
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 101 - On the way to Midgard

"We'll go back to Midgard! Yes!"

After ending the meeting with Odin, Frigga immediately informed Thor about their small mission, who jumped around in excitement.

"I'll show you around on Midgard myself, mother! Recently, I found this incredible set of books on Midgard. Doffy calls them Comics." Thor then started telling Frigga everything about Midgard during his stay there.

Meanwhile, Frigga patiently sat on the stool and listened to every words Thor said. And so, for the next few hours, Thor kept telling the stories on earth to the point that Thor even repeated the story a few times, which finally made Frigga exhausted.

"That sounds like a nice adventure, Thor. I hope I also experience these things when we get there." Frigga smilingly said, which further excites Thor.

"I will surely make you enjoy your stay on Midgard, mother! Mark my word!" Thor exclaimed, smiling as he led his mother towards the Royal Cafeteria to have their lunch.

They then enjoyed their favorite dishes and chatted happily about their day.


A few days has passed back on Earth. During these days, Doflamingo kept receiving a call from either Coulson or Nick Fury himself.

Too bad though, Doflamingo was busy teaching the Cipher Pol members about the Rokushiki Techniques and some other techniques to improve their physical quality.

Doflamingo also planned for the Super Soldier Serums to be consumed by only the Cipher Pols. However, it would have to wait for a few months as Tony hasn't finished his Iron Suit to escape the cave where he is locked up.

Even if the plan for recruiting Tony into his family fails, as long as he could create the pod that could implement the Super Soldier Serums into one's own body.

"Again!" Doflamingo yelled at the 6 Cipher Pols in front of him.

Currently, Doflamingo is teaching them the Soru, which is the technique where the user could move at speeds that is naked to the visible eye.

Doflamingo was thinking of Finger Gun at first as it is the suitable technique for them as they're literally ninjas, and Finger Gun would make them a terrifying killers that could kill anyone with just a single finger strike. There's no need of weapons and such, they're hands are enough to kill those who stand against them, though he's only referring to the normal and average humans.

However, they're too valuable for Doflamingo, so he planned to teach them Soru first, so it could increase their chances of escaping near death situations.

*Stomp!* x7

In order to achieve the Soru, they first needed to stomp the ground ten times under a second. Now, this might be impossible for a normal human being but the Cipher Pols in front of him is far from normal. To Doflamingo, they'll be the first humans in history to break their limits without any external help. And he's looking forward into it.

This training kept on going until they finally managed to reach atleast 9 stomps under a second.

"Alright, rest for a minute." Doflamingo announced while Hela arrived, hugging him from behind.

"How are you doing, darling?" Hela whispered to Doflamingo as she planted her face on his nape and sniffed vigorously as if it's some kind of meth.

"I'm fine. How about you? How's the training with the ninjas?" Doflamingo answered and asked in return.

"They're the worst warriors I've seen in my entire life..." Hela snickered at them first before she continued.

"But they adapt very quick." Hela placed her finger below her chin and said.

Doflamingo nodded his head in agreement. Hela is not wrong, Humans indeed have the ability to adapt to things quickly.

*Ring!* x3

In the middle of their conversation, Doflamingo's phone suddenly rung, turning their attention from each other to the phone.

"Tsk." Hela cluck her tongue. If the phone wasn't Doflamingo's. Then she'd grab it and threw it far away as possible from them.

"Moshi Moshi?" Doflamingo noticed Hela's expression but ignored her as he answered the phone.

"Doffy, It's me Matilda. Are you forgetting about Banner?" Matilda said as she reminded him.

"Oh right! I forgot about him! You said you found his location, right? Send me his coordinates, I'll bring him back to the family." Doflamingo said as Matilda grumbled about being a slave and all but still gave him the coordinates after hanging up.

"Hela, want to join me on our voyage?" Doflamingo turned to his back and asked.

"Sure. But first, who is this Banner?" Hela agreed and asked.

"He's both smart and powerful. Except that he needed to change forms to access one of them."

"How strong are we talking about?" Hela asked excitedly knowing that there are still beings out there who are worthy enough to be called strong by Doflamingo himself.

"Since his strength is based on his anger. Perhaps if his anger reaches high enough, he could destroy an island with a single punch." Doflamingo answered her question, which just further excites Hela.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go! I can't wait!" Hela grabbed Doflamingo's arm as she tried dragging him but fail to do so.


Doflamingo simply sighed and then opened a portal to the location that is the closest to the specified coordinates that he is aware of.


[Kolkata, District in West Bengal]

When Banner was thrown out int eh desert, Banner eventually found himself back to square one. With no money, no food over his head and no one to talk to.

Luckily, his Hulk form managed to jump around and arrived at the border of India and China. Without causing a ruckus in china first, which made Hulk once again be known and feared by the masses.

This also gave Shield some hope that they could recruit Bruce Banner once again after years of missing.

However, they started investigating at China first, ignoring India. And with how big the China is, the Shield spies would take some time before they find out that Bruce isn't at China.

Because of lack of money and a roof over his head, Banner decided to use his knowledge to help the locals in India and become a local doctor.

With his help, he managed to earn the love and respect of the local indians, which gave him a sense of feeling that he's at home.

However, his fear over transforming to Hulk surfaced and made him isolated from the locals because of avoiding communicating with them as possible and only going out of his apartment at certain times.

Now, he's only known as a cold doctor that only treats diseases and ills for money.

Now, Banner recently got back to his apartment after curing an ill person and advicing him to stop smoking.

"Hey Banner." Suddenly, Doflamingo greeted him from behind, which shocked Banner and his hulk form almost came out if he didn't suppress it in time.

"Doffy? What the heck was that!" Recognizing him, Banner yelled at him in anger as he almost lost control of himself.

"Sorry about that. I just came here to-."

"I'm not going back. I almost killed Richard." Without even waiting for Doffy to finish his sentence, Banner already knew what Doflamingo came here for, so he rejected immediately.

"...Well, that's also one of the reasons why I'm here but the main reason why I'm here is that I found a temporary cure to your Hulk. It would suppress Hulk inside you for as long as you like, even if your heartbeat reach above 100 beats per minute, you won't transform into Hulk." Doflamingo revealed the reason why he came here.

"Really?" Hope appeared on Banner's eyes.

"Yes. But of course, there will be a huge backlash if you suppress it for too long, let's say around 3 years while having having high rate of heartbeat frequently, then the Hulk might break the seal. This is because of the pent up emotions that has been stockpiling on you, which would cause Hulk to turn but unable to do so. Do you know what will happen to a plastic bottle if the contents kept increasing?" Doflamingo explained.

"It will explode?" After hearing Doflamingo's words, the hope in his eyes diminished a bit.

"Yes. But I already prepared a solution for that." Doflamingo raised his finger and said before continuing.

"You see. I have someone here that has been itching for a good fight but unfortunately, I'm too busy to spar with her." Doflamingo said as Hela finally stood up from the couch that she's been sitting on.

"When did she get here?" Banner whispered to himself.

"The moment you came, Banner." Doflamingo said as he introduced Hela to Banner.

"Banner, this is Hela my bethrothed. Hela, this is Banner, a good friend of mine." Doflamingo introduced them to each other.

"Hel-. Wait, bethrothed?!" Banner was about to introduce himself but stopped when he realized the word that Doflamingo said.

"It's a long story. Anyways, in order to ensure that Hulk was grow strong inside you and break the seal, we would release Hulk once in a year and let Hela here fight you to your heart's content." Doflamingo concluded, knowing how much Hela wanted to have a good fight.

"You can't do that! Hulk is unstoppable!" However, inside Banner's mind, he still saw Hulk as an unstoppable monster or beast that cannot be taken down no matter what.

"Trust me on this, okay. Remember that time when I kicked Hulk and Abomination's ass? Just to remind you, that Hela here is more stronger than me at that time." Doflamingo claimed as Banner still shook his head adamantly.

"Doffy, I'm very sorry. But despite the assurance that you gave me years ago that you would be there to stop Hulk when he emerged, you weren't. So don't blame me if I no longer have faith in you." Banner sadly said.

"That's my fault, Banner. I hope you put your trust on me once again. I won't fail this time. And look, even if I'm gone now, Hela will surely be there to stop the Hulk."

"How can I know that she can beat the Hulk?" Banner said without any inkling of trust on his voice.

"I already expected this. Which is why I already prepared a good place for Hulk and Hela to fight." Doflamingo smirked and said.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.