
MHA Quirk: Calling Critters

Nothing much just a fanfic AU where midoria has a quirk however his quirk is that he could summon and revive the dead smiling critters from poppy playtime. First time writing this fanfic so hope you got some advice for me to improve my writing and do not read my second fanfic I publish. ( kinda regret writing mha: magical bulleta ) List of things that are in my fanfic. - Obviously no harem ( No offense I'm a bit sick of harem's. It's fine if the harem from a novel or fanfic is a bit unique and has good character's to root for. it's not fine if the harem is the same generic one's I read that treats woman like objects and fuck toys that the mc are oblivious too notice ) - No systems ( Don't get me wrong I like reading good systems it's just they kinda steal the fun in writing for me since if a character wanted answers the systems just give it to them without that character commiting much action to get it than just speaking it or typing it in there minds ) - Added power's ( I made sure that the smiling critters will have an edge when they transmigrate in mha. Cuteness ain't the only weapon they'll have )

Jingle303 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Chapter 47: Training with Usagi

The bus stop's at a highway, surrounded by thick layers of trees. The bus opened it's door for Izuku to leave as he fixes his backpack before walking a few inches away from the bus.

The bus the drive's away. Leaving Izuku while he took a good look at the forest. He then turns to Usagi who was sitting right next to his shoulder, holding his phone as he ask " um.... Are you sure you can navigate us in and out of the forest? "

" Seriously Izuku just trust me. I have good navigation skills so stop worrying too much "

" I don't remember you being good at direction? "

Dogday interrupted. Sitting inside Izuku's half-opened backpack alongside Catnap. Usagy just lean back and flip Izuku's phone casually as she answered.

" Listen there are a few things you don't know about me and handling direction's is one of them, besides do you REALLY want Catnap to hold the phone? "

" Uh well.... Okay I kinda see your point "

" The fuck does that mean!? "

" Guys guys please, can we at least stop arguing with each other and just be nice for once "

Izuku spoke, stopping the tension between Usagi and Catnap. The two just look at each other menacingly before turning there head's away from each, only leaving a few grunt's and sigh's.

Seeing that the two finally calm down Izuku ask Usagi again for the direction, leading them through the forest.

It was a long walk but nonetheless the four did enjoy just looking around the forest scenery. Taking in nature's fresh air as a little break from Izuku's school.

There's only two weeks left for the sports festival as he thought of assessing Usagi's quirk more thoroughly. He didn't get the chance to test Usagi's speed quirk since he didn't want to stress her. But after talking to her she does agree to practice her quirk.

Searchinh for this forest location since it's wide and has enough obstacles for her to use.

He couldn't help but to be excited for this moment as he wanted to examine Usagi since he really wanted to add her quirk to his journal. It took an hour long walk but they manage to reach a small hill clearing. With a large tree that creates a shrouding shadow.

He walks to the hill clearing. Putting his bag down as Catnap and Dogday helped him set up the picnic blanket. With everything done Usagi leaves from his shoulder, her body quickly unfolds itself with it's fabric. Covering her until she transform into her monster form.

Landing on the thick grass, she stretch her oddly animatronic arms and mechanical leg's. Grunting while releaving her body.

" Hmm.... you know this body doesn't feel bad "

" So you don't feel like your legs hurt? "

" Nope! Not at all. having a good rest cure's it I guess.... So how should we start this training thing "

" Okay so I've been thinking all night for this and I thought of testing your endurance "

" My endurance, were not testing my speed? "

" Oh no we're going to test your speed later. It's just that I remembered that the state of your quirk seems to take a lot of you when you were protecting me from the Nomu so I need to know how long you can last. "

" Well since you know a lot if this quirk stuff I guess I can agree, so how should we do this? "

" Well for now let's try exhuesting you by running around the forest. Dogday and I will be like your weights while I'll time how long will you last "

" I'm up for it as long as Catnap doesn't touch me "

" Oh fuck you "

Catnap curse, causing Usagi to lift two middle fingers in response. Izuku let them for now as he walks to get his phone and Dogday. Izuku climb's at Usagi's back as Dogday transform to his monster form.

Usagi was having a little trouble holding Dogday's weight since he's a bit taller than her. Catnap noticed Usagi's struggle. Causing him to take out a bag chips from Izuku's backpack as he leans back and watch.

" Are you okay down there? "

" Well a little but yup I'm okay " She said while she maintained her balance. Pressing her feet hard on the ground. She bend's almost instintively, readying herself to run.

The mechanical parts on her ankle, thigh and calf's started to spin. Slowly getting faster until she bend's a little lower to the ground before jumping fifteen feet away from her location that cause the ground to crack and a debree to form.

Both Izuku and Dogday held her back tightly. Not wanting to fall off as she was too fast. She kept changing direction. Often using the trees to make every turn. Izuku barely even started the timer quickly open his phone and begin's to set it.

Holding his phone tightly in fear if it would ever fall from his hands. The three sprint around the forest. Even going as far as to cover just a huge portion of it. Usagi wanted to go faster but because of how heavy Dogday is it kinda limited her a bit.

It felt like a blur. As only a piece of there silhouette was only spotted in just a few seconds for a regular observer. She began to widen her range, going as far as to cover half of the forest in just a few minutes.

Running with no regards of her exhuestion until she started to feel an ache on her ankle. It felt uncomfortable but she continue'd nonetheless. Running until the ache quickly turns into pain.

She felt her legs writhing in pain, making it difficult for her to even run as she slowed down for a moment. Arriving to a nearby boulder before she lean her hands to the surface to stop.

Izuku stopped the timer. Reviewing his phone and saw she lasted 3 minutes and 24 second's. He was about to inform Usagi until he noticed that the gap's on her mechanical leg's were slowly dripping in blood.

Dogday noticed as well, as the two quickly jump off from Usagi's back.

" U-usagi your legs! "

" Huh what about my- oh my god. "

Usagi noticed, seeing her legs injured she quickly transform back to her plushie form. Soon her legs were fine but when she quickly transform back to her monster form, her leg's were still mess.

" Shit it's not healing back. "

" Um s-should we call this off? "

Izuku ask. Worried about Usagi's safety. Usagi thought for a moment. Sitting down after which she observe's her injured legs. Looks like she does have a time limit to how long she's able to use her quirk. Though the backflash was a bit unsetling she knows that this isn't her full limit. The pain doesn't feel that bad compared to her fight from the Nomu and even then she was still able to hold her ground.

Was it truly a time limit? Or was it something else. Usagi thought. Getting a headache by just thinking about her quirks limit, she just stood up and said " No. I think I can still go on "

" But your legs. "

" It's nothing to worry about. Beside it doesn't feel that bad "

Usagi said. Flexing her legs despite how uncomfortable it feels. Izuku couldn't help but to be worried. Not knowing if he should take Usagi's suggestion or not. He looks at Dogday who was just at the sidelines watching, Dogday noticed as he look back at Izuku and replied " Look if she said she's fine then so be it. Besides she's the only one who can bring us back to were we started "

" Um.... I guess, well then I think we should restart. I didn't get to successfully set the timer so this is pretty invalid. "

" Sure I got you "

The two hop on Usagi's back to head back to the picnic spot. To make sure she doesn't struggle much Dogday transform's to her plushie form toake things easier for her. It took a few of minutes until they manage to arrive at the spot.

Catnap spotted them, enjoying his unbothered relaxation as he said to them " Back already? Damn Usagi you look like shit "

" Yeah yeah whatever, nobody cares Catnap "

Catnap didn't mind the insult as his satisfied at finding out Usagi's injured state. He moves over for them to have a spot at the picnic blanket by extending his tail so he could use it as a hammock, taking out a few sandwiches in the process.

The three lay down on the picnic blanket, taking out a few snacks to have lunch.

The four didn't mind their own company. Enjoying the view and the environment of the forest. It did took a couple of hour's for Usagi's legs to heal a bit until she decided to practice again.

Though Izuku was against it, Usagi did managed to convinced him to agree with her.

This time Izuku correctly set the timer, Setting it at the start of her run.

She maintained her exact quick paste. Running around their near there picnic area just incase if she felt her limit.

Slowly quickening her speed to the point that their figure's were blurred. This went on until she felt an unbearable amount of pain that she quickly change direction to go back to there picnic area.

Stopping just close to there picnic blanket as Izuku stop the timer.

" 5 minutes and 13 second's "

" Ugh.... Fuck this hurts..... "

" Um.... Well I think we'll stop at endurance. "

Usagi didn't want to reply as she quickly transform back to her plushie form so that she wouldn't feel the pain from her legs. Seeing her transformation Izuku and Dogday decided to let her rest for a while.

Carrying Usagi as the two walk to the picnic blanket. Their going to have a lot of break's from their training due to Usagi's limitations, running and resting while Izuku trie's to think of a more efficient way to train her without much rest.

Catnap was having the time of his life. Relaxing while watching Usagi suffer. He couldn't help but to form a smug on his face watching her all tired and defeated. Feeling as if karma finally came to bite Usagi on the back for the humiliation she gave Catnap back in UA.

Either way it was an unusual leg day at the forest.