

We're currently on our way to school from, the newly named, "hideout." After finalizing the plan and preparing our costumes for easy access once Chiyo warps us.

We also did some scouting of U.S.J yesterday night so Chiyo could have the place locked into her slots.

Our plan is along the lines of, Chiyo teleports us there, I engage with the Nomu since I have the most offensive capabilities. While Hitoshi's Quirk is strong the Nomu is effectively braindead so his Quirk wouldn't work on it.

While I'm fighting the Nomu, Hitoshi and Chiyo will attack Tomura. Subduing him isn't the goal since All For One is guaranteed to break him out soon after he is put there. Our main two goals are to make a name for ourselves through our cameras, which is perfect since there will be a lot of controversy after this event. And acquire some Nomu DNA. I want to use Matter Manipulation on it to see if it can replicate the shock absorption into our costumes.

Though our costumes are made of the hardest materials available which I then softened to be woven into the material. The extra protection that shock absorption would provide is hard to pass up. I'm sure it, sadly, wouldn't be able to take All Might level hits though.

"How are you guys feeling? We are doing something pretty big after all. Any concerns?" I say breaking the comfortable silence.

"Honestly it feels surreal. We talked about doing this ten months ago and now we're actually here." Replied Hitoshi

"Just make sure you don't freeze up. We can't have you dying on us now." Chiyo says to him.

"I plan on outliving all of you."

After having a short laugh I check my phone.

"We're gonna be late! We gotta pick up the pace."

The three of us start booking it to school.


After a scolding from our homeroom teacher and an informative class on how to keep strong business relationships. Which we all took notes on.

We went through all our subjects until the school day was finished.

Immediately after we went to a secluded area and had Chiyo warp us to the hideout

"We're lucky she let us out early or else we would've had to make some weird excuse," Shinso says while putting on his costume.

"Don't forget the fact that Heroics is the last course of the day as well," I responded, fixing my tie.

"Do you really have to make it look perfect? It's just going to get messed up while fighting you know." He skeptically asks

Putting on my smiley mask I reply, "I know, but I have it look presentable for the camera."

He picks up the cheap, but good quality, camera looking it over, and checking if it works all right, "Whatever you say."

After we finish putting them on we head to the main room of our hideout.

Walking in we see Chiyo has already finished changing and is currently sitting on one of the many bean bags with Killer Queen in her lap.

'Killer Queen loves to be pet by only Chiyo while neutral to us… I wonder why?'

"Do you have everything in order?" I ask

"Yup, I have all my gear and body camera ready to record," She responds standing up, much to Killer Queen's chagrin.

"Good, what about you Hito?" I say turning to him.

"Last time I checked it was in working conditions," He responds.

"Alright then, according to the timer I set up the moment I saw the bus leave, villains should be attacking right now."

"Alright grab onto me." She put out her hands to which we grabbed.

As she focuses, the scenery around us changes from a cozy hangout spot into the rocky landscape of the mountain zone.

"Did you really have to warp us to the farthest point from the center?" Hitoshi asks.

"You work with what you get alright. Accuracy is tough for long-distance warping." She replies angrily

"Alright guys ca-" I'm cut off by screaming.

Looking at each other silently affirming that we're ready we run in the direction of the noise.

Running through the rocky landscape we see three people being surrounded by lackey villains.

"Chi, you take them by surprise while I and Hito will attack them in their confusion."

"Right!" She nods disappearing from our sight.

The moment Chiyo reappears she takes out her knives and starts attacking. Aiming for debilitating areas like tendons,

"What! Where did this girl come from!?" A villain shouts

"Crap, it doesn't matter just kill her already! Three with me! The rest focus on the kids!"

Four villains charge Chiyo knives and metal bars in hand, but the moment they were about to slice her like onions she disappears.

"Where'd she go!?"

"She must have some teleporting Quirk! Eye's on your backs!"

They try to turn around but it's too late as Chiyo has already reappeared behind them and cut their Achilles Tendon [A/n: I shiver] making them fall over like puppets without strings.

As she dealt with those villains Hitoshi and I attacked the villains surrounding the students.

A villain takes notice of us approaching, "Get ready there's more! Kill them quickly and focus on the mission!"

"You stun and I gun?" I ask Hitoshi looking at him calmly under my mask

"You know it." He replies

"Do you really think you weaklings can kill us?" He taunts

"WHAT DID YOU SAY BRA-" His eyes went dead.

"You feel like your leg is on fire don't you?" Hitoshi commands

He uses the new aspect of his Quirk, persuasion or phantom pain, It allows someone under his control to make them feel something through the use of a question.

The villain snaps out of his daze and falls on the ground holding his leg screaming.


Taking this opportunity I kicked him in his knee breaking it with a crack.

Looking at the villain group that's charging us in anger I grab a nearby rock and mold it into a sharp knife.

I toss the knife at the closest guy's foot, run up and kick him in the jaw.

After that I duck quickly, nearly missing a knife straight to the neck. As I'm about to retaliate he falls to the ground.

"Saw you needed some help," Chiyo says

"Thanks! Let's finish them."

With our teamwork, we defeated the group quickly.

"Phew, not bad for a first fight," Chiyo says wiping the blood off her knives

"Wait there's one more," I say walking away from them.

I walk around until I feel the ground is softer than the dirt a few meters away.

'This is where he is.'

"Ah, are they hiding in the ground?" Hitoshi questions.

"Yeah, they are," I hardened the ground below me.

We can hear the sickening sounds of muffled screaming coming from the ground.

Until it stops.

Resoftening the ground I reach down into the dirt and drag out an unconscious man in a skull mask.

"Is that the electric type?" Chiyo questions.

"Yeah, he is," I respond throwing him into the pile of disabled villains causing them to grunt in pain.

"You alright?" I say turning to the shocked students, Kaminari, Jiiro, and Yaoyorozu.

"Y-yeah we're okay…" Yaoyorozu responds regaining her senses but still remaining cautious.

"Are you heroes?" She asks.

"No," we reply in unison.

The three of them get into fighting stances.

"Relax, we're not heroes… We're Vigilantes!" Chiyo says casually waving her hand.

They ease their guard. Only a little though, "Well, thank you for helping us." Jiiro says.

"No problem, you probably should join with the rest of your classmates," I say.

"Come on, let's go." I ran towards the center of the U.S.J with Hito and Chi following.

Pulling out the camera I tossed it to her, "Put this in a good angle, we want them to have a good view of our debut after all."

"You got it." She says disappearing

Looking back forwards I see the center of the U.S.J and spot Aizawa still fighting thugs.

'Now time for the hard part.'


Here it is! The fabled new chapter.

It's an alright chapter imo except for the fight scenes, they could use some work. I tried to be a little more descriptive than usual and I think it's better that way. It still needs some tweaks but it's on the right track. ಠ﹏ಠ

Goodnight ಠ_ಠ