

The given text is a story about a group of metamorphs who lived for over two thousand years and had the ability to transform into different humans. They were heroes who protected the world, but humans were ungrateful, which made the metamorphs dislike them and not get involved with them for a century. However, they were forced to transform into humans to stop a high school student named Ophelia who wanted to rule the world using her powers. The metamorphs transformed into an unknown house and had to beg humans to take them in as they couldn't use their powers in human form. They eventually convinced a man named Carlo to act as their relative and help them get admitted into Hatton's High school where Ophelia was attending. They tried to make friends with her friends but failed, so they decided to trick Ophelia by telling her that they were metamorphs and had a way for her to rule the world. Ophelia was skeptical at first but believed them after Starlette used her powers on a boy. She asked for their help in gaining powers to rule the world, but they made her forget about ruling the world using their powers. However, rumors about them being monsters spread, and they had no choice but to leave the school and return to the shape shifters kingdom. The story ends with people still expecting the metamorphs even after centuries have passed. The story is fictional as metamorphs never existed.

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They transformed to humans. Natasha transformed to Cillian. Starlette transformed to Lara. Elodie transformed to Kahlani. Snowdrop to Eloise. Candelabra to two ladies, Amelia and Luna. They all joined hands together, like they always did, to stop Ophelia. Though, they knew they shouldn't use their powers to destroy Ophelia, but they could still stop her.


Normally, the metamorphs had nothing to do with her, but she had powers to change the world. In order for such a thing not to happen, they transformed into humans — realistic — but abnormal.

They transformed to an unknown house and stood there for so long.

"Now that we're humans, where should be our abode?" Cillian asked.

" Who knows? We can just curse the inhabitants living here, then live in this house." Kahlani said garrulously.

"Have you forgotten we can't do that in an human body? We should beg some humans to take us in. That's the least we can do." Eloise stated.

" I'm really uncomfortable right now? You should do something." Lara said in a rude manner.

"Starlette, I mean Lara, why are you so brusque? Your character is a way more than egotism."

" You should stop. That's not what we should be doing right away. You know that right?" Cillian asked.

" Of course. Gross! Why is my transmogrification like this? Why two ladies?" Amelia and Luna said. " I'm really misanthropic. Why would I transform to this kind of body? Mankind, my foot!"

"Take it easy." Kahlani said. Then they heard the tip-tap of footsteps, "pit-a-pat! Pit-a-pat! Pit-a-pat!"

"Wait. Do you hear the sound of footsteps from that angle?" Amelia and Luna asked.

"Wow! Can we ask from the person if we can be his/her houseguests." Cillian said. "Hullabaloo !"

" Who are you people? What're you doing here?" A man habilimented in fine attire, said.

" Oh hello. Well, we're here because we need your succor right now." Cillian said.

" Yeah. Sure, what's the matter?" He asked. He seemed prissy.

" We're really hopeless. Actually, we got scammed by someone who claimed to sell an apartment to us. We didn't check all we had to check in the documents he gave us. But, it turned out that the person actually used the apartment as a collateral. Then suddenly, all like a bombshell, some group of people claimed they were from the bank. They asked us to pay off the loan. We could not get a lawsuit as the apartment is ours. We had to leave the apartment to the bank as we have no money. So, we need your assistance..." Lara blabbed but was cut off by the man.

"Wow, you're really a sesquipedalian. Why are you using such long words?" He asked.

" Errm... Ses.. qui.. what? I don't understand. " She replied.

" It's like he's a professor. I can see through him". Kahlani whispered to Amelia and Luna.

" But, you have no powers after all." They whispered back.

" I see. But you can easily know. His grammar is too complex."

" What's wrong with his grammar? You don't know who a sesquipedalian is? A person who uses long and ponderous expressions. I don't know about ponderous expressions but Lara's words are a way too long. Maybe she should've summarised it." Eloise said.

"Well, it's like you're also a sesquipedalian. You talk too much." Kahlani said.

"Get lost and let's try to persuade this guy."

"You talk too much girl. Sum up the words." He finally said.

"Who's girl? If not because I'm not allowed to use my powers, I will pluck out your eyes and destroy you. " Lara thought.

" Ah! Yes! We need you to host us into your home. Let us squat with you for some times. Please." She begged.

"Why should I allow a stranger into my home? I don't want to ." He said.

"Please." They all begged.

"Why're you speaking casually to me? Do I look like your mates?" He asked.

"But, you're the first person to drop the honorifiques..." Cillian said but was kept shut by her fellow peers as they covered her mouth with their hands.

" Of course sir. We are so sorry." Kahlani said but in her mind, millions of thoughts ran through it.

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks. I've learnt so much from the university of life but that doesn't make me change my mind. First, how did you get here? I mean the gates are locked. The fence is electrical. How?" He asked confused.

"Well ... It was a technical hitch. That's for us to know and for you to find out. But, please help us... sir " Amelia and Luna said.

"That'll be the day. And why're you two talking together?" He asked.

"What.. Erm.. well" They stammered.

"They are conjoined twins. But unidentical. Yeah." Cillian threw the bomb!

"Really? Then why is none of their body conjoined?"

"Well, their body is conjoined... in... the brain. That's why they say the same thing. You see, we're really hopeless right? Think of them."

She started faking a cry. "They can't go to where they want to go to freely but have no choice than to walk together. We're really hopeless. Please."

"I feel your pain. Deal. You have to pay me ten thousand dollars each every three months." He ordered.

"Sure." They echoed.

"We won't even spend up to three months here." They whispered to one another.

"Get your bags in". The man said as he left.

They went in and found no one. They sat in the living room smiling at one another.

"Good job metamorphs! Mission one completed!"