
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Anime et bandes dessinées
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54 Chs

Leauge of Anarchy(1)

"Didn't you want to rip his hair out then kill him?" Homura Asked with confusion.

"Changed my mind I can get sharper knives from Ainz later" I Answered

"Sure…let's go" she said

"Ok and you know you didn't need to put up a force field right? I'm pretty sure even if you didn't no one would come and save him" I said

"Being cautious isn't bad" She replied unamused.

"Oh well let's leave, this place is starting to reek from the smell of blood" I said as we quietly left the alley, Leaving a head and a body there.

After we went out of the Alleyway we saw people bustling around, The traffic lights flickered as they turned green, letting the cars pass, in the surface this world looks peaceful, but the truth is it is filled with vile villains and corrupt heroes, it's time to teach them What true Villainy is, one by one, step by step, both heroes and Villains will fear what True chaos really is.

"Hmm so where should we start" Homura asked looking around.

"I mean we could just use social media" I said

"How?" She asked.

"I mean we could just ask the group chat which I should probably give a name or Just Ask Someone the latest News." I said remembering that I still haven't given the chat a Name.

[Genocidal Child]: Well Everybody I just ripped a villains head off.

[Foul Mouthed Black Egg]: Well that was quick as f*ck.

[Paranoid Bat]: Why would you do that?!.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: When did that happen?.

[Genocidal Child]: First of all he was a psychopathic Killer, Secondly the moment we stepped out of base, Currently me and Homura are Near the streets.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: Well as Nick said, That was quick as fuck I'm guessing he probably tried to kill you or Homura and then you killed him off, Then I'm guessing you intentionally left the body there so when someone finds it, people would believe a new villain would be on the loose or a Vigilante making the authorities and heroes more cautious , Am I right.

[Genocidal Child]: Yup

[Paranoid Bat]: You killed someone how's that okay?!.

[Genocidal Child]: oh I could have done much worse and just erase his entire Narrative Existence From this And All Timelines in this universe , But i only killed him and didn't destroy his soul.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: Well that is Merciful, And at least that's one psychopath out of the picture.

[Genocidal Child]: Sure unless he reincarnates somehow, Honestly now thinking about it if he does I would just probably erase him. Well Anyways I'm here to give the AI a Name And I say Khaos, For no specific reason.

[Ding?!! The Admin Has given The Name Khaos, I shall be referred to that in the future]

[Genocidal Child] And also I'm going to start a stream to let you see what's going on, I may not check the chat and probably just focus on the current mission. See ya

[Genocidal Child]: Khaos how much Sp does it cost to like exchange for money.

[The current Exchange rate of 1 Sp On this planet to Money is as follows:

1 Sp=100,000,000(Dollars)

Note: Sp cannot be exchanged for money on original World of the Members.]

Well looks like we won't be running out of money Anytime Soon.

[Genocidal child]: Can you Make id's For me an Homura so people don't get suspicious.

[That Would cost 3 Sp Each]

[Genocidal Child]: Sure why not.

After that The Two id cards Appeared inside my pocket.

"Well looks like we don't need to act suspiciously for the moment, Here is an Id card I got from Khaos" I said while handing it over to her.

"Thanks, But I think we should split up, it would make things much faster and easier " Homura said while Collecting the card from my hand.

"I agree" I said

"Oh well if you find something interesting contact me, bye~" I said As I disappeared into the crowd and left Homura there.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: This place looks bright and clean, and it appears to have no toxicity in the air.

[Desperate Time traveler]: Did you really have walk into the crowd and disappear like that?.

"Yes, yes I did you did say we should split up" I said reminding her.

[Desperate Time traveler]: Sure Anyways I've got a bit of information, it says 80% of the global population have this powers but they call them quirks instead. And the Number one hero in this place is called All Might or something. There is also a Villan Organization Called LOV. They attack from time to time and usually cause a lot of destruction.

"Wow there I think you should chill with the Explanation, And also how did you get all that the second I leave.

[Desperate Time Traveler]: I stopped Time.

"Oh no wonder Everyone is frozen and also the reason that building is slowly collapsing" I said looking at that said building.

[Supreme Beinh Ainz]: Are you gonna save the Citizens?.

"Hmm well there is no one Near the building that they would get hurt, and I'm pretty sure everyone in there is either dead or injured, I see no use in interfering" I said.

[Desperate Time Traveler]: How are you two not Frozen time?.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: I have Equipment that Negates Time.

"No Time Paradox can affect Me even Resetting the universe won't do nothing to me and I would still remember everything" I said Cooley.

"Now enough of that Homura Unpause Time, And let's see what or who caused it." I said and in the next second, Then she Unpaused Time.

"AHHHHHH, EVERYONE RUN ITS A NOMU" in the Next second Everyone started Running in every direction like a family of rats that have been discovered by their Natural predators.

Then out from the building came out a black figure, it's sharp teeth dripping from blood, it's eyes hollow, Dark and dead, it shows No emphaty, No pain No suffering Just Wild and untamed Insanity.

It's Red eyes searching for its Next victim, Until it sets it's eyes on me, it's mouth opening and letting out a gutteral Scream.

And then the Next Moment, it started Running my way…