

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
42 Chs



Bo Young thought : "Why would she look serious?"

She reached the teacher's office and went to Soo Hee.

"Hello Ms.Han. I heard that you called me." Bo Young said with some nervousness.

"Oh yeah, you're here." Soo Hee answered normally. Bo Young thought : "She is normal though..."

"The reason why I called you is, I received a complaint." Soo Hee said.

"Complaint? What is it?"

"It's about you."


"I heard that you and Ha Sang were noisy in the library."

"Oh, that..It-"

"I know it wasn't you. Why was he making so much of trouble?"

"He didn't understand any question, so, ended up making a commotion by whining loudly." Bo Young answered.

"*Sighs* The librarian in this school is a little bit sensitive. She wouldn't even give another chance. So, I've decided to send you both to the study lounge. There will be less students compared to the students in library." Soo Hee said.

"Okay, Ms.Han." Bo Young said.

"Whatever it is, don't make noise there again. Okay? *Bo Young nods* Fine, here is today's revising model test paper. You can go now." Soo Hee sent her off with a smile.

"Sorry Ms.Han, I will take care of it. Goodbye Ms.Han." Bo Young said and left the office.

As she went halfway towards the study lounge, she was reminded of something.

She thought : "Did Ms.Han tell that we have to go to study lounge to Ha Sang?" She then thought of sending a message to Ha Sang and took out her phone and started to type the text.

She typed : "Don't go the library. Come to the study lounge." But the message wasn't even delivered to him. His wifi was not on. "Why won't he even switch on his data or wifi?" She said and started to go to the library.

She reached the library. She saw Ha Sang arguing with the librarian. She went to them. Ha Sang noticed her coming.

"Oh, you're here. Look, they aren't allowing us to enter." Ha Sang said.

Bo Young glared at him. "Why are you glaring at me?" Ha Sang asked.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Ms.Kim. We'll leave now." Bo Young said as she bowed. The librarian nodded and went back to her work.

"What's happening here?" Ha Sang asked.

Bo Young faced him and said, "You. Follow me." Bo Young and started to walk out.

"What? What's happening? Wait for me." Ha Sang left the library in confusion.

He caught up with her soon.

"Where are we going now? Why aren't we going to the library?" Ha Sang was filled with questions.

"Don't ask questions and just come with me." Bo Young said.

"Why?!" Ha Sang whined.

"You're the reason. Now close your mouth." Bo Young replied. These words made Ha Sang go silent.

They reached the study lounge. There weren't any students in the study lounge. They settled down in a four seated desk, but they took the opposite chairs.

"Why are we here?" Ha Sang asked.

"We are supposed to come here, instead of the library, hereafter."

"*Sighs* Thank god, I thought you weren't supposed to help me." Ha Sang said.

"You're relieved? For what?!" Bo Young asked after seeing his reaction.

"I-Its because I w-wont fail the exams." Ha Sang said.

"Are you the same person who doesn't care about these exams?" Bo Young asked.

"W-well, I-I do not care about the exams, but the teachers are telling us that something is awaiting us. After all, we just switched places. Why are you acting like this?" Ha Sang asked.

"Switched places?! We were kicked out, you bastard." Bo Young said.

"Kicked out?! For what?!" He asked.

"Do you really not know? Or are you pretending to not know?" Bo Young asked.


"Its because you were making hella noise." Bo Young said.

"What? I di-"

"Don't you dare tell you didn't yell there."


"Now that you know, can we get back to this?" Bo Young asked as she held the model test paper in the air.

"*Grunts* Not this again..."

"You have enough time to finish this. So, do it quick." Bo Young said.

"Enough time?!"

"You have today and tomorrow, isn't that enough?"

"Yeah, I know. But-"

"Didn't you tell you didn't want to fail your exam?"

"Damn, your using my own words against me, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah. Now, stop telling excuses and start working out the problems."

"Ugh, fine." They started studying. But just like the previous day, he was whining about the problems cause he didn't understand much. But however, he tried some problems on his own just to see the failed result. Bo Young helped him get the right answers.

"I'm quite surprised." Bo Young said.

"Surprised? For what?"

"You're at least trying."

"You're surprised that I'm trying these?"

"Yeah..I guess..."

"Hey, I'm someone who would try anything y'know?" Ha Sang said.

"Yeah fine fine." She chuckled. He chuckled back as a reply, that's when they looked at each other. Their chuckling disappeared as they noticed that they were looking at each other and chuckling.

"*Clears throat* Continue..." Bo Young said.

"Continue what?" He asked.

"What do you you mean 'what?'?! Continue with practicing the problems."

"Fine..." He said. Red colour spread around his cheeks. They continued studying.

After the first hour finished, some students entered the classroom. The two didn't notice and were concentrating so much.

"*Stretches* I've finished the first half of them." Ha Sang said.


"Can I take a nap?"

"You can't."

"Why can't I? I've finished the first half! I can take a small nap!" Ha Sang whined.

"Are you a child? Why do you keep whining? However, you can't."


"Just because you have finished the first half, doesn't mean you can stop. You still have so much."

"I can do it after I wake up or after I get home or even tomorrow." He said.

"You better complete it right now." Bo Young said.


"Hey, Bo Young." Someone from the side called. Ha Sang and Bo Young looked at the person. It was a guy. They didn't know who it was.

"Who..are you?" She asked. Ha Sang asked the same. Without answering, the guy sat down next to her. Bo Young's eyes widened. The same went with Ha Sang but there was an addition of clenching of fist. "Who are you?" Bo Young asked without any hesitation.

"I'm a friend of your friend." The guy answered.

"Which friend?" Bo Young asked.

"She is uncomfortable, so can you move away?" Ha Sang asked. The guy ignored him.

"Umm, Hyun Wook. Hyun Wook Song is a friend of mine." The guy answered.

"So, What?" She asked.

"It's that..can I get your number?" He asked.

"You should've just asked-" Ha Sang said but was interrupted.

"No." She said.

"Huh? Wh-Why?" The guy asked.

"You asked if I can, right? I can't. Can you go now?" Bo Young asked. The guy gave up and left.

"That guy was a total douche." Ha Sang said.

"Forget it. Continue.." Bo Young said. The next minute another guy came.

"Hi, Bo Young."

"I don't want to give my number! Please go-" Bo Young stopped as she looked at the person.

"Eun Hyuk?" She asked.

"Yeah..is something wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier."

"No it's okay." Eun Hyuk assured. Bo Young then went back to studying even though he didn't leave. Noticing that he still hasn't left, she looked at him.

"Why are you here?" Bo Young asked.

"I came here to study with my friends." He answered.

"When did you all come?" Ha Sang asked.

"Earlier." Eun Hyuk cut his words short.

Ha Sang thought : "Rude."

"Then, I'll go now. Continue with your work." Eun Hyuk said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He then waved. Ha Sang thought : "He was rude to me but is now being like THAT with her?"

"Okay." Bo Young nodded. But then, one of Eun Hyuk's friends said, "Eun Hyuk, you said you had a doubt in this concept. Why don't you ask her?" He turned back to them and showed a reaction. And then turned back to her.

"Uhhh..." He hesitated.

"You need some help?" She asked.


"What is..it?"

"I'll be right back.." He said and went back to his table.

"You sure know many people." Ha Sang said.

Bo Young looked at Ha Sang who was distracted and looking at Eun Hyuk.

"What are you looking at? Aren't you proceeding?" She asked.

"I asked if I could nap, I still haven't received your answer." He said.

"I already said my answer, and my answer is still a no. Now get back to what you were doing." Bo Young said. The next second, Eun Hyuk came back with a note and a pencil.

"I..need your help in this concept." Eun Hyuk said as he placed the notebook with some mathematical concept written in it, on the table.

"Oh, I just learnt it from her. I can explain it." Ha Sang said.

"Yeah, you can learn it from him." Bo Young said.

"Okay.." Eun Hyuk said and went sat beside him.

Bo young went back to studying. Ha Sang started explaining it to him.

A few minutes later, Ha Sang ended explaining.

"That's it." Ha Sang said.

"You've finished? Great, then." Bo Young said.

"But I didn't quite get it."

"What?? I explained it really well!" Ha Sang said.

"Really??" Bo Young asked.

"Yeah..can you explain it me?" He asked to Bo Young.

"Oh...ok." Bo Young agreed.

Eun Hyuk hurried off from Ha Sang and went to sit beside her.

"Unbelievable..." Ha Sang muttered under his breath.

"So...*spouting in mathematical language* *the same language continues*.................that's it. Did you understand?" Bo Young said and faced him.

"Oh? Oh, yeah. I-it's quite easy.." Eun Hyuk answered. Ha Sang thought : "That punk..."

"Good, then. Need any other help??" She asked.

"No, I don't have any other. Thank you." Eun Hyuk said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Bo Young said with a slight smile.

"*sighs* T-then I'll get going. Bye." Eun Hyuk waved and went back to his place.

"Hey," Ha Sang said.


"Are you close with that guy?" He asked.

"I just seem to know him. Why?" She asked.

"I saw you both together in the garden this morning too.." He said.

"So what?"

"I asked if you were close."

"I already said no. He is my landlord's brother. And I was the first one to enter the garden, he joined me later."


"But why are you asking me so many questions? Annoying." Bo Young said.

"I was just curious!" He said.

"Whatever, continue with your work." Bo Young said.

With that Ha Sang forgot that he was asking for a nap and continued with working out the problems.

The bell rang. The next second, Ha Sang slammed his head on the table, symbolising that he was concentrating so much and is now tired. This startled Bo Young.

"Oh My Goodness!!! That would've hurt!? Why would you do that?!" She asked.

"Don't mind me, I'm tired. It doesn't hurt." He said with a tired voice.

"My foot. That was really loud. It must hurt." She said.

"I said it doesn't." He said and looked at her.

"Look at that, that area is red now. Why would you hurt yourself?" She said as she rubbed his forehead, which was red. She wasn't aware of what she was doing. He was wide eyed and red colour spread on his cheeks again.

She finally was aware of what she was doing. She took away her hand.

She hurriedly packed her belongings. He was sitting there still.

"A-Aren't you going to leave?" She asked as she put on her backpack.

"Oh-h? Yeah, I'm coming." He said and started putting his things back.

Bo Young started leaving the lounge. Just then, Eun Hyuk went to her.

"Bo Young!" Eun Hyuk called out to her. She turned back and looked at.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Here, thank you for helping me out." Eun Hyuk said as he held out a paper envelope.

"No prob-Huh? What's this?" she asked as she saw the envelope.

"It's a token of gratitude." He said.

"You don't have to give me this. I just helped you with something normal. You can take it back.-!"

"Silver* Hyuk! Aren't you coming??" His friends asked.

(* Silver is Eun in Korean)

"I'm coming!" He said as he looked at them. He then turned back to her who was handing out the paper envelope to give it back to him. Wanting her to accpet it, he gently took it out her hand and again placed it in her palm properly and closed her hand.

"I'll leave now! See you soon!" He said and left with his friends.

"'see you soon??' I don't even know which class he is from. What was that? And who gives things like these, these days?" She muttered as she was looking at it.

"What is that?" Ha Sang asked from the behind.

"Oh my, that startled me." She said as she kept it inside her backpack's zipper which had her keys and the ornament.

"You get spooked easily. Anyways, what's that??"

"It's nothing...I'm leaving." She said as she was walking out.

"Bo Young, wait!" He said. She stopped walking and faced him.

"What??" She asked.

"Y-you can have this." He said and handed out the chocolate milk that Soo Ki gave.

"What?? This was given to you. Why would I get this from you?" She asked.

"As a token of gratitude...?"

"Did you hit the table so hard? Did the table mess with you head? Should I hit you on your head to make you get back to your senses??" She asked.

"Stop it, I'm being serious here." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, and blushed a little being embarrassed.

"I'm being serious too. Why are you acting nice suddenly?" She asked.

"Why would I act nice? I'm always nice." He said.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." She said as she turned back. But before she could walk, he held her backpack's grab handle and stopped her.

"What are you doing? Let go." She said.

"Then *lets go of her, Bo Young faces him* accept this token of gratitude."

"Looks like, you really are serious. But give me a reason why this is a token of gratitude. And what's with all of this 'Token of gratitude or think of it as my gratitude'?" She muttered the last sentence.

"What? I didn't get it."

"Tell me a reason on why this is supposed to be a token of gratitude." She asked she crossed her hands.

"*Sighs* this is embarrassing, I shouldn't have decided to do it." He muttered under his breath.

"What? Hurry! We don't have enough time." She said.

"That...you helped me with studying...." He said.

"We still have two more exams, I have to help you with that too. Why would you hurry? Do you despise me that much??" She asked.

"I still haven't completed my sentence. And you do talk a lot."

"*clears throat* Fine, continue." She said being embarrassed.

"You helped me with studying despite it was night and I was ruining your sleep. I felt sorry and thankful." He said. The corner of Bo Young's lips curved a little for smiling but she controlled it.

She nodded her head as in agreeing.

"Would you accept it now??" he asked desperately.

"*Chuckles* Okay, I'll take it." She said.

"*sighs* finally." He sighed

"I'm leaving." She said and started walking out.

He got aware that she's leaving and started to follow her.

~~+~~~ They reached the entrance ~~~~~

"Oh Bo Young!" Ji Ae said as she waved excitedly. Bo Young who was drinking the milk, waved back.

"Took you both long enough to get here." Seong Seop said.

"Yeah. What took you both long enough to come here?" Yu Ah asked.

"Nothing.. we weren't so much late though." She said.

"Yeah..we weren't late." Ha Sang agreed.

"Am I seeing right? You both aren't arguing now." Yu Ah said.

"*clears throat* W-what are you talking about? Lets go." Bo Young said as she started walking.

"OK! Let's go. Bye guys!" Yu Ah said.

"Bye!! See you tomorrow, Ha Sang, Seong Seop and Yeon Joon." Ji Ae said and joined the girls.

"Ji Ae! How long are you going to ignore me?! I'm sorry!" Yeong Hyun said. Ji Ae ignored.

Bo Young turned her head back to look at him.

"Ignore him Bo Young, let him learn his lesson." Ji Ae said.

"Huh? Oh, ok." Bo Young said. She was actually distracted by something else. She sensed someone staring at her. When she turned back to look at, she saw Yeon Joon smiling warmly at her and Ha Sang looking at her.

She thought : "Why were they like that?"

"How did today's helping session go?" Yu Ah asked.

"Just like usual." She said, sipping the milk.

"And why did Ms.Han wanted to talk to you?" Ji Ae asked.

"Oh..that, the previous day in library, Ha Sang wouldn't be quiet. He kept whining at the difficulty of the questions. You do know we were in the library, he didn't even consider the surroundings. This angered Ms.Kim." Bo Young explained.

"So....?" Yu Ah asked.

"We were kicked out. Ms.Han informed me this and told me that we would be studying in the study lounge." Bo Young said.

"Thank God, I thought it was something more serious." Ji Ae said.

"As expected from Ha Sang." Yu Ah said

"Looks like you had some break in the middle." Ji Ae asked.

"What?" Bo Young asked.

"The chocolate milk- wait, isn't that Ha Sang's??" Ji Ae asked.

"You're right! Didn't Soo Ki give the chocolate milk carton to him??" Yu Ah asked.

"Oh yeah, he gave it to me." Bo Young said.

"To you?? Why?" Ji Ae asked.

"He felt sorry for ruining my sleep and thankful for helping him despite my sleep." Bo Young said.

"Seriously??? Bo Young, be honest with me. What's going on between you two??" Yu Ah asked. Bo Young choked.

"What are you talking about?! You crazy?! Nothing, he just felt sorry and thankful. Nothing else." Bo Young said.

"Fine I was just kidding." Yu Ah said as she giggled.

"Looks like he was really sorry and thankful to give up on his chocolate milk. Thinking of it, he was also hurt when you stormed off after you woke up from your sleep." Ji Ae said. Bo Young stopped drinking the milk.

"Yeah, he is someone who doesn't apologise easily even if he was hurt first." Yu Ah added. Ji Ae agreed

Bo Young was deep in thoughts.


Bo Young reached apartment. She couldn't meet Yeon Joon since he had training and she was early to him more than her.

She got to her door. She was going through the zipper where she puts her keys in. That's when her hand touched the envelope Eun Hyuk gave her. She then remembered about that. "I should check out what's inside that after I get inside." She said and got her keys out and went inside.

She freshened up and plopped on the couch. She took her backpack and took out the envelope.

She opened it, and what she saw was a candy and a sticky note.

"Hey, Bo Young, hope you have a good day(This sentence was scribbled over) Thank you for helping me." This was written in the sticky note.

She thought it was all normal, until she noticed something!

"NO WAY!" She was baffled....

----------------------------------------------------CHAPTER - 34
