

What will happen in the life of a guy who is in the MHA world with the powers of a green lantern without needing the power ring? .......................... Harem of 2 or 3 members. Go easy on me. Trashy updates.

I_Like_that_thighs · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Quirk Test


It was a new day, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear and beautiful. A perfect day for Akira's first day in the U.A. It was spring, the time for every school to start their new year.

"So are you ready, Akira-kun?" Sazu, who came to Akira's house to send him off for his first day, asked.

"Yeah Sazu-san. I got everything needed. Still a bit confused about why I should shave though…" Akira touched his jaw and felt how smooth it was. 

"You should set a good first impression." Sazu said while reminiscing his school days where he used to think being rugged is cool. "While you shouldn't judge a person by their appearance, others will always judge you based on that. So the more approachable you are, the better."

"Whatever… I'm leaving. Give the keys to Mrs.Tanaka next door after leaving."

"Got it kiddo. Show them you are the best."

Akira smiled as he slinged his bag over his shoulder. He was happy that Sazu came to send him off for the first day. It was much better than living alone. Some of his ex-classmates too called and congratulated him and Tanaka-san next door even gifted him a new bag.

'I should always see the good in people too.' He made a mental note to never judge someone with limited knowledge about them.

He started to jot down all the positive and good traits he comes across in his life and behave accordingly to become the best hero there is. He wants the ones who care about him to feel proud about him. 

He walked to the nearby railway station to take the 20 minutes ride to U.A. On the way he spotted another student wearing the same uniform as him. It was a boy with spiky red hair. He looked to be too nervous to notice him. 

Akira made sure to smile before approaching the boy. "Hello. I noticed you were also a U.A. student. My name is Akira Kento."

He introduced himself which shocked the boy a little but he replied back with a nervous smile, "Hi, man. I'm Eijiro Kirishima… I'm a first year student at U.A."

"Me too. I'm on the hero course, what about you?" Akira asked. 

"I know. I was in the same testing field as you." Kirishima smiled. He didn't find it weird that Akira didn't notice or recognize him.

"Really? I swear I'd have noticed given your hair colour."

"Oh, It's just I didn't dye it back then. Don't mind it, I know I'm not a flashy guy. But you on the other hand were really cool!" He said while taking out his phone snoozing it since it was constantly bombarded with notifications, "I saw how you stopped that zero-pointer while all of us were running away!"

"Well… I'm flattered." Akira smiled politely, "So which class are you in?"


"Really? I'm in the same class too." Akira replied. His class info was in the mail, he won't disagree but he's kinda mad that Setsuna got 1-B. But he's not totally mad either, Denki was in the same class as him too.

"Cool! Then we'll be classmates! Let's be good friends, man!" Kirishima extended his hand for a handshake. 

*Dap* Akira mistaken it for a dap and created the loudest dap Kirishima has ever heard in his life. It made almost everyone near look at them.

"Um- sorry about that." Akira said to them while Kirishima looked at their hands which were together.

"That was the manliest thing ever!" He gripped Akira's hand even tighter, "We're gonna be the best of friends man!"

"Ohh.. not a bad grip. Do you perhaps train?" Akira was genuinely impressed by Krishima's grip. He'd argue Kirishima's grip is almost as strong, if not stronger than his.

"Of course I do!" Kirishima flexed his biceps, "These guns didn't just appear in a single day." 

"Nice biceps you got there." Akira too got competitive "Too bad they're no match for mine." he flexed his biceps too and Kaminari had to agree, Akira's were definitely more 'manly' than his.

"Don't get cocky, I just started my training this year. I'll catch up to you in no time."

"Hah, good luck with that.'

'We're gonna be great friends' x2 Both of them had similar thoughts as they talked about some miscellaneous stuff till they reached U.A. 

"Damn.. no matter how many times I've seen it. It always amazes me how big it is.." Krishima said when they reached the front gates of U.A.

"That's what she said" Akira immediately said.

"Really man?" Kirishima's excitement immediately died.

"Had to do it bro." Akira shrugged while placing his ID on the scanner on the gate. Immediately the door opened and Krishima followed him behind.

"That was lame bro." 

"Hehe you are just annoyed." Akira laughed.

"Let's just get to our class." Kirishima sighed and took the lead. Akira followed behind him while trying to remember as many faces as possible among the students. He even found a guy with a manga panel for his head.

'The world really is wide..' He thought while noticing how Kirishima seemed to avoid looking at the others. 'Is he shy? I would have never guessed.'

"We're here." Kirishima said while standing before the tall door in front of them. It was easily twice as tall as Akira.

"Is everything big here?" He asked while quickly following, "Don't say it!"

"Th-" Akira stopped himself, "Am I really that predictable?"

"Sadly yes." Kirishima chuckled as he slid the door open. Unlike what both of them expected, the class room was almost empty with only two students inside. A boy with spectacles and a girl with a spiky ponytail.

"Are we really that early?" Akira asked, looking at the time, it was 7 AM. 

"It seems so." The girl replied with a helpless smile. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu by the way."

"I'd expect U.A. students arrive early but it seems that is not the case." The guy with spectacles said, "I'm Tenya Ida. Nice to meet you both. I'm from Somei Private Academy."

"I'm Akira Kento. Nice to meet you both too." Akira shook his hands with Tenya and just waved at Momo.

"And I'm Eijiro Kirishima." Kirishima introduced with a wide smile.

"You're Akira!?" Momo asked in surprise.

"You're the boy with 270 points!?" Ida had a similar reaction.

"Well.. yeah" Akira nodded, "Is that really surprising?"

"No no! It's just… you are really a sensation among the students! In the U.A.'s history almost no one even touched 200 points. But you got past that easily!" Momo said excitedly, she wanted to meet the boy who holds the highest recorded score in all of U.A. 's entrance exam. She wanted to meet him since she saw the results, so imagine her surprise when he ended up being a classmate.

"It's just that my quirk was really suitable for the exam…" Akira tried to be humble.

"Don't sell yourself short. You didn't just score that fully from destroying the robots, you also got the highest rescue points among all of us! You knew what being a hero truly meant, something that I myself failed to do. I only heard the rumours, but I wish I saw how you stopped the robot." Ida said with almost too much enthusiasm.

"I was there when he did it bro. And believe me it was.. Manly! He stopped the Zero-pointer with a huge wall and stopped it from moving all in less than a minute!" Kirishima also started to talk about the exam.

Which led to Akira being bombarded by various questions from the over enthusiastic duo who acted like the literal definition of a 'nerd'.

'Setsuna was right, I shouldn't have gone overkill..' Akira was overwhelmed by the situation. But answered all of their questions to satisfy their curiosity.

Soon one by one students started to come, most of them just said hello and didn't talk much further and sat in their own places. Akira too picked a seat next to Kirishima on the last row behind Momo. He wouldn't lie but he did it because she smelt nice.

"Hey Akira!" Soon Denki too came to the room along with a short guy, and he was really short. He had a mohawk with purple balls on his head.

"You're finally here, I almost thought you forgot about school and slept." Akira said to Denki.

"Aww~ good to know that you care about me. Sucks that we can't sit together." Denki walked towards him and turned to Momo who was seated before him. "Hello there miss, would you mind sitting here, I want to sit in this place."

"Um…" .Momo was quite flustered, she didn't want to change her place but also didn't want to separate the boy who seemed to be Akira's friend.

Seeing that Momo was uncomfortable, Akira said, "It's fine Momo-san. It's his fault for not being early." 

"Um- I can't. Sorry." She said to Denki after that. 

Seeing her reaction Denki looked at Akira with frustration. 'The first day hasn't even started and he already has a girl!?' his eyes involuntarily went to Momo's big assets 'Damn… his game is truly unmatched'

He went to a seat next to Momo in defeat. He looked at his fellow new friend who looked at him understandingly.

"Do you now get it? This was the guy I was talking about." He said to Mineta who nodded solemnly.

"You were right. His Rizz is unmatched and his game is too much for us to even compete.." Mineta accepted the unfairness of life.


All of them were surprised at how loud the door was opened. It was a boy with dirty blonde spidey hair. He looked to be in frustration as he walked inside the class. He looked at every student in the class and just sat in a place and put his legs on the table before him.

"He looks like an angry dog…" Akira muttered.

"I know him. He was the one who got second place after you Akira. We were on the same field." Denki muttered to Akira.

"Hey! You take your legs from the table!" Ida being the boy scout he is, immediately said to Bakugo who couldn't care less. "Your actions are incredibly insulting to our seniors who studied here!"

"Like I give a damn! What school are you from? You Extra." Bakugo snapped back.

"Extra!? I'm from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Ida." Ida still introduced himself properly.

"Somei! So you're just a stuck up Elitist then? I should just blow you to bits!"

" 'Blow you to bits?' What are you a villain from a kids show?" Akira decided to step in since Ida seemed to get overwhelmed.

"And who are you?" Bakugo looked at Akira who smiled at him while being annoyed.

"My name is Akira Kento. Would you please mind shutting your mouth? I have sensitive ears, you see." Akira tried being polite but his usual tone still came out involuntarily.

"Pfffft!" It made Denki, Mineta and Kirishima laugh.

"So you're the guy who got first place huh? You certainly don't look much." Bakugo stood up. Facing off with Akira who was taller than him, still he showed no signs of fear.

"And you look like a crackhead." Akira was done being the nice guy. 

But Bakugo lost all interest after spotting Midoria who was talking with Ida.

"Tch.. how annoying." He just muttered and sat on his seat.

Akira decided to leave the matter at that and went back to his seat.

"Well.. that was anticlimactic." Kirishima whispered.

"What? You expected me to throw hands with him on the first day?" 

"Not exactly but kinda."

"You watch too many movies." Akira just shook his head while recognising the green-haired boy.

'So he made it after all.. I wonder what kind of person he is..' Akira thought while looking at Midoriya who was talking with Ida.

The girl smiled at Midoriya and he literally started vibrating.

'So he's the 'beta-male' type.' Akira noted. The only ones who he's curious about are the boy with a crow shaped head and the boy with red and white hair. Only they had a mysterious and powerful vibe to them.

"If you are here to socialise, then get out." A man lying inside a sleeping bag said. Shocking both Ochako and Midoriya since they had no idea when he appeared near them.

The man came out of the sleeping bag. He has long black hair and a lean body. He looked like he hasn't slept for like forever with how dark his eye bags were and the tiredness in his eyes multiplied that.

"It took you 8 seconds to quiet down." The man sucked in some energy jelly in a blink of an eye, "time is a limited and precious resource. So you guys aren't a rational bunch it seems."

'So Aizawa is our teacher huh?' Akira easily recognized the man. 'Guess we picked the short end of the stick on our homeroom teacher huh. Setsuna got lucky, Akizawa is known to be strict with his methods.'

"I'm Shota Aizawa, I'm your homeroom teacher for this year. Pleased to meet you." He casually introduced himself and inserted his hand on his sleeping bag.

He didn't give the students any time to think or talk amongst themselves and pulled out the gym uniform. 

"Go to the locker room and change to your gym clothes and head to the grounds."


"A test of our quirks!?" 

All the students of 1-A were standing on the training grounds, wearing their gym clothes. Everyone's clothes fit them perfectly. 

"What about entrance ceremonies or guidance sessions?" Ochako asked, she didn't expect to undergo a test the first thing today.

"No time to waste on stuff like that." Aizawa looked at the students, "U.A. is known for its 'freestyle' education. And that applies to us teachers as well."

'Expected nothing less from the U.A. Almost all the seniors and graduates said the same thing…'but the truly concerning part is that Aizawa is not your average teacher. He'll expel someone from the hero course in a heartbeat if he finds you to be not up to the standard.' Akira accessed his current situation while Aizawa was fully explaining the series of tests he'll be conducting.

'He's probably going to call me to demonstrate since I got first place in the entrance exam.'

And just as Akira predicted, Aizawa called him out, "Kento, how far could you throw in Middle School?" 

"About 80 metres." Akira replied, he was a good swimmer so his arms were obviously strong even before he started to train.

"Great. Now try to do the same using your quirk however you want to without leaving the circle." Aizawa tossed the ball to Akira. And immediately he noticed how tough and heavy the ball was.

"So I can do whatever I want right?" Akira asked just to be sure.

"Yes." Aizawa nodded.

Akira just tossed the ball up without much power and just as it fell down, he formed a large baseball bat and hit it hard.

*Booom!* The ball flew with a loud bang. 'I still couldn't break it even with a steel bat.'


"Nice shot~"


He received mixed reactions while Aizwa looked at the small device in his hand which showed the numbers constantly being increased. Soon it stopped at about 670 metres.

'Not bad… I should have just gone with the trusters but knowing that the materials and tech they use are strong enough to tank a hit from a steel bat with that much force is much better.' Akira was fine with the results.

"Woah!! That was awesome!"

"670 metres!? Seriously?"

"So we can use our quirks!? Man! The Hero course is awesome!" 


Author's Thoughts:

Two chapters today so enjoy! 

And do you guys think I did a good job with Akira's character development? I still kinda feel I forced it to him... I'm still kinda inexperienced I guess after all this is the first time I've written a story this long... no scratch that, this is the first time I even wrote a story so it's all new to me. I'm like some fan fics here like the marvel gacha fic or jidrino or who ever he is, his pokemon fic is very nice too. I know I fuked up his name but I can't be bothered to look up for it. They're kinda like my... inspiration? for making this fic. I'm from India so I don't really know english that well, it is my second language. And no I don't know Hindi either.

And I noticed something. Whenever a story with a degenerate premise is created it almost gets nearly 50K views within a week and that's just the minimum, while mine barely got 30K views after all this time. Not that I'm ungrateful, I'm very much happy that I got this much views to be honest. So is that the secret for more views? but nearly all the time, the stories are just a brain rot which serves no purpose than wasting our time. So I'd like to know about your thoughts on my take. Wanna know if I'm alone or if I got my bros with me.

And about this long ass thing, it's probably gonna be frequent. I really enjoy reading that marvel gacha fic's author's thoughts which he writes after a chapter. I still miss his fic, he seemed to have taken a long break. At least I hope so, I really don't wanna believe that he dropped that fic. Maybe he went on a vacation, maybe right?

And be sure to ask me anything if you are confused, I'll be sure to answer that as soon as possible.

Have a good day or night, wherever your reading this from.

Cya~ you degenerates. May Makima sit on your face in your dreams.