
MHA: Ratho

You know about Ben 10, right? Then you would know the alien with muscle-over-brains mindset Rath, right? Then you would also know the alien who is not very good at "executing" his ideas Ditto, right? So, what if a person gets the powers of Ditto and Rath, with all the powers from both the aliens and also weakness from both aliens. Let's see what happens when a person with the power to multiply with the muscle over brains mindset is in the world where 80% of the people have the superpower.

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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Kaina

{Ryō Kurokiba, Age: 15}

"See ya tomorrow, Ryō!" A boy shouted towards Ryō who was slowly walking out of the class.

Ryō just waved his hand without looking back as he already knew who was bidding him goodbye.

While walking towards the bus stop he started to think 'Is today my day for cooking or is it dad's?'

"OUT OF THE WAY!" A man who had a bag secured in his hands shouted at the top of his lungs while escaping the police that were chasing after him.

Ryō moved out of the way as the man wanted as he didn't want to get involved with anything related to heroes and villains right now.

The man eyed Ryō but he didn't do anything and kept going. One of the police who were chasing after the man asked Ryō as he passed by him "Why didn't you stop him?"

Ryō raised an eyebrow and thought to himself 'If anyone interfered and used their quirk they would be charged with illegal use of quirk in public. Who would help in this kind of situation?'

Sitting down on the seat at the bus stop he waited for the bus. A couple of minutes later, the police and the guy with the bag were walking back from the direction that they ran in, with the man in handcuffs and monitored by a hero who looked flamboyant enough.

As the group passes by, the man with then bag observed Ryō in detail, and sensing that look Ryō thought to himself 'What the fuck is that guy's problem?'

He didn't get to think more about it as the bus towards his home came, getting on the bus he erased any thoughts of the guy and took out a notebook and a pen from his bag.

Sitting on the seat comfortably, Ryō started to write down something. He was doing it with utmost concentration, so no one wanted to disturb him from whatever work he was doing.

Closing the book, which had the label 'Recipes', he put it back into his bag and got ready to get off of the bus as the next stop was his.

As he was walking to his home in a leisurely manner, he started to think 'Mmm I should add some more chili powder in the chicken so that the spiciness would increase a bit more than now.'

He was brought out of his musings as his mother's voice was heard "So how's my little chef doing?"

Looking at his mother, Ryō said "Nothing mom, just thinking about mixing up the recipe."

"Mmm that is good and all, but don't think about it while you're walking, you could fall or bump into another person." Hiyori said with concern present in her voice.

"I won't mom. But you have to be careful too, you know? Next month is the delivery date." Ryō said to his mother.

Hiyori smiled and creased her belly, which contained an eight month old baby, and said "Are you worried about your little sister?"

"Yeah I am. I am her big brother, so it's my duty to look after her." Ryō told her as he got inside the house.

"See honey, our son is all grown up now." Hiyori told Yaro as she sat down next to him.

"I can see that." Then looking at Ryō he asked "Is Kaina coming here this weekend?"

"Yeah, I have invited her for dinner. She said that she will come." Ryō replied.

"Mmmm. So you're going to cook for us then?" Hiyori asked her son.

"That's the plan." Ryō replied with a smile.


"You know, I didn't expect you to invite me to a family dinner." Kaina told Ryō as they were walking towards Ryō's house.

Smiling, Ryō said "If I don't invite you, then whom should I invite?"

"I don't know, new friends maybe." Kaina replied while turning her head away from Ryō.

Chuckling at her, he said "You know, my mom's due date is next month. I'll be a big brother then."

"That means I'll be a big sister right?" Kaina asked with a little bit of uneasiness.

Shaking his head Ryō said "You told me to wait until you graduate from U.A. and become a Pro Hero, not a sidekick, but the real deal."

"I did say that. But that doesn't mean I can't be a big sis." Kaina said in frustration.

Sighing, he got in front of Kaina and said "Kai, I promised you that I'll wait. So you have to wait too."

Kaina lowered her head. She didn't know what to say to that as she was the one who stopped him from confessing to her.

"Or, you can be my girlfriend and I will wait until you become a pro so that I can marry you." Ryō said with a straight face.

She looked up to his face and blinked a couple of times and asked "What did you say?"

"I said, we can be lover's now, and after you become a pro we can marry." Ryō said again without missing a beat.

And hearing that clearly, tears started to flow from her eyes, as she was at loss for words.

Shaking her head, she hugged him tightly and said "Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank you."

Running his hands through her hair, Ryo asked "If you liked being my girlfriend, why didn't you allow me to confess on graduation?"

Kaina fell into silence for some time. Not even her sobbing was heard, as she was contemplating if she should tell him or not.

Then, taking a deep breath, she said "I'll tell you the reason at your home."

"Fair enough." Ryo said, knowing well that his mother also wanted to know what it was about, as for his father, he didn't mind and said something along the lines 'There might be private matters, she would inform you at the right time.'

The rest of the walk to the Kurokiba house was in silence.

Opening the door, Ryo announced "I'm home."

"Welcome home. And welcome to our home, Kaina-chan." Hiyori said looking at both teenagers, then she spotted tear stains on Kaina's face, so she looked at her son and asked "Ryo, why was she crying?"

"Mmm? Ah! I proposed to her and she was happy with that." Before he finished, Hiyori had embraced Kaina softly and whispered into Kaina's ear "Welcome to the family, Kaina-chan."

Hearing that, Kaina's face went red with embarrassment, but she squealed out "Thank you."

"Now, what are we standing here for? Let's go to the dining area." Saying that, Hiyori led Kaina by hand towards the dining area where Yato was seated at the head of the table.

On the table there were multiple dishes, ranging from tempura to fried rice.

Seeing that, Kaina's eyes went wide and asked "Do you guys eat this much on a daily basis?"

"Oh, not at all. But we would need three quarters of it as Ryo and my husband are always hungry." Hiyori said.

""We are not!"" Yato and Ryo fired back in an instant.

When Kaina heard Hiyori saying no, she was going to sigh in relief, but after hearing the rest she was dumbfounded and looked at Hiyori with a worried look.

Looking at the dumbfounded Kaina, Hiyori said "You don't have to worry. I only cooked until Ryo graduated middle school. After that he and his clones took over the kitchen and the house chores."

Kaina nodded in realization, then looking at her boyfriend she smiled a bit.

"Itadakimasu." With that the four of them started their dinner. Some small talks were done about the hero villain dynamics in the current world, and how both teenagers high school life was moving forward.

After dinner, everyone was seated at the visiting hall hearing out what Kaina had to tell them.

As she finished, Ryo asked "So you're saying that the Hero Public Safety Commission approached you to work for them after seeing your performance in the entrance exam at U.A.?"

"Yes. That's what they told me." Kaina replied.

"Basically, they want you to work directly under them, or to be precise directly under the chairman of HPSC?" Ryo asked again.


Getting that reply, Ryo started to think.

Yato and Hiyori didn't say anything as this is between their son and Kaina, and they know that their son is a sensible person.

After thinking for a couple of minutes, Ryo said "If you think that this is the path suitable for you then you should take it, I will support you through everything."

As soon as he finished saying that, he was enveloped into a warm hug by Kaina who had jumped straight into his lap, not minding his parents who were watching both of them intently.