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I wasn't Feiya Poloro. That much, I could disclose. The soft lilac-haired woman in the mirror, following each and every one of my gestures wasn't the woman I was used to seeing every day.

If I had a secret to tell, then it was that I wasn't Feiya Poloro. And, who was Feiya Poloro, you might ask. Well, she was just an extra character who was fated to die for the advancement of the plot.

Let me tell you about the romance novel The Lady lives with no regrets. It was a bittersweet story that depicted the life of the daughter of the duke, Caroline Evergaline. She was a beautiful, blond lady that was rumored to have a beauty that even Gods were envious to possess. Though, as beautiful as she was, her life couldn't be said to have been the same.

Both of her parents, Duke and Duchess Evengaline were tricked and scammed by their closest friends and were forced into playing the roles of traitors that had pitted against the Emperor. As soon as the news had spread around the empire, everyone pointed fingers at the Duchy, spreading lies and rumors of all sorts. Even their most trusted aids started to stray away from them, seduced by the luxuries of their enemies and they began lying about their work experiences.

The backlash was overwhelming and each day living and breathing were worse than death. The Emperor finally declared them to be publicly executed to calm down the masses, Caroline included. However, her parents coughed up the last remaining funds in their emergency savings and sent Caroline away with their last loyal coachman, who also died due to being ambushed by the assassins that were sent by Caroline's relatives who were eyeing to take over the Duchy.

With a lick of luck, Caroline managed to escape with her last breath and collapsed in front of a small cottage whose owner was a widowed woman. As for her name, I couldn't really care less to remember.

Putting that aside, the widow raised Caroline as her own daughter, even changing her name to Amie.

The widow worked under Baron Poloro and his young wife who became the Baroness after the death of the original Baroness. The Baron had a daughter by the name of Feiya Poloro. The woman whose body I was occupying now.

As for her, she was said to play a crucial role in Caroline's life, being the only friend Caroline had ever had.

The Baron who was a greedy man hated Feiya who resembled his dead wife who was much, much more capable than he ever was, sent Feiya away at the age of eighteen to be married to a rich noble who also happened to be the despicable uncle of Caroline. He ruled over the Duchy that he had snatched away from Caroline's parents and became the Duke.

He very much favored Feiya Poloro who was both youthful and attractive. His favor came as a chain that shackled Feiya's ankles to the Duchy. The Duke was decrepit and he knew he was close to death. So, in his will, he stated for Feiya to be buried alongside his dead body, alive. Both Feiya and Caroline could do nothing about it. It was only after the burial of the Duke did Caroline learn that Feiya lay six feet underground with her pig-like uncle.

Caroline despaired and that was the last straw for her to revitalize her anger and blood-thirsty vengeance against the people who ruined her parents' and Feiya's lives. That was how she would become acquainted and entangled with four men that would help her in her bloody schemes.

Caroline in the novel was a pitiful woman. I both pitied and loved her and rooted for her. The last scene I remembered was when all readers thought that Caroline, after obtaining her revenge, would get together with one of the male leads, was shocked to find that Caroline, instead of falling into the arms of a man and achieving her happy ending, was drawn standing in front of the grave of Feiya Poloro, clutching a lilac flower in her hand.

She kissed the lilac and spoke along the lines of, 'This flower reminds me of your hair, Feiya Poloro.'

The reason why I could remember the whole plot-like of the story so vividly was because of my ex-girlfriend. We didn't part on bad terms as most relationships would. The two of us both fell out of love and as we communicated, we found it was harder for us to pretend to be in love, so we ended it, clean and clear-cut. Though, a piece of her I would never forget was how much she loved the heroine, Caroline.

She would gush to me about how perfect Caroline was. Independent, beautiful, and smart. If Caroline were in modern times, it was beyond a shadow of a doubt she'd be the dream of many women. I, too, came to love Caroline. But, not in the romantic aspect, of course. I respected the way the author had written her. You could say, she was quite symbolic.

My ex-girlfriend would say Caroline loved Feiya Poloro, but I begged to differ. This novel was obviously written to appeal to the straight audiences and they shut down all the theories of Caroline having loved Feiya. Seeing as how the author didn't bother to even deny or accept the hypothesizes, the hard-core fans unleashed their fury on the minority that expressed their opinion of their ship Caroline x Feiya.

Anyhow, the pairings weren't important to me right now. What was more concerning was that I came to have possessed the body of that extra who was bound to die.

When I raised my hand, all I could see was the expanse of pure-white skin like porcelain kith. The girl in the mirror followed my action. I sighed and lowered my head. Strands of lilac hair brushed against my shoulders, falling down to hide my face.

Suddenly, the door burst open, giving me no time to think. The woman that would dare make such a rambunctious entrance was undoubtedly the young Baroness, Liliana. She was a tanned, black-haired beauty, vigorous and sensual. Her body was hugged by her tight, red dress that accentuated her curves. My eyes unknowingly followed the swaying of her hips and my throat bobbed up and down. I raised my head and drew my eyebrows close together, questioning her with my eyes.

Liliana smiled. "Feiya, sweetie, you seem to have woken up after such a tumble. Is your head okay?"

Her voice was sickly sweet to the point of filling my lungs with honey. After hearing her coy words, I could immediately tell that the woman in front of me had been the one that had tormented the original body. I balled my hands into fists. Even if I didn't hold tender feelings towards the original Feiya Poloro, now that I had possessed her body, I wasn't willing to turn a blind eye towards her borderline abusive behavior.

I raised my voice. "Thank you for your concerns, Miss Liliana. In fact, I feel even better after waking up, like I've become a new person. I'd say... Miss Liliana, all credits should go to you."

"What do you.." Liliana's smile became strained. Her fingernails which had been painted the color of red dug deep into her arms which were folded over her voluptuous chest. "What are you talking about, Feiya? I think you must've hit your head really hard. Let me call the maid-"

I slid off the bed and rose to my feet, grasping her wrist which felt as though I could break with a mere wring. Liliana gasped in surprise and tried to wrench her hand away, but my handle on her was like a snake coiling around a rat.

My voice was extremely youthful and nasal when it came out of my mouth. "Don't call my maids. They're mine. Not yours to call upon. Do you think that after you become a Baroness that your status as a lowborn could be immediately discarded? I think you've forgotten. The Baron has only one child that is me. Unless you somehow manage to give birth before I turn eighteen, I'll become the next heir. Then, do you think I'll let you off?"

"You.. you.." Liliana gaped like a fish out of water. Her lips paled.

"Think about it before you scheme again," I finally released her wrist and turned to the bedside table where I had seen a golden bell. I heard Liliana who was behind me, collapse onto the ground. But, I wasn't bothered to help her up. I picked up the bell and shook it lightly and a melodious sound reverberated throughout the room. On the second ring, the door cracked open. Two maids, like meek squirrels, filled the room.

One was ginger while the other was green-haired. Two colors that reminded me of a carrot.

"Mistress... oh.. the Baroness!" The ginger clamped a hand over her mouth. Her trembling pupils looked between the Baroness who was on the ground and me, a sick girl, looming over her.

"It seems as though the Baroness must've been ecstatic to see that I'm well. Will the two of you please escort her out?" My face cracked a professional smile. The one I would wear at work to deal with my boss who would harass the female employees, telling them to 'smile more.' It was a smile that held no sincere meaning, but as long as it was beautiful, it would quell the anger of most people.

"Ah, yes.. yes," The ginger, after witnessing my smile, flushed and furiously bobbed her head up and down like a chick pecking at rice grains. She approached the shocked Baroness, attempting to place a hand on her arm when the Baroness jolted up and swatted the maid's hand away.

Ginger hopped back at the suddenness and held her red hand. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, making her seem like a kicked puppy. She reminded me of the stray dogs my ex-girlfriend and I used to feed, so I knelt down and cradled the caitiff woman's hand which was soft with no callouses at all, alluding to her previous lifestyle. I snickered inwardly, but a delicate and sweet voice came out of my mouth.

"Mother, are you that happy to see me alive?" I squeezed her hand even tighter. "Please get up. It pains my heart to see mother on the floor. Girls, help me."

The two maids hurried on either side of the Baroness who gnashed her teeth in fury. Her almond-shaped, hazelnut eyes seemed to want to grind me into dust. As though afraid of worsening her already heinous reputation, this time, Liliana didn't refuse the maids' aid. As soon as she got up from the floor, Liliana shook off the maids. She approached me, her eyes burning with hate.

"Feiya Poloro," A low voice squeezed out from between her teeth. "I'm going to ruin your life. And when I do, you're going to apologize for ever looking down on me."

"When you do, I'll get down on both my knees and kowtow you for a hundred times," I sneered. "But, I'd like to see you try.. Liliana."

Liliana clenched her teeth, her jawline flexing. I turned towards ginger and green-hair and clapped my hands, attracting their attention.

"Escort her out," I waved my hand dismissively.

Ginger's hand stretched out to graze against Liliana's arm, but the other turned her body sideways, deftly evading Ginger's touch. Discouraged, Ginger bowed her head. Green-hair turned to me, her lips parting as though looking to speak.

"I don't need help," I turned my back without giving her time to speak. That ultimately shut her up and as I waited, the door behind me closed.

When the nuisance and clamor disappeared along with Liliana, I turned to the mirror. The surface reflected the image of the soft lilac-haired girl. Her features exquisite, reminding me of the dolls kids would bring along with them. I ran my hand through the strands, finding them to be extremely luscious. Kind of soft. It was like those hair found in Pantene ads. For a noble, this was the standard.

I swept my hair over my left shoulder. My fingers plucked the fabric of the translucent gauze off my shoulders, exposing the tender and small shoulders that I wasn't used to at all. I looked at the reflection of the sickly girl in the mirror and lifted my hand up, palpating my chest.

"It's so small," I sighed.


Clink. Clink. Clink.

The sound of a metallic knife repeatedly clash against a porcelain plate reverberated throughout the dining table. Fluorescent lights rained down from the ceiling, resembling stars in jet-black sky. Contrary to the luxurious appearance, there was an overly awkward and hostile atmosphere looming over the three people that were seated at the table.


"Yes?" I replied without lifting my head. I sliced down on a tender steak with my knife, stabbed my fork into the meat and plopped it into my mouth. I imitated those aristocrats that appeared in British movies that depicted historical events. It seemed to have worked, for no one suspected that it wasn't Feiya Poloro that was currently eating the steak.

"I'm hiring new workers tomorrow. Be sure to greet them as the daughter of Baron Poloro," my father's voice was tight with dislike and discomfort. It was already evidently how much he wanted me there. Of course, I was speaking sarcastically.

But, this meant that I would be meeting the heroine, Caroline and her adopted mother tomorrow. In regards to that, this meant that Feiya's body was currently seventeen, which also meant that I would be married off to the pig-like uncle of Caroline's the next year.

I thought I had enough time to acquaint myself with the heroine. So, in the future, she'd become my reliable backer. I had no inclination of becoming a pig's wife and being buried alive alongside his rotting corpse. Besides, I was curious to see what kind of beauty Caroline was since the texts in the novel described her to be someone even Gods were jealous of.

"Of course. Should I let the Baroness do that instead?" My knife clinked against the plate.

"You know that your mother just only recently became a noble. She doesn't know the etiquette yet," my father's voice contained no remorse as he publicly denounced his wife in front of the servants. I sneered inwardly. No wonder no one respected Liliana in this household. Even her own husband held not even an ounce of reverence towards her.

"Well, you should arrange that for her immediately. To think that I, a mere baron's daughter, should do these kinds of greetings. It'll be a little embarrassing if others were to hear of this," I continued. My fingers that were holding the knife that ruthlessly cut through the steak did not stop even for a moment and I picked another piece of meat into my mouth.

I raised my head slightly, curious to see the sort of expression Liliana would make. As expected, her alluring face was flushed a deep shade of red which was a tad darker than the red of her gown. Her white teeth sank into her bottom lip and she couldn't even lift her fork and knife to cut the steak properly. A satire smile formed on my face.

She lowly lifted her face and met my mocking gaze which made her flush even deeper. She lowered her head and her black hair fell over her face, hiding her expression. She must've been humiliated, especially after declaring her previous words of making me pay. How could she even dream of taking my position even though she had no one on her side in this house? Not even her beloved husband.

"I know," Baron Poloro finished in a tone of finality as though declaring the conversation over. I peeked at him from the corners of my eyes as he set down his utensils onto the table.

He was a handsome man with a charm of maturity to his looks. His hair was a shade of chestnut brown and his eyes, a simple shade of black, which was considered to be plain amongst nobility. There wasn't an ounce of color to his appearance which would make him stick out. Feiya Poloro didn't resemble him even one bit, but I could see where she got both of her genes from.

In his earlier years, he may have even resembled those kinds of male leads a heroine would have in her fish harem. But, unfortunately, his personality was rotten to the core. If I hadn't known that beforehand, I would've certainly appreciated his plain beauty, but now, I only felt disgusted whenever looking at him. The kind of bastard that would sell his own child for his greed.

His eyes suddenly snapped to meet mine, but I didn't shy away this time. He lifted an eyebrow.

"You've changed."

"Isn't that natural for my age, father?" I laughed lowly.

"You've grown up to become more and more like that woman. Now, you're even more of an eyesore," he scoffed at my words. As he stood up, the chair behind him scraped against the carpeted tiles. The servants from either sides rushed to clear his table, hastily putting away the clean plate and rearranging his chair.

Without another word, he disappeared through the door which was quietly slammed shut again, only leaving both Liliana and I to suffocate in the tensed atmosphere. I sighed and dropped both my knife and fork onto the table, holding up a white napkin and dabbing it at the corners of my lips gently.

"Your husband certainly loves you a lot," I jeered as the maids swept away my plate back onto the trolley. I placed the napkin back onto the table, which too, was taken away. "Are you sure that you'll be able to make me beg for your forgiveness? You should try harder in bed next time."

Loath swirled in Liliana's eyes. She seemed inclined to bite off my head at any moment. Well, I guess a seventeen-year-old mention your bedroom activities wasn't exactly ideal, even worse when there were still servants inside of the room to hear the details.

Seeing her contorted expression improved my mood immensely, so I pressed on diligently. "You don't seem that much older than me, Liliana. Are you twenty-three? That's nineteen years younger than my father. Who knows. Maybe you'll even have to cling onto me soon seeing as how he's so indifferent towards you."

"I'm twenty-five," she spat out in a venomous voice.

"Does that make any difference?" I simpered, lacing my fingers together and supported my chin. "Don't frown too much, Liliana. The only thing that's going for you is your face. And I'd hate to see it develop wrinkles. My father would hate to see it as well."

Shame from the sincerity of my words made a deep flush creep up her neck and paint her entire neckline and face red. She bit down on her bottom lip even more, enough to draw blood, but I saw none of it. Her fingers which were on the table, fisted the cloth as though she wished that it was my head she was squeezing to death.

"I.. I only did what I knew what to do best," her voice was tight with emotion. "But, it doesn't give you and your father the right to criticize me and mock me. I'm a human.. just like you two."

"Such meaningful words are being uttered from the most sinful lips," I laughed. "Those were the same lips that had kissed my father multiple times even though he was a married man with a child back then. Did you ever stop to consider that your 'desperate' actions could destroy a family? Now that my mother's dead and you're the Baroness, your life must certainly be better."

I rose to my feet abruptly, forcing the chair back. Lifting either sides of my dress, I turned my back on Lilian's ugly expression and plodded towards the doors. Two servants at the door grabbed the handles and swung it open for me and I stepped outside. However, before they were to close behind me, I heard the familiar voice of my step-mother flow out.

"It hasn't."

It seemed as though she was desperate for them to reach me. Though, I didn't turn back to look at her despite for effort. As the doors slammed shut, I snickered to myself.


The kind of people I despised the most were the ones that would create an excuse to back up their heinous actions. They'd blame it on desperation or their odd circumstances to make themselves look innocent. Though, her situation was piteous, I swore to never excuse her.

Firstly, I needed to ruin both the Baron and Baroness's lives. And tomorrow, Caroline would be my key.

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