies and looked at him with curiosity in her eyes before disappearing again.