

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Sports, voyage et activités
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42 Chs


"Actually, you told me to go after Yeong Hyun right. After I went there.....

(Earlier when Ji Ae went to 'help' Yeong Hyun.)

"Hey Yeong Hyun, it's been a long time."

"Oh, Ji Ae, it's you."

"Yeah, should I help you?"

"No, it's fine. I can do it by myself."

"Even though you refuse, humanity of mine won't stop me. So.....what are you upto these days?"

"Huh? I'm just me I guess."

"Yeah, I can see that you haven't changed except for our time to time hangout."


"Oh, it's nothing. You have become busy huh?"

"Well, Yeah I guess. And what are you upto these days? You even found a new friend."

"Woah, you do notice me. I am working on my acting these days. The classes in school aren't enough, thus I take extra classes outside."

"Oh really? By the way, you changed your dream? You always wanted to be a stylist, but now have changed to actress."

"You still remember that?"

"Of course, I do. How can I forget how we were before."

"So, you feel like that too. I thought I was the only person who felt that we are not keeping in touch."

"If only if it weren't for that person."

"What? Did you say something?"

"Nothing. Oh right, do you have my number?"

"Yeah, but you never replied to my messages."

"You sent texts? I don't think I received any." He said and checked his phone.

"I did. Here this is your number right?" She said and showed the details to him.

"Oh, actually this is an old one. I changed my number long ago."

"What?! Really?! This is not your number?! Then who have I been talking to?! Aaahh, so embarrassing. Ji Ae, you idiot."

"You still scold yourself like this? And you saved my number as 'Yeong Hyunie' though." Yeong Hyun told and giggled.

"Huh? Oh that, I saved it when I got my first phone, since then it has been like that. Now-" Ji Ae couldn't finish her sentence as he grabbed the phone.

"Oh really? Now let me change the number."

"Oh okay."

"Here, I changed it. Chat whenever you are free. We won't fall out of touch hereafter."

"Woah, I'm touched. I finished filling it here."

"It's done here too. Oh, before that, I would like to ask you something."

"Why? What is it?"

"Are you free this evening?"

"Huh? I actually have my acting class today. But why did you ask out of the blue?"

"Oh really? Alright, I wanted to hangout with you. Ok we will hangout the day you're free. Okay?"

"Okay sure. Let's go."

(Back to the girls.)

"And that is what happened." Ji Ae said.

"Woah, he literally asked for a date. Congratulations!" Yu Ah said with an unbelievable look in her face. "I'm really happy for you Ji Ae." Bo Young said. "But, It wouldn't have happened if Bo Young didn't force me to go. Thank you~~" Ji Ae said. Someone brushed past Ji Ae. "Hey! Can't you be more careful?" Ji Ae asked at the person. It was Ha Sang. "This Ha Sang really has no manners right? Are you okay Bo Young?" Ji Ae asked. "It's nothing. By the way, you wanted to be a stylist? And I see you only attending vocal and dance session in school. I don't think I saw you going for the acting sessions either." Bo Young asked. "Oh that actually, you have dance sessions for like another hour too right. At that time I will go to my acting session. You might've not known it since you're so focused in the class. I do attend singing class but at times I can't because my acting session would be in the same time as your singing session." Ji Ae said. "Okay and hereafter when you are leaving tell me and then leave." Bo Young said. "But, you haven't seen Ji Ae acting. If she starts acting, you won't see Ji Ae but would clearly see that it's the role she has taken. She will be so immersed in it. She just kills the stage with her acting skills." Yu Ah complimented. "Woah, awesome. I wanna see you act once. Yu Ah what classes are you taking?" Bo Young asked. "Oh, I take fashion designing classes and singing classes. What about you?" Yu Ah said. "I take the normal wannabe-idol classes." Bo Young said. "But Bo Young's voice and singing skills are awesome and her dancing line is perfect." Ji Ae started complimenting.

They reached their classes. "Ok girls, I will leave for my class now. Will see you evening." Yu Ah said. "Sure but don't ditch us like yesterday!" Ji Ae said. "Alright alright. I don't have any plans with Dong Hoon sunbae today so we will leave together today. Bye for now." Yu Ah waved and said and then left. "Let's go too." Bo Young said. They both entered the class.

"Why is Bo Young coming with a cast in her leg?" A student asked their friend. It was Rae Bin. "I don't know, let's ask Ji Ae." Soo Hwa said. "Ji Ae what happened to Bo Young?" Soo Hwa asked Ji Ae. "Huh? You guys only talk to people when you want to ask something from them right? Tsk, you guys are toxic. All this time Bo Young was invisible for you guys huh? And if you wanna ask someone about something, ask them directly if you are courageous. And you guys ask this while you guys were the cause?" Ji Ae confronted everyone after observing how everyone looks at Bo Young in awe but at the same time just ghosted her and thought she was intimidating just because they were jealous of her appearance. "Ahem, we just wanted to catch up with Ha Sang. Ok fine." Soo Ki answered taken aback. The whole group was taken down. "Now, speak of the other cause." Ji Ae said and looked at Ha Sang. Ha Sang didn't hear anything as he was sleeping. The whole class started to murmur about the group. "What?, You guys now are talking about us? Geez, this class is annoying. Let's get out of here." Soo Ki told and left with her girls. "Alright, stop arguing Ji Ae. Go sit down." Bo Young said. They both sat down.

Bo Young was preparing everything for her class. She was going through her desk. She found a unique object. She thought: "Huh? What is this? I don't remember keeping anything inside the desk, other than the books." She took out the thing off the desk. She thought: "Hmm? A medicine? But what is this for? And who kept it here?" She turned to look around and find who it was. She thought: "I will just keep it for now and go ask Ms.Kang in the next break. Oh wait, there is no break after the class. I will ask while leaving for home." Their classes finished soon. She started to pack her things. "You ready? Shall we go?" Ji Ae asked. "Yeah." Bo young said and held Ji Ae's hand which was held out. They went outside. While walking Ji Ae suddenly stopped. "Ah, I almost forgot. Miss.Han asked to meet me after school. Just wait here for a while. I will be back." Ji Ae said and left. "She has been leaving like this for awhile." She said. She leaned back on the wall and put her hands inside the jacket's pockets. She thought: "What's inside? Oh! Right! I put the medicine inside. Let me- but Ji Ae might come. I will come back soon." She started to move but then stopped again. "But I should not walk without a support. What shall-" Bo Young was interrupted. "Shall I help you walk?" Someone asked.

She turned to look. She recognised the face. She thought: "Wait a sec, this person, yeah, he was the one who blocked the ball, stood me up when I fell down and now again?" "You? Again? How did-" She was interrupted by him. "Do you want any help to walk?" He asked again. "Huh? No I can walk by myself, who told- Ouch." She was saying whilst trying to walk but couldn't. "Here, hold my hand." He said. She thought: "The same line like that day. It feels like déjà vu but in a different situation." "Huh?" She said and held his hand. He held her hand and put it around his shoulder. Bo Young was shocked. He started walking and so she did. "Oh right! Where do you want to go?" He asked. "Infirmary." She told in the same shook manner. They were reaching the infirmary. She had millions of things were running in her mind. She thought: "He is all around the place. How does he know that I'm here? He comes right when I need help. How does he know that? He does look familiar but, I don't know where I saw him. Let's ask." "Who-" She couldn't finish her sentence. "We are here." He said. They reached the infirmary. The went inside. He made her sit down. "Let me go call Ms.Kang." He said and went.

She thought: "This guy is really weird, like totally weird." Ms.Kang came soon. Bo Young greeted Ms.Kang. "What has brought you here?" Ms.Kang asked. "Oh Yeah, I found this medicine in my table. Does it have anything to do with my mild fracture?" She asked. "Oh this is with you?" Ms.Kang asked. Bo Young looked at her confused. "Why?" Bo Young asked. "This is the only one medicine I had for now and someone got it from me today." Ms.Kang said. "Someone? Who is that?" Bo Young asked. "Ha Sang, Yang Ha Sang. I gave it to him cause he asked me a medicine for sprain." Ms.Kang said. "Really? Are you sure this is the one you gave?" Bo Young asked showing the medicine to her. "Yeah, I'm sure. I had only one of this and I gave it to him." Ms.Kang assured. She thought while looking at the medicine: "Ha Sang? Yang Ha Sang? That bastard? Wow, it's really unbelievable. He was always rude to me every time we met and not to mention, he was extremely annoying, he is even now. Why would he do that? Was that because he was sorry? Ayeee, not at all, how can that rude bastard become like that?" "But is this medicine helpful to me?" Bo Young asked. "Nope, its not for those who are in your condition. But if you had the normal sprain, this would've helped. But it will help you reduce the pain. So it is better you have it with you. And Ha Sang usually doesn't do this to anyone. I don't know why he did it though." Ms.Kang said. "Oh, okay. Thank you Ms.Kang." Bo Young thanked. "Yeah, and don't forget the instructions I gave you. You guys can leave now." Ms.Kang said. Bo Young nodded. She stood on her own without any help. When she stood she lost her balance and was about fall but before that could happen he held her hand. Bo Young was shocked. She thought: "Phew,I would've fallen if he didn't hold my hand. I somehow feel grateful to him. I wonder who he is." "Don't stand on your own." He said with a worried face but was stern.

They walked through the hallways. *Ting* Bo Young's notification rung. She received a text from Ji Ae. She thought: "Damn, I totally forgot about her, she might've come back." The text read: 'Nam Bo Young!!! Where are you? I came back and waited for a long time. Now I'm at the entrance gate. Hurry here! I'm tired of waiting.' She replied, 'I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, I had something come up suddenly, I will hurry there. Sorry again!' "Umm, I'm sorry for bothering but can you please leave me at the entrance gate?" Bo Young said. "Oh you don't have to be sorry, and I knew that you wanted to go to the entrance. I couldn't help but look at your text." He said back. "Oh." Bo Young said. "You seem like you want to ask a question, what is it?" He asked. "Oh, Umm how-" She was cut off. "We are here." He said. They reached the entrance. Bo Young thought: "How come we are reaching everywhere so soon? I never go to ask the question." "Bo Young! Where did you go? I told you to stay there until I return! Didn't I tell you?" Ji Ae scolded Bo Young.

"I'm sorry, I just had to go somewhere." Bo Young said. "You think you can walk everywhere with that condition of your leg? How did you go there alone, didn't Ms.Kang tell to not go anywhere without support?" Ji Ae asked. "You aren't blind right. He-" Bo Young couldn't finish. "I took her and went." The guy who held Bo Young said with a straight face. "O- oh okay." Ji Ae said in a trembling voice. "What is happening here? Did we miss out something?" Someone asked. "Oh Yu Ah!" Ji Ae said. They all turned. Yu Ah, Dong Hoon, Hyun Wook were coming. "I will leave now." The guy said and started leaving. "Wait!" Bo Young yelled. "Who are you?" Bo Young asked. "You will know soon." The guy said and left. "Oh, Bo Young! Isn't he the guy who-!" Ji Ae asked. "Yeah, it's the same guy." Bo Young said. She then turned her attention to the others. "Oh sorry. Hello sunbae." Bo Young greeted both Dong Hoon and Hyun Wook. "Who is that guy?" Yu Ah asked. "You don't remember? He was the one who saved or maybe helped Bo Young many times. Like the basketball incident and when Bo Young fell and even now helped Bo Young go somewhere and even drop her here. Oh! Wait!" Ji Ae stopped at last. Bo Young looked at Ji Ae ash she stopped talking. "Yu Ah remember him? We talked to him before! This was the reason I found him familiar." Ji Ae said. "You guys have seen him?" Bo Young asked. "Really? Where?" Yu Ah asked. "You don't remember? At the last day of our middle school party. He even helped us to report about the troublesome students. And...Umm...What was it?" Ji Ae said. "That's it? I thought something even different." Yu Ah said. Yu Ah thought: "Should I tell them? Umm no let's do it later." "Oh, you guys have seen him? But I find him awkwardly familiar, why?" Bo Young said. "But what happened to your leg?" Dong Hoon asked. "Oh, it's a mild fracture." Bo Young said. "Oh my, You should take care of it. Yu Ah, you never told me." Dong Hoon said. "Mild fracture?" Hyun Wook asked. "Yeah, it's alright. I can take care of it." Bo Young said. "Can you guys leave way?" Someone asked. They all turned synchronised. "Oh Ha Sang, Yeon Joon." Dong Hoon said. "Hey sunbae." Yeon Joon said. "Woah, the cause is now before us." Ji Ae looked at Ha Sang angrily and scoffed. Ha Sang didn't mind her. Yeon Joon looked at Bo Young and had a very unique expression.

"We should leave now. It's time." Ha Sang said and Yeon Joon nodded. While leaving, Ha Sang left an expression that would make everyone feel questioned. "How cocky." Ji Ae said. "Nope, you are wrong. That guy really is nice and kind hearted." Dong Hoon added. Ji Ae didn't have anything to tell. "Let's go." Dong Hoon said. They all left. Yu Ah And Dong Hoon had to take different directions just after few distances after leaving school. Ji Ae had to leave too. "Will you go by yourself?" Ji Ae asked. "I will take her." Hyun Wook entered the conversation. "But don't you have to go to your house?" Ji Ae asked. "We live in the same street." Hyun Wook said without any hesitation. "Oh.....really? Then fine. Be careful in your way sunbae. Thank you and bye! Bye Bo Young. Text me when you reach home." Ji Ae said and left. "Bye!" Bo Young waved. "Shall we go?" He asked. "Sure." Bo Young said and let Hyun Wook take her hand. They walked half of the distance. "What was the cause of this mild fracture?" He asked. "Oh, a bunch of girls bumped into me and I fell down." Bo Young said. "They should have been careful." He said. "It's most likely they did it on purpose, after all it was HF girls." She said. "Wait...HF girls?! That...." Hyun Wook said. "Hmm?" She was confused. "Nothing. We are here." Hyun Wook said and left Bo Young in front of her place. "Oh sunbae!" Yeon Joon from the inside waved. "I didn't see you here for a few days." Hyun Wook asked. "Our training was hectic because of the monthly evaluation. It ended yesterday and I haven't visited here for long so I came here." Yeon Joon said. "Ok i will leave now, bye." Hyun Wook said and left. "Bye sunbae." Both of them said. Bo Young turned to leave. Yeon Joon had the same look in his face when he saw her at the school entrance. "God, you scared me. Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. "Nope, it's nothing. Where did you study before coming here?" He asked. "In a school." She said. "Haha, it's not funny." He said. "I'm leaving now I can't stand here for a long time." She said. "Don't leave! I still didn't ask any questions!" He said. "I told you already that it depends on my mood, and I'm not in a good condition now. Bye." She said and started leaving. Yeon Joon saw something lying on the floor when he turned to go. It was in the place where Bo Young was standing. "Bo Young!" He called her. "Tsk, I told I'm leaving." She sounded annoyed. "No, not that. Is this yours?" He asked. "Which-!?" Bo Young was surprised. It was the ornament that her mom left in the box. She hanged it in the last zipper of her bag and enclosed it inside it. She didn't know how it fell down.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" She said and was trying to get down the stairs. At that time she lost her balance and tumbled. But luckily Yeon Joon caught her with his arms. Yeon Joon was struck by her beauty but however didn't let it bother him too much. "You alright?" He asked. "Ye-Yeah now give it back to me." She said and got it from him and stood back properly. "I'm sorry." She said. "No no I don't mind." he said. "What!!?" She asked in disbelief. "I will leave now." She said and left. Yeon Joon thought: "She is mysterious and pretty as heck, no no I shouldn't think about it. You have many other important things to take care of and do. And that ornament.." He soon went inside the same house. Bo Young went inside her house. "I wonder how Hee unnie is. I didn't talk to her for a few days properly too. Whenever I called her she only told that she was busy. I will just text her." She said. She took her phone and started texting: "Hee unnie! Are you free?" She sent and went to take a shower. 15 minutes passed and yet she didn't reply not see. Bo Young then examined the situation and texted: "Unnie, call me when you're free." *Ring ring* Bo Young's phone rung. It was Ji Ae. Bo Young then thought: "Damn, I didn't send her a message." Bo Young attended the call.


         "I'm sorry, I forgot. I reached home before half an hour."

"Noo, not that. How could you not tell that Hyun Wook sunbae and you guys are living in the same neighbourhood."

        "Ohhh That? I forgot. Leave that topic now. Did you tell Yeong Hyun that you are free today?"

        "Oh yeah I did."

        "Why do you sound down? Is something wrong?"

         "I told him that I was free but he told He wasn't. But it's okay, now will you let me ask this question?"

"Yeah, What is it?"

        "Where do you study before coming here?"

        "How come everyone's asking the same question? Oh! I have some work to do now, will call you later Ji Ae! Bye!"

        "Oh? Okay bye!"

The call ended. "Sigh, Why is everyone asking me where I studied last year? If I tell them they would feel inferior and would ask me questions, and they already feel inferior. It's time I should leave." She said and started getting ready for her part time job. She went down the stairs.

She reached the store. "Oh! Bo Young you came very early today. Why are you wearing a cast in your leg?" Shin Na asked. "Oh, ummm, It's a mild fracture." Bo Young said. "OMG, come let's go take a seat." Shin Na said and took her outside and sat down. "How did you get hurt?" Shin Na asked. "Students bumped into me and I fell. That aside, we couldn't talk for a few days. I came a little late so you left soon. What course did you take unnie?" Bo Young asked. "Oh, I took commerce." Shin Na said. "Woah, that's a good one though, but what did you want to take originally?" Bo Young asked. "I wanted to take fashion designing. I asked my parents but they denied because my brother took a similar subject for his current studies so, they didn't want me to do the same, and the reason was they were concerned for our income. And what about you? Which year are you in high school?" Shin Na asked. "I'm a freshman." Bo Young said. "Oh really? My brother is also a freshman!" Shin Na said excitedly. "Ohhh great." Bo Young said. *Honk Honk* Shin Na could hear the horn. "It's my call. I will leave now. Go start your shift." Shin Na said. They both said goodbye and left. Shin Na went to her brother. "How did school go?" She asked her brother. "Why are you asking out of the blue?" He asked back. "Oh my, this noona was just worried about you. And do you like someone or have a girlfriend?" She asked. "Seriously? You just wanted to ask this? No,I don't have one."He said. "Oh, shall I introduce you to her? She is also a freshman and really pretty." Shin Na said. "I don't have time for this. Let's go." He said and they took off.

Bo Young went back in to work. She sat down when there were no customers. "Welcome!" Bo Young said. It was the same guys like regular but this time it was only Ha Sang. He just went inside normally and came back with what he wanted. He was standing at the counter. "4500 won." She said. He paid and started leaving. "Did you keep the medicine in my desk?" She asked. "Yeah." He said. "Thanks." She said. Ha Sang just nodded and left. She thought: "Why does it suddenly feel awkward and lonely?"

Ha Sang went out and stood there for a while and mumbled, "Sorry." He thought: "Why am I really so sorry like I mean it so much when all that happened was just she has a mild fracture." And left. Bo Young's shift was ending. Hyun Wook came soon. "Hey." He said. "Oh, hello sunbae. You can start now." She said and got her things. "But will you go back home with this condition?" He asked. "Yeah, I came without support so I can go back too. You don't have to worry. I will leave now, carry on sunbae. Bye." She said and started leaving. She reached her home. She thought: "I guess everything's going normal." As soon as she reached her house, she received a message. It was Seul Hee. The text read: "Call me." "This short message? I feel like she is in trouble." She called her.

"Hello? Hee unnie! How- wait are you crying?"


