
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs


It has been about 10 minutes since I finished the first fight. I took down two others in that time. They were weaker than the troll dude. The person who fought three people, in the beginning, was avoided by the other fighters. He is just sitting down in the corner and meditating. There is about 10 people left in the arena beside me and the other dude.

As I was about to engage in another fight, I felt a treating presence by my side. Jumping back a few feet. I turned and saw the man who was sitting across the arena a few seconds ago just standing there. He was looking at me as if he was trying to judge me.

"You are the second strongest here below me. You are the only person here who might pose a challenge to me. I am about to attack, please prepare. I hope you can meet my expectations." The man said in a deep voice that sounded like a low growl of a bear.

'I can feel the pressure that he is giving off. I can't be relaxed when fighting him. He is on a whole different level compared to the man I first fought. '

Getting in a beginner's kendo stance, my body tensed up to prepare for the fight I was about to face. The man took notice that I was done preparing and got into a stance that looked like he was relaxed. Before I could charge forwards to fight the man disappeared from my sight. He reappeared right next to me and kicked me. The kick sent me flying across the arena and into the wall.

Crashing into the wall creating a lot of dust. I stood up but I can not see anything. My ribs hurt as if they are cracked, and I am barely standing. I can at most take two more hits like those before I pass out. Before the dust cleared the man once again appeared on my side and sent me flying again. I got up quicker than last time, but I can only take one more direct hit to my side.

Expecting the man to appear again I used my sword to block his strike. When his leg and my sword connected, I was sent flying again, but this time I didn't crash into a wall and stopped halfway across the arena. When I looked at my sword, I realized that his kick snapped the sword in half.

Tossing what was left of my sword, I got ready for his next attack. I need to unlock Observation Haki if I want to win this fight. He is too fast for my eyes to keep up. The dust cleared and the man was seen smiling. He had a huge grin that was going from ear to ear.

He started to laugh. "You actually blocked my attack! I don't know if it was luck or skill, but all I know is that you might be worth the fight. I hope you can continue to impress me. I am about to continue to attack. Get ready."

Knowing that my only chance at winning was Haki, I closed my eyes and focused on my other senses. I stopped thinking about the fight and about winning and put my whole focus on my senses. At first, I didn't notice a difference in just hearing the sound around me, but soon I started to feel something different. It was as if the whole world slowed down. I felt as if something was about to hit my right rids, so I took a jump back. When I opened my eyes to see what happened, I saw the man standing where I just was with his leg extended and he had a huge smile on his face.

"It seems that it was not just luck that you used. Let the real fight begin!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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