
MHA: Roronoa Zoro Reborn

Roronoa Zoro dies, but instead of going to heaven or hell, he loses his orientation and ends up in the reincarnation chambers. Only predetermined souls get the chance of another life at the reincarnation chambers, so Zoro's appearance causes the automated system to fail and reincarnate him into a body that already carries a soul. -One body 2 minds. Zoro doesn't have his memories, only his ambitions and personality remain. No Harem. No getting One For All. Main Story changes.- -Whoever guesses who I based Zoro's and Ryoto's relationship on gets to create an oc- - Don't own the cover nor the story- 

sargen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs


[Guessing game is over! The answer was Johnny Silverhand and V from Cyberpunk 2077. Thank you for your guesses, I hope you will continue to stick around! The second, and probably last, OC is Ryuji Sakamoto who is placed into class 1B, replacing the American horse chick.]


The second school day after the small break, 1A's classroom door was blocked by students from the same year.

"They're probably here to size up the competition," Bakugo said, walking towards the exit uncaringly.

Ryoto, who looked less energetic than usual, walked to the exit as well, letting Bakugo do the talking.

"So this is the famous Hero-course, huh? I am disappointed," a purple-haired guy that looked too much like Aizawa provoked. "Did you know that those who failed at the entrance exam are given the chance to get into the Hero-course at the sports festival? That should also apply in reverse, meaning that you, who will deliver a bad performance, will get switched out for a better candidate. Don't get too comfortable, you might just fall onto you faces. Meaning, this is a declaration of war."

"Who," Bakugo asked.

"Those who-," the purple-haired kid was interrupted.

"Who asked? It's not like I give a shit. I don't care unless you stand in front of me. So move it, extras," Bakugo said as he shoved away the students, creating a path for himself.

Seeing Ryoto follow behind Bakugo, the purple-haired kid decided to stop him by grabbing onto his shoulder.

"Hey! Stop it r-," the purple-Haired kid was interrupted once again.

As soon as he grabbed onto Ryoto's shoulder, a warm stinging sensation followed, travelling up his arm and informing the purple-haired kid about the injury he had received.

Letting go of his hand quickly, the purple-haired kid stared in shock as he looked at his bleeding palm. Though the wound wasn't deep, the surprise was.

"What is your name," Ryoto asked.

"Shi- Shinso Hitoshi," he answered, applying pressure onto his still-bleeding hand.

Those wo observed Ryoto saw that he looked very nonchalant with no visible emotion on his face. Anger or arrogance were thought to be seen, but Ryoto's facial expression did not change at all.

"Shinzo Hitoshi, there are many things a human should not touch. A poisonous frog, boiling water, and the most important of all, a blade's edge. This will be considered an accident, caused by yours truly, as I am a mutant type Quirk user. Now, let me go through, or I might bump into you," Ryoto said, putting a drop of fear into the hearts of the failed examinees.

Ryoto was let through with enough space that even a bus could go through. "My classmates are my blades, I advise you not to touch them as well. You might lose your fingers the second time around," Ryoto said with his back turned to them.


At the lunch line, Ryoto did not see Lunch Rush handing out the food, but a simple student with black, slightly spiky hair with sharp facial features and slightly angled eyebrows. He was also as tall as Ryoto, around 5 feet and 11 inches.

"Where is Rush," Zoro asked, deciding to eat or not eat based on his answer.

"I am Ryuji Sakamoto from class 1B, and I am Lunch Rush's replacement for today, and his assistant in the future," he answered, introducing himself.

"Got any high carb and high protein food? I liked how Rush Could cooked whatever with his Quirk, I hope you can do the same," Ryoto asked.

"I know just the thing to cook. Because you seem like a good guy, I will do you the honor of cooking you a personal meal. It will be ready in no time. But you will need to eat with me," Ryuji said, surprising Ryoto.

"I will be sitting back there," Ryoto pointed, stepping away after Ryuji nodded.

Ryoto then watched Ryuji from afar, intrigued on how the replacement handed out the foods most students wanted. And once a girl showed up for her share of lunch, Ryuji's eyes widened as he seemingly confessed his love to the girl.

"EW," the girl yelled, disappointing Ryoto greatly.

'Of course he had to be a pervert, didn't he...? So elegant and well-spoken when it comes to his usual self, but once women near him...,' Ryoto thought. 'Just like the cook from Zoro's memories.'

After 15 minutes, the lunch line was over and Ryuji prepared to make the food that Ryoto requested.

Seeing his hands gracefully bless the kitchen with his movements, Ryoto was now sure that the food he was preparing would rival Lunch Rush's.

"Here you go, bon appétit," Ryuji served, sitting down as well.

"Looks good, I appreciate it. Is there a reason you decided to cook especially for me," Ryoto asked.

"No, I just saw you sit with a beautiful lady, so I thought I would just POISON you so I can be with her," Ryuji revealed.

Just as Ryoto was about to spit out the food inside his mouth, Ryuji stooped him. "I was just kidding. No way in hell I would ever put poison inside my food, Mister Unknown."

"Ah! The name is Ryoto Matsuda," Ryoto replied after Ryuji made it clear that he did not know his name.

"No, the real reason is because of your incident. I saw what happened to you, so I might've felt bad for what happened to you. Being treated harshly by one's family is something I had to experience, too. That's why I joined U.A," Ryuji explained.

"Oh, yeah? Do you mind elaborating?"

"My family has a long history of culinary excellence, serving the Heroes, the wealthy and the politicians of this country. The Yaoyorozu girl from your class should know about my family, they hired my family for one of their parties. I said I did not want to cook for a living because my Quirk was destined to do greater. I want to become the strongest cook in the world, serving my dishes to my fellow Heroes as a sign of my respect."

"That's sounds nice. I guess I will see you in the sports festival then," Ryoto said, eating the last piece on his plate.

"Yes. Once on the battle field, I will show no good will, just so you know," Ryuji threatened.

"You can only handle mere kitchen knifes, a sword will do great against you," Ryoto threatened as well, standing up and leaving.


'Miho, it's me Ryoto. Let's fight today. Come to my place, I have a lot of room here,' Ryoto wrote a message and sent Miho his address.

'On my way,' was her response.

An hour later, Miho was in Musutafu, walking to Ryoto's place, carrying two cloth bags with a bamboo sword and a real Katana inside.


"Welcome, keep your shoes on. We will be going into the basement," Ryoto said, leading the way.

"Nice place, though it's missing a woman's touch," Miho said, unaware of Ryoto's family matters.

"It does, sadly. No mom, no dad. A guy does the bare minimum once he lives alone. I am also too focused on my training to do that shit anyway," Ryoto revealed.

"Let's get this done then."

Seeing Miho pull out a bamboo sword, Ryoto did the same. They then took their stances a few feet away from each other.

Miho's guard seemed impregnable as she held the sword in front of her, the tip facing slightly above Ryoto's head. Ryoto, on the other hand, stood with many holes inside his stance.

"Quirks allowed, obviously. No lethal or handicapping moves," Ryoto made the rules clear.

"Here I come," Miho stated. "I intent to beat you."

Without Miho even moving, something invisible moved towards Ryoto's face. Only because of the breath that he felt around him was he able to see the air pressure change because of a humanoid figure that was invisible to the naked eye.

Stepping back in surprise, he smirked at Miho. Miho, on the other hand, lost her smirk, confused as to how he was able to dodge her move.

'I think I already know what her Quirk is. I will just use this to train my awareness.

Ryoto then swung his wooden sword at nothing, creating air slashes whose sharpness did not exceed that of a butter knife's.


Small cuts appeared on Miho's bamboo sword. She knew the basics of Ryoto's ability, but that was it. She was just surprised to see him create wind-slashes.

"Let's get more serious now," she said, getting a nod from Ryoto right after.

In her black tracksuit, armed with a bamboo sword, Miho looked especially amused. She was having the time of her life while fighting another swordsman.

Slowly, the speed of Miho's invisible attacks quickened, and so did Ryoto's timing in which he slashed the air towards Miho, never doing more than that for more than 5 minutes.

Once the first beads of sweat formed on her head, Ryoto decided to speak while blocking her invisible attacks. To the inexperienced eye, their Quirks were very similar. Both created cuts without the need to slash the opponent directly. Even the effort they put in was the same with their attacks.

"I think it's time for a small break, don't you think," Ryoto asked, smirking and itching to reveal his trump card.

"HELL NO," Miho responded in such a tone that her excitement was hearable.

"Hell yes," Ryoto replied. "Soul Reap!"

Suddenly, the cuts that Ryoto had created on Miho's bamboo sword enlarged and damaged it so much that it broke into dozens of pieces.


"I didn't know that I could do that just a day ago. Once my sharpness cuts something with less than its max, I can increase the sharpness and cut more," Zoro explained his new technique.

"Those are expensive," Miho said, impressed.

"So, if you think about doing an action, it is done by your Quirk," Ryoto asked.

"Yes. An easy example, if I think about grabbing that water bottle," Miho showcased, "my Quirk will do the action. The limit is four intentions at a time and doing things that are at least 1.5 stronger than I am. If I can carry 150 pounds, my Quirk can carry 225 pounds. Body my body will feel as if it had done the action. There are certain limits I cannot exceed or I would kills myself."

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