
Prelude To The Sports Festival [1]

A little short chapter but don't worry! I your awesome omnipotent author shall upload another chapter today.

Oh btw, When I include these brackets [ ] then that means someone is speaking inside someone else's mind.

Read The Note At The End.


A Few Hours Before Tomura Reached Musutafu,

Outside of Midoriya's Apartment was a Pro Hero standing. She had been told by Nezu to bring in the owner of the house to U.A.

She was The R-rated Hero: Midnight.

She wasn't alone though. Snipe was looking over at her from a distance, Just in case, there was a threat she couldn't deal with it.

She had been told by Nezu to bring in Midoriya's mother to live in U.A. She was confused regarding this decision.

She wasn't perplexed about why Midoriya's mother had to be brought in. It was totally reasonable to ensure the safety of the family of one of their students.

She was confused by the favoritism. Why was it that only Midoriya's mother was being moved in? Why not the others as well?

Was Midoriya special somehow? Was there something going on behind her back?

While it was a matter worth questioning, There wasn't any harm in bringing her in and she believed Nezu might have his own reasons. She had seen how sad he was after the death of the students, Aizawa and Thirteen.

After she rang the bell a minute later the door opened. What came into her view was a chubby female with dark green hair and green eyes. She was of short height.

"Ah! Midnight-san!" The woman cried out seeing the R-rated Hero.

"Inko Midoriya-san?" asked Midnight as she gazed at Inko with an amused look.

"Yes?" Asked Inko wondering why she was being visited by Midnight all of a sudden.

She had been worrying for Izuku ever since she accepted him to start living in the dorms of U.A.

She was skeptical about U.A, Wondering if they could truly protect her baby boy.

But no matter how much she doubted them, She knew that she could never do better than U.A.

"Principal Nezu has asked for you to move into U.A due to safety reasons. I hope you agree, for yourself and your son." Midnight said in a soft tone. It was her job to make sure Inko comes to U.A and she'll do it.

Now that she was the homeroom teacher of Izuku she would take responsibility for him. It was her duty as a teacher.

'Are they trying to protect the parents of students too? Are the villains truly that dangerous?' Thought Inko as a worried look took over her face which Midnight clearly saw but didn't say anything.

Since All Might was always there to protect them and deter villains, The public never took villains too seriously.

'Wait! I can meet Izuku anytime I want in U.A.' Midnight clearly saw the worried look of Inko turn into one of joy.

"I agree Midnight-san give me a few minutes." Saying this she dashed inside with her chubby body and came back with a bag in her hand. It was filled with her clothes.

Midnight smiled seeing that and with Inko walked towards the elevator.

As they descended Midnight looked over the fidgeting Inko and spoke, "By the way Midoriya-san I'm the new homeroom teacher of Izuku."

Inko's eyes widened hearing that and she moved her eyes all over Midnight making her a bit uncomfortable.

'Isn't her costume and behavior a bit inappropriate for children? I hope she doesn't corrupt Izuku.' She was worried on the inside but smiled on the outside.

She bowed a bit towards her, " Please take care of him Midnight-san."

A bright smile etched onto Midnight's face as she hurriedly said, "It's fine you don't need to bow, I'll take care of him regardless. I'm his teacher after all."

Inko was happy that Midnight truly cared about the students. At least she could trust her to help Izuku in need.

Both of them with joyful attitudes headed towards U.A. Midnight was happy with the praise and trust while Inko was excited to meet Izuku again.


Class 1-A was busy training themselves. They had truly worked as hard as they could.

Iida didn't talk too much which others found odd but they were busy training themselves to care too much about Iida.

Momo and Sato ate as much as they could over and over again. It would help them improve their stomach capacity.

Momo kept on creating random things to improve her creation speed.

Todoroki tried controlling his fire and ice simultaneously.

Bakugo......Well, Bakugo was working on how to produce more sweat alongside proper control over his explosions.

Tape kid kept on producing as much tape as he could to increase its capacity, speed and damage.

Ochako remained in zero gravity to increase her resistance to nausea.

Koda kept on screaming on the side trying to improve his vocal range.

Aoyama kept on shooting lasers from his stomach. He didn't use his quirk much due to its drawbacks but he forced himself after witnessing how useless he was in the U.S.J.

The others were training the best they could as well.

Currently in a room filled with darkness was sitting a teenager. The peculiar thing about him was that his head was that of a bird.

His name was Fumikage Tokoyama.

His Quirk's name was 'Dark Shadow'. What was interesting about him was that his quirk was sentient and it seemed to have a will of its own.




In front of him was a vague figure with an indistinguishable shape. It's bright yellow eyes glowed in the dark as it peered at its host.

[Do you think you can control me...?] It said in a rough and deep voice which was directly projected inside of Fumikage's mind.

"Dark Shadow!" Fumikage growled as he started sweating.

"You're my quirk, Then why do you deny me? If you helped me we could've helped our friends! Why did you refuse to help me in the U.S.J!?"

[Our friends?]

[𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮] A dark chuckle escaped from it.

[Do not delude yourself. I am not your "quirk", as you like to call me.]

[I reside within you..... If you die then that would result in my death as well. As for why I didn't help you? You and your sense of justice would cause our deaths. Don't ever think you can assess people better than me. If you went block his way then you would've died just like your "friends".]

"Not my quirk? You're the one deluding yourself and don't mess with me! You claim to be so strong yet you were afraid by someone whose hand was broken by Midoriya."

[Fool! Isn't your sensei now dead? Didn't your friends die? Didn't Midoriya end up in the bed with every limb almost broken beyond repair?

I could easily beat him but with the amount of brightness in U.S.J, I wouldn't even be able to use 3% of my power.]

Dark Shadow circled around Fumikage who was on one knee while breathing a bit heavily.

"Tsk" He didn't know how to counter that.

He was conflicted. Why was his quirk so complicated and why was it even 'alive'?

Suddenly his eyes lit up, "If you don't help me next time in a serious situation I'll kill myself." The resolution in his voice was as clear as ice.

Dark Shadow that was circling around Fumikage suddenly halted and gazed at him.

Sweat trickled down the back of Fumikage's neck as he waited for Dark Shadow to respond.

It was a risky move he played just now.

He wasn't sure what Dark Shadow's personality was like, If he turned out to be too prideful to give into threats then there was a chance of him never being able to use his quirk again.

Fortunately for him, his threat worked.

[I didn't expect you to go that far......]

[Fine, I'll allow you to use my powers for the time being.] It gave in and dashed back into Fumikage's body.

He smiled after wiping his sweat off.

While he was happy Dark Shadow agreed he was a little guilty as well. He was in a way forcing Dark Shadow to work for him, But he didn't want to be useless in a situation like that again.

Unbeknownst to him, Dark Shadow had different thoughts....

'It won't be long before I corrupt and take over his body. The more he uses my power the more control I gain over him. I've already corrupted 70% of his body, Once I reach 100% I can be free again.'

Once the corruption was completed he would attack the consciousness of Fumikage.

The more Fumikage trusted him the more easier it would be for him to take over him.

And Once He's Out.....



Spicing things up. Everything would mix soon enough.....

If any of you is interested in how they trained then check the quirk training clip from crunchy roll on yout.ube, It's mostly similar. Just for those that are curious.

This Has 2 Parts and The Chapter after that is the sports festival. As promised it won't be more than one chapter. Only one or two final fights, The rest would only be summarized a bit.

Oh yeah, any questions about Dark Shadow? Ask here and I'll answer as much as I can without spoiling Or ask it in the comments if you can't paragraph comment.

Hosu Arc in a bit. It won't be dragged as well.

I want to move over the canon events and break the plot. Writing while considering the plot is extremely restrictive. But soon I'll be able to decide what to do so hooray for that.


Drown me in those powerstones pls.............UwU, 7w7, OwO?

Me eat stone for dinner.......

ILoveChaoscreators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant