
MHA: Izumi Adachi (Dropped)

A 20-year-old young man is reincarnated in the world of MHA. As he knows the future events, he begins his journey of getting stronger to protect himself and his family from future dangers. I am writing this fanfic because I feel like it. I thought that someone else might like it and posted it here. I am open to taking suggestions. I will make a few grammatical mistakes as English isn't my first language. I hope you enjoy it. I became really busy with my life and can't set aside time for writing. So I won't be continuing this. Thank you for everyone who was even remotely interested in this. i didn't put much thought when I started this as I only wanted to get an idea on how much work it takes before actually starting some proper work. But I am really interested in writing a Naruto fanfic I have this whole map of the story set up in my mind. I also have some chapters of the beginning of the story, I will publish them and see the response. Even if it gets a good response I won't be able to actually write anything as I am working and studying but I will give it a try anyway as I am really interested in writing this one.

Reader_132 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Midoriya, Uraraka - Bakugo, Tenya

"Even though this is training, it pains me to become a villain."

Tenya walked toward the weapon.

"So our job is to protect this? Fake, of course."

Tenya asked as he knocked on the Nuclear warhead replica.


Bakugo interrupted Tenya when he was inspecting the weapon.

"Do you think that Deku has a quirk?"

Bakugo asked Tenya.

"You saw his performance during the quirk assessment test. His power used to hurt his body in the past. But now he has managed to control it."

Tenya paused for a second and asked Bakugo.

"Why do you seem especially angry when it comes to Midoriya?

Bakugo didn't answer Tenya and thought to himself.

'Was he seriously just tricking me all these years? I am going to roast that damn nerd today.'


Outside the hideout.

"It's a lot of work to memorise the building's floor plan."

Uraraka told Midoriya who was leaning on the fence beside her while reading the floor plan.

"You know, All Might is just as cool in person as he is on television. I am glad he is not threatening us with some kind of punishment like with Mr Aizawa. We can relax."

"No, we can't relax. We are up against Kacchan. We should be on our guard."

Midoriya said as he continued reading.

"Oh! He is the one who is always making fun of you."

"Yes. And he is amazing. He can be a real pain, sure. But his strength, confidence, and his ambition not to mention his quirk. They are incredible. But that doesn't mean that it's hopeless. People have been helping me get stronger. After the training I had these past few weeks, my confidence, strength, and control I have over my quirk have greatly increased. But most importantly, Bakugo is not even close to that monster. I will not lose."

Midoriya finished speaking and started to prepare to enter the hideout.

"What monster?"

Uraraka asked as she also started to prepare.

"You will realise who I am talking about soon enough."

"I see. Alright, let's win this thing!"

Uraraka shouted as she raised her hand for a high-five.

Midoriya smiled and high-fived Uraraka as he said, "Yes, let's win this."

As if on cue, All Might's voice rang through the speakers.

"Alright, let's begin the indoor combat training. Team A and Team B your time starts now."

Inside the monitoring room, All Might told everyone to pay attention.

Uraraka and Midoriya floated to the roof and entered the hideout.

"Uraraka, stick to the plan. And if anything goes wrong, please consult me and do as you see fit."

"I understand."

Just as Uraraka finished speaking Midoriya disappeared leaving a green trail.

Midoriya ran through the building with light footsteps.

|| Midoriya's POV ||

I have already searched through two floors.

'Since the next floor roughly divides the building into two halves, I will probably find someone on the next floor. Or I might even find the weapon.'

As I was thinking I saw a shadow at the end of the hallway.

I stopped running without making any sound.

That training was incredibly helpful.

'Someone just took a right at the end of the hallway. They are probably going to take the stairs to go to the lower floor. It should be Bakugo. He is probably searching for me. If it's Bakugo the moment I get close to him he will use his quirk and blast me using his right hand.'

I calmed my breathing and started running toward the end of the hallway.

The moment I turned right using the wall, I saw Bakugo.

I continued running toward him without stopping for even a second.

As I was a few meters away from him, he sensed me and turned around while yelling.


I continued running at full speed, reducing the distance between us.

'He will attack now.'

As I said to myself, Bakugo used his right hand to make a big explosion.

As I saw the sparks on his hand, I slid to the floor and kicked Bakugo's legs making him fall face first.

There was a pure look of shock on Bakugo's face as he fell toward me who was still laying on the ground.

I supported myself with my left hand and punched Bakugo in the face with the other using all the force I could muster in Full Cowling mode.

Bakugo smashed into the roof and started falling back to the ground.

I jumped toward him and kicked him in the face using my left leg.

Bakugo flew like a tennis ball hit by a racket as he smashed into the wall.

He fell to the ground, knocked unconscious.

I went to him and used the capture tape to tie his arms.

I removed the large grenade-like devices that were attached to Bakugo's arms.

I stood up and looked at the unconscious Bakugo.

I said the words that were taught to me.

"Always make the first move when battling against an opponent with similar strength. Neither speak with the opponent during the fight nor give him time to collect himself."

"Uraraka, did you locate the weapon?"

I asked Uraraka.

"Yes. He hasn't found me yet. Ida and the weapon are on the second floor."

"I have captured Bakugo. I will be coming to you in a minute. You can try to do what you planned. Even if you fail, we can outnumber Ida and beat him."

"I understand."


In the monitoring room.

Midoriya leaving a green trail could be seen on the screen as he ran toward Uraraka's location.

"What was that? That fight didn't even last 5 seconds."

"Yes, and he was so ruthless."

"That was amazing."

All the students had different opinions.

All Might took a look at the screen and turned his head toward Izumi who was intently looking at a wall."

"All of you, quiet now. Yes, young Midoriya cleanly and swiftly dealt with Bakugo. It's admirable. Since Uraraka is attempting something we should focus on her."

"Yes, sir!"

Most of the students responded positively to All Might.

All of them turned to look at the large screen which displayed Uraraka looking at Ida monologuing.


Uraraka took a glance at Ida from behind a pillar.

'This should be a perfect time.'

She thought as she used her quirk and tapped on her body a few times.

She floated toward the ceiling and used it as support to float toward the weapon.

She escaped Ida's vision and slowly floated above the weapon.

She pushed herself against the ceiling using her feet and floated toward the weapon.

She touched the weapon and activated her quirk.

Everything happened behind Ida's back who was still monologuing.

"Behold, I am the personification of vi-"

"The hero team wins!"

Ida stopped monologuing as he heard All Might's voice.

"What?! How? The weapon is still he-"

Ida turned around to look at the weapon only to find a tired Uraraka sliding down the weapon.

Ida didn't know how he lost but he helped Uraraka who was having a hard time holding herself back from vomiting.

The first match ended with the hero's victory.


|| Izumi's POV ||

All the students gathered in the monitoring room.

"Both students from the hero team did fabulously. Young Ida was prepared for the hero's arrival but lost in the end because he was lost in embracing the personification of villainy."

As All Might was explaining the battle I looked toward Bakugo who wasn't paying attention to All Might.

I walked toward him and called out to him.

"Hey, idiot."

My action caused me to draw All Might and all my classmate's attention.

Bakugo also lifted his head and looked at me.

"Stop hyperventilating, you idiot. You didn't lose because Midoriya was stronger than you. You lost because you became complacent and thought you were better than everyone else. Which, you are not. You are just a fish in a pond. A kid thinking he is the greatest of all. Stop deluding yourself. You have a great quirk, you have natural talent and you work hard. You can become a great hero if you can change that idiotic mindset of yours. You can take my advice or you can ignore it. I don't care. But after calming down, think about what I have said once."

I finished speaking and turned around and walked back to my place.

Everyone looked at me and there was absolute silence in the room.

It was broken 10 seconds later Bakugo.

"BASTARD! How dare you give me advice?!"

I sighed and appeared in front of Bakugo and grabbed his neck as I lifted him to my eye level.

"I am not Midoriya or the other students who will not do anything when you bark at them. I will not kill you since I am training to be a hero. But remember this, I will beat the crap out of you. I will break all the bones in your body and I will cut off your arms so that you will never be able to use your quirk again."

I let go of him and disappeared.

I reappeared in my previous place.

"Sorry about that. Please, continue."

Ayaka crept up to me and asked in a hushed tone.

"Brother, was that necessary?"

"Yes, he needed a reality check. You can think of it as character development. Doing this will save a lot of time."

"Uh-huh. Sure, whatever you say brother."

"Young Izumi, that was unnecessarily harsh. Come to my office after class. Bakugo, Izumi might have been harsh but what he said was the truth. You need to change that mindset of yours. Come see me after class as well."

All Might said as he alternated between me and Bakugo.

"Alright, match two! Team B will be the heroes and Team I will be the villains."

"There are two students who got in through recommendation in this battle."

"Yes, you're right. This match will be interesting."

The students discussed it among themselves.


"This is going to be a troublesome battle. Shoto's ice counters my lightning to some extent. But it's not completely hopeless."

"Izumi, let's get serious. I am going to take off my gloves and boots and completely disappear."

"I apologise Hagakure but you are more suited to stealth than actual combat. But taking the stealth approach is useless against Shouji. So, please do your best to guard the weapon. There are quite a lot of objects here that will be useful. You can use them to create sounds and distract Shouji while using your invisibility to try and attack him."

"I understand."

Hagakure agreed gloomily.

"Shoto is a confident person so he will walk in through the front door but that doesn't mean that he will underestimate his opponents. I can use that against him. I will go after them, Hagakure. If you are in trouble, radio me."


After hearing her answer I left the room and started running toward the entrance.


Same time, the entrance of battle building 2.

"There is a person on the top floor. It should be the invisible girl. I can't pinpoint the other guy's location since he is constantly moving but I think he is coming toward us. And he is fast."

"I would have frozen the building if not for Izumi. If I do that we will be at a disadvantage since his lightning will just flow on the surface looking for a way out. We will make our way to the top floor while being on guard against Izumi. We will be aware of his presence using your quirk and prepare for his arriva-"

"I don't think we have that much time he is already on the third floor."

Shouji interrupted Shoto.


Some of the battles will be quite different from the canon, I hope you like them.

I also want all of you to remember that Izumi, is preparing for the future. He wants his classmates to become strong as soon as possible.

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