
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Chapter 14

Death Arms was not having a good night. He went to the bar after a successful day of being a hero. He stopped a bank robbery, a rampaging villain, and saved a family from a villain. So he thought going to the bar with Kamui Woods and Mount Lady would be fine. They drank for around two hours before heading home for the night. Death Arms went a different direction than the other two saying he would be fine.

He decided to take a shortcut through a few ally ways. When he was going through the second ally way, he started to hear laughing from behind. He turned around and saw a kid in a full costume mix of a knight and a jester. He then saw the symbol on his chest: a black five-leaf clover. Death Arms knew instantly who this was. It was Dokeshi. The kid who attacked Eraser Head and All Might escape with the villains. Death Arms went into a defensive poster. Even if he was drunk, he could still fight.

"Dokeshi, you are under arrest. Come quietly, and I won't have to hurt you." Death Arms ordered with determination. 'If I capture him, my rankings will skyrocket,' Death Arms thought greedily.

"Death Arms, right? You will be my first kill. So be proud that you will be the start of my killing spree." Dokeshi exclaimed with excitement. "Also, call me Jester. It's a more fantastic name." He added while chuckling.

Death Arms was starting to get unnerved. The way that the now-named Jester had said that he would be going on a killing spree like he was a kid going to the candy store. But Death Arms steeled himself for the fight ahead of himself.

Death Arms charged Jester with a fist raised. Jester didn't move, just laughing louder as he got closer. Death Arms went to hit his face. Jester leaned his head to the right as it was about to hit him. Which made Death Arms overextend, unbalancing him. Jester took this chance and quickly touched Death Arms' face. As his hand touched his face, Death Arms felt his stamina drain. He stumbled back, almost falling.

"W-What did you do?" Death Arms asked, feeling like he went on a five-mile run.

"Now that would be telling," Jester said, starting to laugh maniacally. "That look on your face is what I want to see." He continued his laughing.

Before Death Arms could react, Jester said, "Daiken," while putting his hand on his chest and pulling out a seven-foot sword.

"Let's see if your quirk can handle the weight of Daiken." Jester laughed out.

Jester then raised Daiken. It grew to fourteen feet. Then he swung it down towards Death Arms at fast speeds. Death Arms bearly caught it before he felt how much it weighed. It felt like t weighed around six cars. Death Arms could usually lift a little less than this, but he could barely hold it up since his stamina was drained.

Death Arms looked at Jester and looked into his eyes. He saw only excitement and a little smugness from this situation. He then went to one knee from the pressure, feeling hopeless. Cracks started to appear around Death Arms as Daiken continued to push him down. Death Arms could hold it any longer and fell on his back, Daiken crushing his chest. Death Arms let out a blood-curdling scream. Jester then let go of Daiken and skipped over to be above Death Arms' head. He then reached for Death Arms' face. When Jester touched his face, he felt his stamina getting drained quickly. Right before Death Arms blacked out, Jester removed his mask. And what he saw scared him. Jester's face looked euphoric, like he was experiencing the best pleaser he had ever felt.

"So, how did it go, Dokeshi-kun!" Himiko yelled as Dokeshi came through a portal.

"It was so exhilarating, Himiko-san!" Dokeshi yelled back.

"Shut up, you brats!" Shigaraki. He yelled at both Dokeshi and Himiko with annoyance. "Do you always have to yell?" He added, sounding exhausted.

"But how can I not? I got my first kill!" Dokeshi said with the same excitement.

"Oh? And who was that?" Gasu asked while taking a sip of soda.

"It was Death Arms! I crushed him to death." Dokehsi laughed out.

"Death Arms, huh? I bet it was easy?" Shigaraki scoffed. He didn't even turn away from his video game.

"Unforntly, yes, but the feeling of draining his energy away, the look in his eyes. It was the best feeling ever." Dokeshi fondly said.

"So when do I go out again, boss?" Dokeshi asked while going to sit next to Shigaraki.

"You can go out tomorrow night as long as you don't get caught," Shigaraki grunted.

Dokeshi's eyes lit up with excitement as he watched Shigaraki play.

Back in the ally way, police and heroes had arrived only to see the dead corps of Death Arms. Kamui Woods, Mount Lady, and Backdraft looked in horror at his body. Eraser Head showed up a little bit afterward.

"So, do we have any leads?" Eraser Head asked, coming up to a detective.

"Ah, Eraser Head, I think you should see this." The detective said as he handed him a bag.

Eraser Head took the bag and looked at it. His eyes grew wide when he realized what it was. It was a piece of black paper shaped like a five-leaf clover. He knew what this meant.

"We found it on top of Death Arms' head."The detective explained." " From what we could deduct, he was crushed to death." He finished solemnly.

Eraser Head stopped looking at the clover and looked at where there was a crater with blood splattered in it. He then turned to see Mount Lady sobbing while Kamui Woods and Backdraft tried to comfort her. 'Damit, it's only been a week, and Dokeshi already has killed someone. We need to find him and stop him.' He thought darkly over the situation.

"It's bad enough that we have The Hero Killer, but now it seems like we have another one on our hands." The detective grimaced.

"We need to up the ranking of Dokeshi. He's more dangerous than we thought." Eraser Head committed.

"Wait, this was Dokeshi? The kid from the U.S.J? But it's been only a week since he joined the League of Villians!" The detective said, flabbergasted.

"Yes, it seems like it. Dokishi is dangerous and has a warper to take him anywhere he wants." Aizawa respond.

The detective paled at the realization.

"Y-Yes, I will tell the higher-ups to raise his villain rank from a B to an A." The detective stammered out as he jogged away.

'Why do I always get the problem, children.' Aizawa sighed and pinched his nose. "Nezu will not be pleased about this." Aizawa muttered as he made his way back to U.A.