

a decade later. . .

Jennie's POV


I found out I was successfully pregnant with our third child on the day of our twins' fourth birthday party. Ever since then, Lisa has been hands on with the pregnancy twenty-four seven. According to her, it's her chance to make the most of the time she wasn't there when I was pregnant with the twins since she was really busy with the company that time.

Today marks my third month, and seeing the baby bump peek from under my loose shirt would make me even more excited. I'm pretty sure the bump was just my imagination, though - or food belly, since Lisa says she doesn't see anything yet.

"She totally wants to fvck you while you're pregnant," Seulgi said while attempting to braid Lara's hair. Lara was my first born, a minute older to her twin sister Lyra.

"Seul! Language!" I snapped.

Jisoo shrugged and took her headphones off and handed it to Lara. "Here you go, kiddo. Don't listen to these adults."

Lara rolled her eyes as she placed the headphones on. "It's not like I have no idea what you guys are talking about." Just as Seulgi opened her mouth to speak again, my eldest daughter grabbed her Aunt Jisoo's iPod and dashed out of the room.

"That's better," Seulgi let out a sigh. "I can't braid to save my life."

"uhm, how did you find out...about Lisa?" I cleared my throat.

Seulgi popped a few pieces of sliced hot dogs in her mouth and shrugged. "She was at the office early this morning and I saw her googling 'Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?' She was obviously doing it discreetly, but you can't hide anything from me. My eyes are like binoculars."

"That's so gross," I wrinkled my nose.

"Having sex while you're pregnant?"Seulgi raised an eyebrow.


"No, talking about this with you guys!" I shuddered. As disgusting as it sounded while talking about it out loud with them, deep inside it was getting me all thrilled.

"Didn't you guys have sex while you were pregnant with the twins?" Jisoo frowned. "Because if you tell me you abstained from it for months, I will not believe you."

"We did, but Lisa has always been extra careful when it comes to things like that," I smiled, thinking about my adorable wife getting nervous all the time. "Even if we've done it before, she still gets paranoid."


"It is scary," Irene admitted joining the conversation.

"What if she accidentally pokes the baby's head while thrusting in you?" Jisoo blurted.

I made a face and stuck my tongue out. "Jisoo! First of all, the baby's not even fully formed yet."

"Exactly," Selgi's eyes widened in horror. "what if she broke the baby?"

"I don't know if you're really dumb or you're just playing dumb..." I trailed off.

"She's just really dumb," Rosé snorted letting us know she's still here.

* * *

"Babe, have you seen my phone?" Lisa' voice blared through the opening of our bathroom door. "I thought I just placed it here."

I placed my magazine down and cleared my throat. "Um, I haven't seen it anywhere."

We had just finished tucking the twins in bed after Lisa came home earlier with Lyra. Normally, I would be extremely knackered by now but what Seulgi and Jisoo had told me earlier this morning kept me awake the entire time after dinner.

It's not that we haven't had sex in a long time (because we do, like almost every week since we had the twins), but knowing that she actually researches about things always turns me on. It's exciting to know that my wife cares about my well-being and the possibility of being pleasured.

Lisa poked her head through the opening of the door and pouted. "I keep misplacing everything."

I let out a light chuckle and walked towards her. "Leave it" I winked, tracing my fingers from the top of her jawline down to her chin. "It will ring later"

Lisa smirked, looking a bit pleased. Her hair was still slightly damp from the shower she took an hour ago.

"Thanks for letting me bring Lyra to work." she said shyly.

"she's your daughter," I smiled, wrapping my arms around her neck. "I do feel a bit exhausted with Lara, though... and I would love to do something to relax my body."

"Is the missus flirting with me?" Lisa lowered her voice, a cunning smile forming in the corner of her mouth.

I thought for a while as Lisa hungrily licked her lips. "Yes," I answered with a soft giggle.


"That's what I thought," she huskily murmured as she began planting kisses on my neck.

I pulled her towards the bed and tugged the end of her shirt. Right after pulling it over her head, a sign of worry rushed through her face. "Hold on, are you sure it's okay?" she asked. "Like, are you feeling fine?"

"I feel tired. It's been a long ass day, but at the same time I feel desperate for your touch. My body needs you," I whined. "And for the first time today I am not craving for cream-filled donuts, mangoes, salted pepper crisps and all of the other things I beg you to buy when I'm feeling like a monster pregnant Mom. I'm only craving for one thing and that's you."

"Definitely one of the best speeches I've heard," Lisa chuckled as she gently spread my legs apart, her hands slowly rubbing my inner thigh. "It deserves to be in second place right next to your wedding vows."

"Yes, I am that eager," I nodded quickly as I lifted my loose shirt up while she teasingly pulled my underwear down.

Lisa smirked, pushing up her body over me with both arms. "You're always extra horny when you're pregnant. I love the eagerness."

She stayed in between my legs and stared at my baby bump. She did look as eager as me but at the same time it's like she completely forgot how to have sex right then and there.

"What?" I asked impatiently. "Do you want me to go on top?"

"No, no," she shook her head. "That will only require more movements from you, which might not be safe. I can do this."

"Lisa," I chuckled. "Relax. You're not going to crush the baby. It's not like. well you're uhmmm are really long"

"Okay," Lisa simply nodded. She stared at me longingly from my thighs up to my neck and didn't make a single movement.

"Lisa?" I raised an eyebrow. "Don't make me straddle you."

"I've got this, baby," she took a deep breath and winked at me.

"What are you even doing?" I burst out laughing when she crammed. "Come on..." I pulled her that she almost hit my bump.

"Woah, careful," Lisa flinched, immediately sitting up. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair and positioned himself over me. "Oh, shit I'm just really scared. It said in this one article that - "

I trailed my fingers down Lisa' body until it reached the waistband of her shorts "I know you've been reading articles again baby, and they all say the same thing. It's okay to have sex while pregnant. Now please..."

"Okay, okay," Lisa let out a relieved sigh as she pulled her bottom clothes away. I swallowed as I stared at her nakedness.

These hormones were driving me insane. They say some pregnant women are usually hornier and at first I refused to believe that because I thought it was disgusting. How the hell does one feel hornier?

But now that I'm experiencing it, I did not want to lose the feeling. Now if only my wife were more confident we could be banging twenty-four seven 'til kingdom come.

"Wait, how did you know that I've been reading - "


"Stop rambling," I desperately groaned as I gently grabbed her hands and place it on my core. "And just f.uck me. Now."

I felt her cold fingers tremble the moment it came in contact with my center. "No more foreplay?" she curiously asked.

"I...don't...need...it," I said in between deep breaths. I just wanted her in me right this very second. Now if only I could gag her mouth or something to keep her from talking. I knew I should have been on top.

"Okay baby, here I come..." she nervously swallowed until I could feel her slenden finger on my skin.

It almost sounded like as if she was talking to the baby inside of me, and not me. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of it as she suddenly thrust her fingers inside, earning a loud moan from me.


"Holy f.uck..." I gasped.

I felt her hand immediately cover my mouth. "Shhh!" she hissed. "The twins are sleeping. Keep it down."


"I can't just keep it down - "

She slammed into me for the second time, making me yell all sorts of profanities.

"Jennie..," she groaned, burying her face in the crook of my neck. Right as she continued to move her fingers in me, she roughly pressed her lips against mine to make me shut up.

A muffled moan came out of my mouth, causing her to kiss me even harder. I honestly had no idea what was happening, but all of sudden I just felt tears brimming in the corners of my eyes. My heart began to feel heavy as the lump in my throat triggered my tears even more.

"What the..." Lisa trailed off. I felt her pull out right that instant. "Are you crying? Oh my god, am I hurting you? Was I too rough? Baby, I'm so sorry - "

"Shut up and f.uck me!" I cried.


"But you're crying!"

"I don't care!"

"Why are you crying?"


"I don't know!!" I wailed.

"I swear to God, the raging hormones this pregnancy is giving you is way worse than the first one," Lisa shook her head. "What if we're having triplets?"

"Lisa Manoban!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs as tears continued to flow from my eyes.

"Please stop crying baby," Lisa' face flustered in panic. She leaned closer and kiss my forehead. "You need to breathe. Take deep breaths."

She began inhaling and exhaling deeply as she motioned for me to follow her lead.

"I am not giving birth yet," I snapped at her as I tried my best not to laugh. I didn't even know what I was feeling anymore.

I felt another set of tears preparing to overflow. I blinked my eyes quickly and took a deep breath. "Lisa, baby..." I touched her arms gently.


Her face broke into a relieved smile.  "it's okay"

I gave her a quick nod as I watched her. I bit my lower lip hard the moment I felt her fingers again in me, making slower movements as compared to the previous one. "You're doing good," I murmured. "It feels amazing, love. Go on."

Since my hormones were stronger this time around, every single sensation felt ten times better; every movement had me wanting to roll down the bed in euphoria. My eyes were squeezed shut as my fingers tightly gripped her back. "Oh my god," I tossed my head back. "Keep going. Keep going, please."

I felt a sense of confidence rush through Lisa' countenance as she began to take charge again. Her hands were definitely stronger, pushing my arms back up as she continued to thrust the other.


"Didn't know pregnant women could be so tight at the same time," she grunted in pleasure.

"Stop it," I bit my lip as I stifled a giggle.

Her mouth landed on mine once again, calming my crazy nerves once again. Despite the unfathomable amount of mixed emotions running through my mind, heart, and the pit of my stomach - I felt at ease. It's like I was where I needed to be, having what I needed to have right at this moment.

"I love you," she murmured into my mouth, before pushing her tongue right in. "I love you so much, Jennie."

"I love you too, Lisa," I smiled. "I'm so sorry for being such a sex-crazed, hormonal drama queen when I'm pregnant."

"Jennie..." she paused, her voice going hoarse as we both reached our climax together. After releasing at the same time, she weakly plopped right next to me and let out a loud and satisfied sigh.

She turned to me and smiled, wiping what was left of my tears with her thumb.

"...You've always been such a sex-crazed, hormonal drama queen - pregnant or not pregnant," She teasingly giggled, planting another kiss on my lips before I could violently react.

* * *

I could never ask for anything more. Living in my dreams were more than enough for me. She is more than enough.

"It's way past twelve." I chuckle oftly. "Are you hungry?" i asked. I know she gets tired after rounds of pleasuring me.

She shakes her head. "Something amazing happened last night."

"Mhmmm?" I mumble, urging her to go on.

"It wasn't just any dream this time," she says, sounding awestruck by what she was going to tell me. "It was a recollection."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

The corner of her mouth twitches in amusement as she reaches out for my hand. "I dreamt about how we first met," she says.

"How we unofficially or officially first met?"

"Both," she runs her hand over my cheeks as our body were nakedly entangled under the sheets. "It was really strange... it's like I dreamt about everything in your point of view at first, and then eventually it switched to mine. You know how weird dreams can get."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. "That's interesting. Mind telling me how it went?"

"It started off when you didn't know me yet," she began. "It was your life before everything. You were in the apartment you shared with Kai" She stops and look at me so i give her a smile.

"Go on."

"Right. You were in the apartment you shared with Kai," she says while brushing my hair as i rest my head on her chest. "You seemed very unhappy. It was quite bothering. But then you began dreaming about me and then that's when my dream started to get even more exciting. I relived everything with you again. From our unofficial first kiss to our official first kiss, our trips, your outlandish dreams. . . .even that time you dreamt of us flying up in the clouds! I dreamt about that too!"

"Did you dream about the hot air balloons?" I eagerly ask.

"Yes!" Her eyes light up. "Ohhh, it shoulf be fun."

"Did you finally dream about that Paragliding and Mino?"

My wife burst into a fit of laughter. "Yes, I did. It was hilarious. We were quite mischievous at our dreams?"

"Well, technically that didn't really happen in reality but yeah we ended up being that way as we spent more time together in real life," I laugh with her.

"Ahhhh, like when I stole that horse for you," she closes her eyes as she tries to picture everything again in her mind. "You were furious at first but you have to admit, that was very romantic, baby."

"You put my bike stealing antics to shame," I agree, planting a soft kiss on her colarbone.

"It's been a great life, hasn't it?" she smiles while resting her head on my shoulder. "Oh, and it's our Tenth wedding anniversary tomorrow!"

"Hey, you remembered!"

"I'm not forgetful yet" she rolls her eyes and chuckles. "I've never forgotten, not even once."

"We've been through a lot, haven't we?" I smile, running my hair through her wavy now black hair.


"Yes we have, at we'll be, baby" she agrees. "I think that major accident I had years ago changed everything completely. For the better, of course."

That was definitely a traumatic memory for both of us; though she was right. It changed everything for the better. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. The moment I thought that I was going to lose her for good. Hearing that flat-line felt like the end of my life as well.

The doctors were able to revive her after a couple of tries. She was already dead and lifeless, but she wanted to live. Her strong willingness to live her life with me was what brought back her pulse. She wasn't ready to die just yet. In fact, it was only the beginning for her.

Two months after her accident, we found out that their company arises so is the sale of her book. Turns out people loved the fact that everything was inspired by our dreams. I couldn't even count the amount of write-ups we've read about the book and how it has inspired so many people.

That was the first and last book my wife has ever written. She realized she did not want to be a famous writer or author. She just wanted a simple life wherein she could take on a new adventure with me everyday.

We moved to Yeonsu after getting married in Thailand. She bought a house near the place where we first met in our dreams and guess what, we have our first owned café right at the exact spot where Lisa has one on our dreams. She used the rest of the money along with my own savings to invest in a café's.

It might be quite hard to believe, but we were able to have twins at our first try of IVF and now with our second sucess, hopefully he's a he cause we already have two lovely daughters.

Our best friends Seulgi and Irene eventually got married a few years after we did. They still decided to live in Busan and now working at Lisa's company, but we would always visit each other from time to time to catch up just like earlier today. They still haven't gone insemination cause they want to enjoy their sole lives.

Rosé and Jisoo were married last year, they were still waiting for the result but hopefully they'll have a baby soon.

It was amazing how everything turned out perfectly fine  and even better for us after everything that happened. I never saw Kai again after the day of Lisa's accident, but I never missed a single news about him. He ended up becoming one of the most renowned artists in the whole world. People would bid millions and millions of dollars for his works.

It was also announced on the news when he married Bian last year. She help him to go on life and eventually fell for each other. It took a while before their love story fully blossomed, but at least it actually happened. If I ever met him again one of these days, I would tell him how happy I was for him that he finally found true love and happiness.

Taemin, on the other hand, eloped with this one girl she met at a bar named Yoona. It was crazy at first, but I heard that they were still together. Not quite sure if they ever ended up getting married though.


"Would you have lived your life differently if you had the chance?" she speaks up. "Like what if Kai decided to still take you to New York with her?"

"I told him this before, and I'm telling you now," I whisper while looking deep into her never fading dark eyes. "It doesn't matter if I went with him or not. I would have met you, whether it may have been in the middle of a storm, some kind of chaos, or even at queue outside the train station. And that's how I would have wanted it to be. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how I met you."

"Come to think of it, our first encounter wasn't that romantic," she admits.



"See?" I laugh. "It's the story that happens afterwards that makes everything so significant."

"That's true," she nods, planting a kiss on my lips. "I love you so much, Jennie Manoban."

"I love you so much too, Lisa Manoban," I kiss her back. I wrap my arms around her body as her arm wrapped on mine.

"I think we have a lot of adventures babe, and now that we have two naughty daughters and this soon little dumplings, i guess we can't do paragliding anymore.."

"The best thing we can do is just remember all of them," I smile, clinging on her.

"Can't wait to show my love to this little mandu inside. "  My wife pulled the duvet covering us and yawned until we both went back on the first time we met,

when I'm asleep.

The End

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