
Mental Marriet

Auteur: miu_hozuki
Livre et Littérature
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Severus Snape goes back in time only to get snared in unknown, unseen and unpredictable events. a foolish hufflepuff wants to be his sister.. Bellatrix has not become a Lestrange... Avery wants to fight for muggleborns... what is this? As the history changes in completely beyond his perception, all he could do is fly by the seat of his pants..!

1 étiquettes
Chapter 1chapter 1

Wily Nily silly snake,

Thinks it can hoodwink fate.

Grab this life grab that fate,

you will never get what you desire.

First comes a girl, then comes a vow,

It will always end with an old man.

Willy nilly silly snake,

you can plot, you will fight,

yet a win you shall not taste,

for when you play chronos prank,

Joke's always on you.

Sybil Trelawny cackled, cackled then cackled some more. Then she repeated the same verse, cackled again in a different style. She did not notice the man with blond hair and blue eyes in the corner. The silencer this particular young man sent towards her stunned her, for the man was not gifted at any thing other than memory charms. Obviously, she did not remember making the prophesy as well, or meeting Gilderoy Lockhart. Obviously, she did not recognize her memory was wiped either.

Meanwhile, on the vast grounds of hogwarts, Severus Snape tripped on nothing, hit his head on a rock, spent remainder of term in Coma. His fellow classmates who are responsible for tripping him on nothing left school with only a stern admonishment. Namely, one James Potter and Sirius Black. It all went down like this.

Severus Snape stumbled in brisk walk towards willow trees lake's shore. He regained his footing almost immediately, his eyes scanned over the scene in front of him. The scene was such contrast to what he was facing a moment ago, yet, some thing he equally feared and abhorred.

This is just before he called Lily a mud-blood. Hell, she is even besides same Ravenclaw, at lakeside, just as before. Only, this scene is far more clear than any other time he remembered or dreamed. Hell, he can even smell the water, fell the summer breeze on his skin.

He wondered if death is supposed to take him to the moment he most regretted. He would rather die than repeat this experience. If his memory served right, Potter is going to find him any moment now,cast a tripping hex on him. He just angled his body in the right direction as he heard James Potter's voice. As it was before, James hit him with the hex.

Severus Snape fell.

His head hit the stone at an angle that would have killed him had he been any less magical.

Sirius Black walked over to the body on the ground, rolled it over with his leg.

"Wakey Wakey Snivelly." He sang, throwing a stinging hex at Snape's torso at the same time.

Severus remained unresponsive.

By this time, they started attracting a crowd.

"Wake up Snivelly." Sirius prodded Severus with his foot,as he sent one more stinging hex, this time at Severus's throat.

Snape did not move.

James's face slowly morphed in to a frown as he looked at unresponsive Snape. The stinging hex that Sirius sent at Snape's throat is turning in to a welt.

Lily, who was by the lake talking with her current boyfriend, stopped playing tongue hockey, glanced at increasing crowd to check there's no trouble.

She arrived at the scene just as James attempted to stop Sirius from slapping Snape's face to wake him up.

"STOP IT." she yelled at James and knelt down besides Snape to check his breathing.

"What did you do?" she almost growled at James as she looked up.

"Evans..It's not what it looks like.." James tried covering up feebly.

"You better be prepared for one hell of a detention Potter." she growled angrily.

Soon, Severus Snape is moved to infirmary with help of fellow prefects.

Madam Pomfrey turned white as a sheet when she looked at diagnostic charm results. Severus Snape is in coma. There's nothing Mediwitch can do but wait for him to wake up or die. She wanted to send the boy to saint mungos, but headmaster refused to do so till the boy stayed at Hogwarts infirmary for required period of three months. Poppy would have fought the decision if she held at least a sliver of hope that saint mungos can heal the boy. As such, magical comas are different from mundane ones. There is nothing the bigger hospital can do for the boy that she can't do her self.

Dumbledore, for the first time wondered if he has given too much lee-way to his Griffyndors. All involved student's parents were informed of the circumstances. Their reactions are varied. Potters blustered indignantly, Blacks looked proud upon hearing the cursed boy is a half blood. Snapes them selves are just silent.

If there's one thing Severus Snape excelled at more than dark magic, one has to say it's mind arts. Yes, Dumbledore and dark lord are better legillemens, but when it comes to expertise on all around mind arts, Severus Snape is the person to go to. After all, he tricked most perceptive and manipulative wizard born after Merlin for almost five years or entirety of the duration they have known each other.

Thus, when he knocked him self up purposefully, only to wake up in a palace of glass, with butterfly garden and rippling floor, he knew with out doubt he is in a mind realm. He also knew last spell he used in limbo is for time travel. He made this butterfly garden as mental sanctuary to hide when needed peace of mind when he was sixteen. This could only mean that the spell he has used in limbo is indeed a real spell. It did send him to past and he is still friends with Lily. That is, if he gets out of this place.

He found an exit in exactly twenty-one minutes. In reality, it's twenty-one days that has passed.

Madam Pomfrey informed Headmaster Dumbledore as soon as Severus woke up. It only took few minutes for headmaster to arrive at infirmary. How ever, that was enough time for Snape to compose him self, build any and all mental walls his mind was lacking in his younger years.

It is a weird feeling to look at some one you killed. Looking at headmaster's concerned eyes, Severus wondered if there's ever a time Albus cared for him. No one could ask what Albus Dumbledore asked of him, especially after taking from him what he did. Suddenly he is overcome with a want to hurt headmaster. Severus suppressed all the feelings, asked the question that's appropriate for the situation.

"Sir, What happened?"

It's blasé and perfunctory, however it will be weirder to ask any other question.

"You have met with an unfortunate accident, my boy. You were comatose for twenty-one days. I am glad you are awake. How are you feeling?"Albus asked genially.

Headmaster seemed relieved too. If Severus is the innocent student that he should be, he would have mistaken this for concern and goodwill. Severus at thirty nine is well versed in headmaster's manipulation. As concerned as headmaster is, he is subtly pushing Severus to acknowledge this incident as an accident, not a deliberate act by marauders to hurt him.

Severus would have acknowledged it to be so if headmaster did not start his manipulation while Severus is in such a vulnerable state. It made him wonder if Albus ever cared for him during their long friendship. Any form of acquiescence when answering that particular question will be sufficient for the headmaster to dismiss this incident as an accident. That is what almost any one would have done, had they really been coming back from a vulnerable state. Unfortunately for headmaster, Severus is not. He did not even nod in answer, discarded that question as if headmaster did not even ask that question.

"I remember hearing some one throw a tripping jinx." Severus prodded.

Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle. Severus could feel the subtle mind probe, which would have slipped right off his mental walls of defense. He held back his smirk, it was very hard do that, but it will be detrimental in this situation. Still, his eyes gleamed with smugness he is feeling. Albus knew Severus felt and repelled a mind probe, but the headmaster can not ask any thing about his knowledge of mind arts.

"Ah,Yes. Mr. Black and Potter. They have been heavily reprimanded for their actions. Their guardians are informed. You have their utmost sympathies with you." Albus Dumbledore responded, his face somber.

"Reprimanded, Sir?" Snape repeated disbelievingly.

Yes, term ended two days after he fell in coma. He has been invalid for almost a month and They have just been reprimanded? Is Dumbledore trying to send out a message that trying to kill him is okay?

"A part of their punishment is your prerogative, ." Dumbledore said, then waited for Snape to name his punishment.

Severus is absolutely sure headmaster would have gladly skipped over this question had he answered the first question at all. If he had been a student, he would have considered this favor shown to him by headmaster. How ever, he was a head of house, thus he knew it's part of Hogwarts rule book that gave him this right. Any student who endangered another student out side of a duel has the right to determine punishment given to said perpetrator. It's not much applied,for even slightest action in self defense would have dismissed this right. In other words, only K.O shots, obviously, victims are never alive, perpetrators never stupid enough to get caught.

"Expel them sir." Snape answered promptly.

"My boy, surely you think that's harsh. Perhaps a month of detentions and ban on Hogsmeade visits will do." Dumbledore looked at him with slight reproachful manner, as if Severus is the miscreant.

Snape is shocked at Dumbledore's words. If this is how they are punished, they will plan to murder Severus next time. In fact, they did in his past life. Severus liked to think they would have been punished had he come to harm. Perhaps, that wouldn't have been what happened. They probably would have gotten away with it, considering the way Dumbledore is behaving now. Severus pretended to not hear the question at all, for if he answered it with even a nod of head, he is absolutely sure Dumbledore will construe that as aggrement.

"I am afraid I am not feeling well, Sir. I would like to rest now." he mumbled, turned away from Dumbledore, covered him self with blanket.

To his dismay, his eyes started watering. He understood all of Dumbledore's reasoning. Hell, he even knew if he hadn't intended to harm his own body, his injury wouldn't have been this dangerous. Dumbledore can not afford to loose good will Potters or attract the ire of Blacks at this point of time. That would tip the war too much in favor of dark lord.

Blacks had significant financial pull while Potters have political say equal to Dumbledore. Still, it hurt. It probably wouldn't have hurt as much if he was a teenager, had never known Dumbledore in any position other than authority. How ever, he is not sixteen but thirty nine, Albus Dumbledore is a dear friend, not a disliked authority figure. It hurt as much as Lily's rejection did the first time. Though for the life of him, he could not remember how that had happened. He knew he called Lily Mudblood distantly, that Potter and Black were humiliating him at that moment, but not the exact scene.

When he woke next, Madam Pomfrey informed him his belongings are packed and ready in Slytherin dorms. He can leave next day morning at eight o'clock. Headmaster will be much obliged if he met him before he left for holidays.

It isn't until he is half way towards dorms he understood why headmaster wanted to meet him. Basically, he needs to sign over a form releasing Potter and Black, another for Slughorn to act in loco parentis. Accepting what's stated in the first form Severus's final decision, incontestable by law. If he enters headmaster's office, Dumbledore will find one way or another to make Severus agree to the terms he mentioned day before. Severus could not help but note this situation is as unfavorable to him as possible.

He smirked to him self as he decided on next action. There's no way Dumbledore will punish Potter or Black, he doubted their parents will do much to punish them. Even as Severus suggested it, he did not think expelling Black and Potter is a possible course of action. How ever, if he played his cards right, he can benefit from this entire fiasco.

With that in mind, He set out to meet Solicitor Jugson Mulciber, also known as "the leech", an advocate extraordinaire with vendetta against Dumbledore.

Jugson specialized in collecting. He held record for highest amount of lawyer fees received from Settlements. Simply put, he scared his opponents in to paying up.

He also had a daughter who's a werewolf, Severus only knew this because Severus was asked to brew wolfsbane for her by Malfoy. It made a tidy sum last time around, afforded him some rare ingredients & potions equipment.

Severus is thrown out of Mulciber's office in flat ten seconds of opening door to said office. He just shrugged off the slight as he knocked on the office door once again, stood to the side. This time around, he has a plan.

The peon was completely unprepared to stop him as he sneaked under attendant's arm, opened the doors to Jugson's office, threw a rolled up parchment at Jugson. The peon caught up with Severus, apologized fervently for the interruption, bodily hauled him out of the office roughly. Then he threatened to call Aurors if he did not leave. Had Severus been a student, he would have been scared by now. Fortunately, he is not a student, add to that, he had reliable information from past life that Jugson Mulciber is between rock and hard place during this time.

Aurors always hated Jugson, they would have jumped at any chance to come and occupy his office. The dark lord is currently wooing Jugson to join his side, thus, if he wanted any help from darklord at all, he would have to publicly support dark lord. While Jugson wholeheartedly agreed with darklord's agenda, to publicly support him means loosing lot of business. Thus, the measly peon is by no means going to call aurors.

Severus sarcastically reminded the peon he has a right to stand where ever he pleased, Aurors will be all the more happy to settle down with him and watch who comes and goes rather than help him. The peon glared at him in response. Severus sighed. He did not want to play with petty people. The sarcasm will no doubt not help his case along with his unfortunate looks.

"Mister, if Mr. Mulciber asks me to leave, I will. Leave that decision to him." he told the peon.

The peon just glared at him, closed the door in his face once more defiantly.

Severus made him self at home on parapet in front of Jugson's office. He started wondering what brought Lucius Malfoy to Jugson's office. Severus only caught a peek at hair, but he is absolutely sure that shining mane of golden hair belonged to Lucius. Is he pitching Dark lord's agenda to Jugson? What was happening during this time last time around? Severus took floo from hogsmeade, instead of train, apparated through random places before arriving at Jugson's office. He cleared his wand of all spells too. Albus Dumbledore must be pulling his hair out trying to locate Severus by now.

Jugson Mulciber him self picked up Severus after an hour. Severus grinned triumphantly at the Peon as he followed Jugson in to office. The peon glared back at him hatefully. Soon, he is seated in a comfortable leather couch, with an onyx coffee table in front of him, with a tea service ready for them.

Jugson poured him tea.

"Milk?" he asked almost condescendingly, yet Severus kept his cool. After all, he is a fifteen year half blood minor visiting a man who is known to be treacherous enough to kill him and vanish the corpse with no trouble at all.

"No, Thank you." Severus answered picking up his tea cup before Jugson can move to sugar cubes.

Severus sniffed his tea, swirled it three times, sniffed it again. No poison - he concluded. He carefully took a sip, savored the taste.

Jugson smirked at him, though Severus could see he approved and appreciated the cautiousness.

"I find poison to be a weapon of women, Mr. Snape. I much prefer swords and wands." Jugson still maintained his conversational tone.

Severus did not answer back. It's part of small talk, replying to such will only prove his young age. He is sure the next part is going to be the silent interrogation. He will not be breaking under that either.

Jugson leaned back in his arm chair leisurely and observed the youth before him. The boy seemed surprisingly relaxed, as if he is sure he has won already. Jugson Mulciber concluded the boy will not break under any of his maneuvers, that is impressive at such young age. If it is going to be like this, he may as well go straight to the point.

"You sent a rather interesting message earlier, master Snape. What is it you know of my daughters?" He kept his tone light, it will not do to give away to the boy if he already does not know.

Daughters? Severus thought Jugson had only one daughter. Is it a trick question? or did he have daughters, one of them died some time before now and twenty years? it's possible.

"I know they have an affliction that makes them suffer at every full moon, Mr. Mulciber." Severus answered in monotone.

If Severus is not as trained by the war, they would have missed that subtle shift of Mulciber's stance. Jugson is holding his wand at the ready now. Severus re-evaluated the man.

"And, what of it, If I may inquire? " Jugson asked in same light tone as if it did not matter to him one way or another.

Severus shifted his stance to ready to dodge. If Jugson noticed, he did not any indication of such. Severus liked to think he did not notice at all.

"I can make a potion that eases their condition." Severus told him truthfully. Truth is the best here. If the man is as dangerous as Severus is thinking, then it's futile to go through all the push and pull. It's a take it or leave it deal, and Jugson Mulciber will have to take it one way or another, for how ever dangerous he may be, he is not good enough to beat Severus.

"Why should I believe you, you are, after all, a student who doesn't seem to have passed out even OWLS." Jugson continued in same light tone. He did not relax his hold on his wand.

"I can give an oath as to my ability to brew such potion. As long as you provide me with ingredients I ask for and a place to brew." Snape answered sincerely.

"very well. Let's say you can make such potion. What are you expecting in return?" Jugson asked. he released his hold on the wand.

Snape relaxed in response. He was sure he would have to convince Jugson hard way. Well, people tend to be more co-operative when their offspring are beneficiaries. He explained his situation to Jugson. He knew as well as the advocate expulsion of involved students is not a possible outcome, both potters and blacks too powerful for that. The transgressions of the rat and werewolf are too small for expulsion from school to come through. It is then it occurred to Severus what Jugson Mulciber's beef with Dumbledore is. He allowed Remus to attend Hogwarts, at the same time refusing entrance for his daughters. No wonder the man is champing at the bit to get back at Dumbledore. Severus wondered if he should let Jugson know Remus is werewolf, so he can negotiate entrance for his own children. He eventually decided against it though. For all his faults, Dumbledore's presence meant Hogwarts will stay safe. He had no guarantee that Mulciber will not attempt to remove Dumbledore from office and succeed too. He wanted comeuppance, not cut off the branch he is sitting on.

Initially, Jugson refused to go against Blacks. He relented only after Severus let him know Sirius is black sheep of the family. After all, wrath of Blacks is not some thing you take lightly. Ever. Eventually, Jugson created a case by coercing Peter Pettigrew. All he had to do is allude at a substantial fine, Pettigrew is tattling like there is no tomorrow. Severus and Jugson both are of the mind punishing Black and Potter will be impossible. Severus gave in, told the advocate he should aim for the highest amount of money they could get and an apology from the students. If you can not kill the beast, at least make sure your bite smarts enough for them to limp after a decade.

Blacks denied any kind of responsibility for Sirius's actions. From what Severus heard, Sirius had to either reconcile with family or face Azkaban. If Sirius wants stay out of prison, he could pay the fines out of his own trust fund, which will leave him penniless. Potter's family seriously considered reneging their hospitality to Sirius. Severus relished the look on Sirius and James's face at first settlement discussion. Hell, he even relished the look on Albus's face as Jugson brought up accusations against him of treating students with prejudice. The cherry on the top is Jugson Mulciber, the very definition of devil's advocate, accusing Albus Dumbledore, all that's milk and cookies of treating Severus badly for being a half blood, while favoring two students who are pure blood over him. Severus made no attempts to hide his look of cat that ate the canary.

James Potter, being the little twit he is, exploded that the only dark wizard among them is Snape, if any one cursed him, it's only comeuppance long due. If he was less experienced, he would have smiled in victory. As such, his parents looked like they are cringing at the immature display. Severus did not betray any expression.

"Is that so, Master Potter? May I ask you to describe specific details as to the dark magic used?" Jugson asked in his polite tone.

"He has a book full of dark spells." James potter accused.

"Is that so, ? That is indeed bad. May I ask how you came across this information?" Mulciber baited. Severus could tell Potter's parents are allowing this behavior to continue, only because they know the reputation of princes. They are the only family darker than Blacks.

"We saw it." Sirius Black added it.

"I am under the impression one can not determine a book's value by it's cover. After all, it's very easy to glamour the covers." Mulciber said conversationally. His tone implied he is most sympathetic to Potter's and Black's cause than Severus's.

"We read it. It is full of dark spells." Potter assured the lawyer, clearly believing him to be on their side. Severus's smugness doubled inside his stomach. His face remained impassive.

"In that case I dearly hope you have not used any of those spells. After all, they are dark, every one knows what dark magic does to you." Mulciber said lightly. Potter's father is starting to look alarmed, but before he can kick in the side or step on toes, Potter answered back.

"Ofcourse, we did not." Potter answered.

"Well then. Now that's established, You wont mind if I place thief's tattle ward on the knowledge, would you? In fact, I can do it right now. After all, it's a Mulciber family magic, it will be done on 's coin too. You have a right to it, I say." Jugson informed him genially.

Both older potters and blacks silenced the kids before they could so much as squeak. Severus smirked at them.

"Why , I will allow you to place the thief's tattle on my old, second hand potion book. After all, the knowledge in it is meant to go to Snape Grimmoire, and I would be glad to pay for the services rendered." Severus told his advocate.

James and Sirius, now correctly guessing this is a trap, settled in their seats with a huff. Thief's tattle is a Mulciber family magic which is placed especially on knowledge. When that knowledge is stolen and used with out owner's permission, it wrote out thief on their foreheads. There are many wards that did the same, but they are bound by agreement of some sort. Thief's tattle has no such problem. Past,present or future, you use knowledge stolen, you are marked. Need less to say, Potter and Black would have to kiss their dream of becoming aurors good bye. Severus commended old people for their fast response.

After that, the discussion was easy. Potters did not want their darling to be marked thief over a pretty school boy antics. Thus, they paid fifty thousand galleons for not placing thief's tattle on Severus's book ever. A hundred galleons to be transferred to Severus' vault every time James uses any of the spells from Severus's book. Then, James potter refused bow and apologize for every time he has hurt Severus. Severus generously offered old style honor duel in exchange. If James wins, he snaps Severus's wand, vice versa. Listening to Jugson Mulciber put forth the deal is extremely entertaining. He said it in such a manner he absolutely believed in James will win. James Potter is all for the duel, but Potter Sr. put his foot down. After all, he is not a school boy. He knew Jugson's reputation, if there is one thing he has gotten from all their dialogue earlier, his son has never taken on snape with out back up, or up front. Thus, Severus obtained thousand galleons monthly stipend until such time as James potter defeats him in a duel, apologizes or he crosses thirty.

Sirius was in direr straits. Even though this amount is only pittance compared to Black vaults, it is not so when compared to a student's trust fund. Sirius's uncle Alphard came to his rescue. Eventually, Potters did pitch in their share for Sirius, as taking one of them to court meant leaving a stain in James Potter's pristine record. Even so, Black was all the more willing to go to duel with Severus instead of apologizing. Lucky for him, his uncle Alphard had the same amount sense as potter senior. Instead of a thousand galleons a month, Alphard negotiated with him to pay out a hundred thousand galleons provided Severus becomes potion master before twenty. An apology or duel to be had only after they have reached said age, a thousand galleon stipend to be accrued to pay upon Sirius's loss.

Severus had to applaud the smartness of the guy. In another world, Severus would have been charmed to be such a man's friend. Black needs to pay naught at the moment. Becoming potion master before twenty for a normal Hogwarts student is hard. One would have to spend their every living moment brewing, Even then, it takes talent to get there. Provided he spent his time that way, his dueling skills will become rusty enough Black will easily win over him. After all, Sirius is a natural dueler. It kills two birds with one stone. At least in Alphard's eyes. Spell craft and Potions are such mutually exclusive skills one can't have both. That must be what he has thought. Severus will have pleasure proving him wrong and fleecing Black of every thing.

Severus resisted all efforts from James's and Sirius's guardians to appeal to his kinder side. He just wanted to see James and Sirius face consequences, for once in their lives. By the time the settlement is through, James and Sirius's friendship is almost strained. Severus is now sure that his school life for coming two years is going to be hell. Jugson hated Albus dumbledore with a passion, he did his best bringing Albus to the table. If it was any other time, Albus Dumbledore would have laughed in their faces, challenged them in court. How ever, a war is looming on the horizon, it just would not do to take some thing as childish as this to court. Finally, Severus relented, implored Jugson to settle with Albus for a rundown house in hogsmeade, which he knew Albus just left to ruin in future.

Severus got his OWL grades the day he reached home. He lost nearly six weeks in between staying in coma and dealing with solicitor. He did not have any complaints about loosing summer time though. His mother had no problems with his coming home late, hell, she did not even question him where he was. Severus is absolutely sure from the stack of letters in corner with Hogwarts crest that Headmaster has tried very hard to summon him back to school. He brought a goblin purse with him, in which he only stated the amount, the correct amount of money is present. Loathe as he is to do it, he can take knight bus any where, until such a time as he is of age. Plus potions ingredients did not take well to apparition.

He went to his and Lily's tree with no expectations of seeing her. After all, he has called her mud blood, though he did not remember how and why. Severus could only assume she has not forgiven him for that. He just remembered She never visited this hideout after their spat in the past. He sat at the willow, skipping rocks, reminiscing fondly about indignant faces of Black Sr. , Potter Sr. and Dumbledore when they signed over his compensation to him with a goofy grin.

Her delightful cry of "Sev" startled him. Hug that followed increased his happiness ten fold. This is what he missed. These small moments with his friend. This time, he swore to him self, he will not let her get away. So, Severus sat there with Lily, doing nothing but basking in her presence, for once, he smiled more than her, is in better spirits than her. They exchanged their grade sheets, Severus got all outstandings, save for divination & transfiguration, where he got acceptable and exceeds expectations. It always astounded Severus he actually scored outstanding in history.

Lily got almost the same, how ever, she got one more exceeds expectations in Defense against dark arts.

"Are you laughing at me? " she asked him seriously.

"Lily, don't be silly." He replied seriously.

Lily looked at him as if he has lost his mind for some time before cracking up.

"You know, this the first time ever I saw you laugh this much. Are you sure you are not on crack? " she asked between giggles.

"I am just happy that we are still able to meet Like this." he answered sighing and settling in to the tree.

They sat there, talking about this and that, skipping stones, being childish. yet, some thing is different. Severus attributed the change to his merging with his past self. That is when he noticed the change in his memories. He is glad this time he did not .. What did he not do? As Severus raked his memory for answers, he couldn't find any. He still remembered he is traveled in time. He also remembered he did some thing first time that caused Lily not to come here but for the life of him, he couldn't remember what he did.

So, he left the place with a frown and resolved to take down notes on the other future as soon as possible. He greeted his Mother and went in to his room and locked him self in. It took another three days before his letter with details of trust fund arrived. Potters already placed their part of the money, Goblins are informing of the same.

Well, Guess he will be taking those early Newts after all. His father was almost as violent with his mother as ever. If he was younger, he would have told his mother to run, and he would have run with her. Severus knew better now. He knew now women like his mother never run. They might accept some comfort, a shoulder to lean on, but till they make a decision, till they are afraid of loosing some thing more valuable, it's near impossible to make them leave their rotten lives behind. Unfortunately, Severus knew his mother considered him durable enough not to make that decision.

His mother may rot in this hell, but he is not going to. With that decided, he left to ministry. As long as you pay, an exam is arranged for you immediately, plus these exams are usually easier. He applied for potions and defense NEWTS, in both of which he achieved a score of outstanding. With newly obtained newt scores, he went to emancipation office. In an hour, Severus Snape is declared an Adult and free to do magic when ever he pleased. Severus expected his mother to be happy for him when he informed her of his new status.

He has, after all, graduated two years early. Not that he is going to skip school for coming two years, but that's beside the point. Point is, Severus expected his mother to be happy when he announced he has gotten two NEWTS, thus can heal her cuts and broken bones. Yes, she may be whiling away her time in bed doing nothing, but that doesn't mean she should suffer needlessly. He genuinely expected her to be happy. Instead, what happened was a slight magical breeze and his mother going ballistic on him. He hadn't even known his mother had that kind of fire in her.

For a moment, her eyes went so dark and angry, Severus suddenly understood why children rushed to move out of his way. Her magic became almost tangible, it felt like walking on glass shards vertically. There is an unnatural and broken quality to it, at the same time, it felt dangerous. Like a glass ceiling broke above, only the shards are held still by sheer will, only to fall at the slightest provocation.

He still hadn't gotten her to stop calling him "you Foolish child" or bang her head on the wall, or chant madly while waving her wand. He recognized those chants.

They made a place unplottable, or they maintained the wards on an unplottable location. Yes, death-eaters had trouble time and again to find his house, but he never thought his house is unplottable, or his mother is the one to place such powerful wards on their home. Thus, he just stood there, occasionally stopping her from banging her head on the wall but letting her call him foolish child, for he has never felt more foolish or childish in long time.

She finally stopped with a sigh, started preparing dinner. he hovered right by her side with a glare that scared even seventh years and folded arms. His mother had always been forthcoming with information when he took this stance. How ever, her eyes had also been glassy then.

She did not pay him any attention.

Severus waited some more, and glared some more.

Eileen still did not pay any attention.

He just wished some one will tell him whats going on. He dearly wished for some one, even a house elf or a ghost. Hell, he wouldn't even mind if a poltergeist came by to explain what's happening.

"Master Severus" a house elf popped right in to the middle of table.

Severus jumped and pointed his wand at the creature.

His mother dropped the platter she is just about to lift on kitchen table.

"Who sent you?" Severus growled at the creature.

"No one sent Arnold, Master Severus." the elf answered dutifully.

Severus sighed inwardly. It's very hard getting house elves to answer questions properly, and one behaving this calm, usually is ordered on what to say.

"Why are you here? " he asked, still not removing wand from elf's face.

"Arnold is summoned here, Master Severus." the house elf answered.

Severus was about to ask another question when Eileen interrupted.

"What of my father and mother, Arnold?" his Mother asked the elf.

The elf did not answer.

His mother spoke again.

"Severus, order the elf to talk."

Severus dearly felt like saying he is disinclined to say so unless his mother explained him why she's accusing him of being foolish, but that sounded exactly like what a foolish child will do.

"Answer her question, Elf." Severus told the house elf loftily.

He is still trying to wrap his head around this.

There is a house elf, in his home.

He definitely did not remember a house elf called Arnold any time in his future life.

Hell, he did not think elves got proper names. There's was an Ernie,Ornie and an Arny even, but never an Arnold.

So, he waited for the house elf to answer.

"Master and Mistress are dead, Miss Eileen." the elf answered dutifully.

His mother smiled then.

A Cheshire cat kind of smile. It fit right in the face of a Slytherin princess, but not in his mother's face.

"Ah. Is that so?" she commented lightly.

She explained no more on the point. Severus dismissed the elf after knowing it's a prince family elf, summoned when he asked for any one, even a ghost or house elf. He pestered his mother for answers, but he had gotten none.

His newt results came by after a week with outstanding. As soon as he received it, he went to register him self for QUAILS, abbreviated form of quintessentially unpleasant area intensive levels. He usually needed a potion master's recommendation to do those, but provided he brewed five master level potions perfectly in three days, he could cross them off the list. This, need less to say, is a very difficult task, which needed to be timed in such a manner, even his sleep and bathroom breaks should be timed right. Any other would not be able to do it. How ever, Severus has been a spy and potion master to two warring sides, he could brew ten hospital quality master level potions in that time. Thus, he went for it. A week later, Severus boarded Hogwarts express in brand new clothes, highest grade achieved in QUAILS, mystery of his mother's sudden magical prowess still unsolved.

The way Marriet and Severus met is inconsequential.

In fact, it's so underwhelming, it did not even register on master spy's mental periphery.

It went like this.

Severus boarded Hogwarts express with his trunk in tow.

A girl tripped on her own trunk, face planted in front of him.

Her wand rolled away, stopped at Snape's feet.

He picked it up, gave it to her, swept past her.

It couldn't get more underwhelming than that.

How ever, it made an impression on both Marriet and her giggling friends.

You see, till now, all Marriet's roll the wand meetings went this way. A student picks up her wand, looks at her face, cringes, then either drops it in her hand, or gives it to her with polite disdain or drops it right back on floor. Not a single soul till now had looked at her face with out cringing, disdain or outright hate. Till Severus Snape, that is.

Marriet's some thing of rarity among Hogwarts students. She is a friendless Hufflepuff. Now, you must wonder – There must be other hufflepuffs with out friends. The answer is, no. Every single person in Hufflepuff always had friends. Both in and out of house. Professor Sprout made sure of that. When Marriet failed to make any friends, She assigned a duty of being her friends or making sure she has some other friends to most friendly trio in Hufflepuff.

Marriet tried various methods to make friends till now. Hell, she even tried the Prewitt twin's "put a worm in their soup" as well. All it got her is a bowl of soup on top of her head. Thus, When her roll the wand method from Tia Weatherby worked, she became pleasantly surprised or gleefully celebrated ~ both expressions look same on her any way. Her friends (it's housemates but Marriet liked to call them friends any way) did not believe her when she informed them that she just made a new friend with a sixth year slytherin.

She set out to to prove it.

She found Severus Snape after searching up and down the entire train.

Her friends knew who he is. After all, he is about the only person who retaliated against marauders, even upper years steered clear of them.

He was reading a book.

She opened the cabinet and sat down in front of him.

She smiled brightly.

As bright as she can at least.

"Hi" she said breathlessly.

Severus did not look up.

"Hello" she repeated louder.

Severus still did not look up.

"Hello" Marriet said getting even louder.

Her friends snickered from their secret or not so secret hiding place.

Severus looked up.

"I am Marriet Dolcow." she introduced her self in what she thought as her best voice.

"I don't care. Now, get out or I will hex you." he glared his most frightening glare at her.

Marriet has waited for a friend for too long to give up at a single glare. She needed at least a rotten egg or tomato in her face to leave some one alone. Perhaps, the other reason why she did not make friends.

"Would you like to be my friend?" she asked, Braving a hex or two at her face.

He waved his wand.

She opened her mouth.

No sound came out.

He waved his wand again.

She got pushed to out of the the cabinet.

The door closed with a bang in her face.

Severus Snape's peace lasted exactly one week after that.

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