
Chapter 15: Development ! [1/2]

After an hour's rescue, the medical team was finally able to evaluate all the injured students and teachers to Hospital. This incident caused great damage to the school.

Some Reporters are here to cover us on their front page. Their main target has been locked. The trio that has done the hero work.

Neji was standing there while Fai was sobbing, holding the hand of Mahi. Mahi's leg was regenerated by Fai a while ago. Most of the students were also healed by her.

The reporters have been trying to reach up to them but a huge pile of students was around.

"What's happening! Why aren't you waking up!? " Fai was crying out loud this time.

Mahi's body is becoming paler and paler, hir body temperature has gone down. With time Mahi's arms and legs are turning into ice…

The medical team has done what they could but they found no cure to this. His quirk is acting on his own... Causing damage to his own body.

" Mahi!! Where's Mahi? " Mahi's uncle came rushingly.

" Uncle!! … here. " Fai said sobbingly.

Fai had Mahi's head on her lap, trying unanimous time to heal him.

" How did it happen? He kneels.

Uncle Ron knew this was not the first time. So he knew what to do. He sat before Mahi in a meditating pose, trying to reach the inner coldness inside Mahi. After some useless trying to bend the cold…

" Why Isn't it working…. Wait! Fai? " Uncle Ron turned to Fai hurriedly.

"What happened uncle?

"Where's the pearl!?....... There was a necklace on Mahi's neck, did you know where is it? "

"T-that… he threw it away while fighting!"

" No. No..plz go find it, hurry! " - big tensed expression.

No one knew where it went so many students volunteered to find it.

"Is this the thing? Neji reached his hand.

" Yes! This is it, Luminous pearl! Thank you, young boy! "

Taking the necklace he placed it on Mahi's chest and performed the same thing he was doing a while ago. But this time it worked, Cold vapor coming out from Mahi's body and going inside the pearl.

Everyone was amazed by Its glow. Mahi's body is coming to Its normal self.

" Fai, I'll ask for your help. Plz never let him lose the necklace. "

Mahi opened his eyes-

"What -where am I? " He noticed the crowd.

" You still have a word to say!? "

He saw uncle Ron with starry eyes which were fake and noticeable.

" Uncle! How are you here? Weren't you on a mission? "

" Don't say a word! why are you so reckless… think before doing anything! "

Uncle Ron gave Mahi an earful on the way back home.

The school was off for repair work. Mahi was enjoying his break.

" So...you sure want to enter the Junior cup? " Fai asked, looking at the form.

Mahi nodded at her. And he goes back to his phone.

" Mahi! What are you watching? Can't you see I'm talking? " Fai pinched Mahis' checks.

" Fai, really thank you! "

" Huh! Why so sudden! What happened? "

" That day… without you…. "

" Hey hey hey! stop watching that video… what I did is not me petting you but It's like I just wanted to. "

" Thank you...let's go out today, my treat."

" Leg for food! Haha ha, if you really want to thank me, then thank Neji. Without him, there wouldn't be any part of you left for me to heal! "

" Neji!? Ok, I'll thank him when I meet him. "

Mahi and Neji are on the headlines… Miharu gave both Mahi And Ron a hard time. Mahi's check is still red. She left just yesterday.

Woof! Woof!

Snowy entered the room, made his place on Mahi's lap. Mahi hugged Snowy… "Are you hungry? Wanna have a popsicle? " A popsicle appeared on Mahi's hand.

" Is that edible? "

" Here test it…" He gave it to Fai.

" Ohhhh- It's so… Icey! "

They both laughed~ Without knowing they have become best of Friends.


"Make sure to come back on time, safe rid " Felix told Mahi and Fai.

Mahi and Fai are going to school enjoying the bus view.

"Going to school by bus, is it a good idea? " Fai asked Mahi after she saw the crowd on the bus.

" Well, you wouldn't want to trouble your brother every day. And besides, it's fun! " Mahi continued watching the View outside the window.

The bus became empty as soon as it reached school. Mahi and Fai are in the same class this semester. They entered the classroom…

-oh, look, it's Mahi and Fai!

The classroom became a mess. Mahi hated this attention while Fai seemed to like it.

Mahi's seat has the same spot. Neji's crystal eye greeted Mahi, that is what Mahi understood. He has a smirk on his face.

Mahi walked him, made a bow in front of Neji.

" I'm really grateful, you saved my life that day! " Anyone could guess he was saying that from the core of his heart.

" You're making me pathetic, Mahi. Shouldn't we be helping each other? Well, that's what friends do. " Neji made an Asking pose. Mahi fell for the sweet talk.

" I owe you, my life. Tell me if you need my help. I'd be glad. " Mahi took his seat.

Second-year, class one students have their regular classes.

"Students! Now that Your second year, You'll get a primary hero license. Here is a form… fill this up " The teacher handed a form to all students.

Mahi got one too… After finishing the general information.

" Teacher! Why Isn't my quirk name on it? " Mahi got up from his seat.

After The teacher told Mahi to sit down, " And now those blank spaces.. It means we Don't have the data of your quirks. More or less you are the first one to have your quirk. "

The students who have the same blank spaces got excited being the first generation of their quirk. On the other hand Mahi ~

Why is it like this… my quirk, isn't it Heavenly ice! if It's not grandpa would be disappointed. Ahhhh - why did it become like this. ~ Mahi sat on his seat with a frown on his forehead.

While In Front Neji, got blank spaces too, but he has already filled that up 'Wave Motion'. His power was beyond that…

" Oi, Mahi! What's up? " Neji turned back.

" It's nothing, I'm just figuring out a name for my quirk. " Mahi kept his low tone.

" Just name it what came into your mind first.''

"Nothing is coming, I should ask mom if she is here ." Mahi put his hands crossed over his head and leaned down to the desk.

"Mama's boy! Just name it something cold …" Neji made a thinking pose and turned front.

Finally, Mahi wrote down the name … he looked amused.

"What did you write Mahi?" Fai asked.

"Something Cold," Mahi said brightly.

Neji laughed at Mahi's answer to Fai. Fai got pissed.

"Neji, You know you might be pretty but you're such a pain !" she leaned her head close to Neji's.

Neji loves to tease others. But reasonably.

" Let's hang out this weekend ?" Neji asked Fai with his killed smile. But it's Fai whos talking with~

"Sorry, I have to turn you down cause I have to babysit Mahi…"

"Fai! Stop saying you're my babysitter !" Mahi said angrily.

Mahi and Fai got carried away and started a little fight.

"Guys! Guys! Don't fight with each other …I have an idea! Let us hang out together this weekend, all four of us" Momo, who was observing the whole situation from the start, proposed to Mahi, Fai, and of course Neji.

Those three got dazed after hearing this, guess Momo was friendly.

"Sure~ok." Mahi and Fai agreed.

"And you Neji ?" Momo asked.

"If it is you who asked then ok, I will come."Neji who couldn't disagree with his best friend agreed.

"Then it is set … Let's have some fun!" Momo expressed her excitement.

" Aren't you the Girl, Who knocked out her opponent with Air gun?" Fai asked while observing Momo.

" Yeah ~ that is me." Momo got a sweat on her forehead from her question.

Mahi pocked Fai not to talk rubbish that Fai ignored.

" You create things… So can you make food too~?" her eyes widened.

Confused Momo answered, " Nope …only inorganic things."

"Ahhh! What a bummer." Fai looked disappointed and went back to her seat.

The teacher came and the class continued…

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