
Maybe, Probably, Perhaps

When two people from two different countries meet in rather... Complicated circumstances. She must choose between her motherland and her love. And he must choose between his duty and conscience. This is a story of two patriots who despite their huge differences, have fallen in love. But their relationship is that of a dilemma. They constantly tread over the thin line of 'Maybe, Probably, Perhaps' as they go on with their respective agendas and motives. This story is set in the Victorian Era in which the world was full of political intrigue, action, revolution, and constant change. Disclaimer - This novel does not in any way reflect the real history or facts. This is purely a work of fiction with a few historical events and names used as references.

Devesh_Kulkarni · Histoire
Pas assez d’évaluations
11 Chs


The night of the day on which the storm had raged, there was an air of festivity in the ship on the dinner table. People were glad to have survived the arduous journey as they would soon reach the first stop giving everyone a breath of fresh air which was very much needed.

Even Jacob had joined everyone in the celebration. As the food was plenty and soon enough it would once again be replenished, Jacob had allowed the crew to let loose for the night.

Dry meat, fish, soup, and booze was on the table in large quantity. People were happily chatting, eating, and having fun.

"Hey Jimmy, did you see the big wave during the storm? It was like 20ft high!" Beck said leaning back in his chair while making hand gestures presumably describing how big the wave was.

"pfft, you? Hahaha! oh weren't you hiding in your shell Mr. Turtle? Hahaha! It would be a wonder if ya weren't shivering in fear." Bryan said goofily.

"Hmph! What's that storm gonna do to me huh? I had to stay inside with the ladies so that they wouldn't be afraid ya know," Beck said poutingly.


A sound akin to the thunder cracking suddenly rang from behind Beck. Beck was startled silly and flinched back in shock as he fell on the floor on his bum in a curled-up position, his eyelids were noticeably shivering and his hands trembling.

Suddenly a loud burst of laughter sounded all around him as he slowly opened his right eye, his left eye was still covered with his hand which was trembling quite severely.

He found himself on the floor in an embarrassing pose and people around him were laughing historically while pointing fingers at him.

Suddenly someone came up front from behind his back and made the thunderclap sound again. One must admit that the guy was quite good at making sounds.

Beck got up embarrassingly with the help of the person who had made the sound and smiled awkwardly as he wiped the dust from his read end.

This created another comical scene and even more people laughed unrestrained as they went on enjoying the liquor.

Evan was also enjoying the night with a smile, after all not every day was like this when people kept aside the annoying mannerisms and truly expressed themselves. This was possible only because all of them had escaped the jaws of death together.

Even the Marquis Of Sondra seemed to be enjoying himself with his friends.

Jacob suddenly tapped on the table with the spoon getting everyone's attention. He came forward to speak. His reliable figure and natural charisma as a leader came through even more as he held the mug of liquor in one hand while wearing his captain's hat and looked at everyone with confidence and calm.

This was the demeanor of someone who had experienced multiple tribulations and a variety of experiences that even someone like the marquis did not have.

"Today we all went through a tough storm..." Jacob said. Everybody thumped the table with their spoons and uttered, "Aaye!" in agreement.

"But despite that, we pulled through and will soon reach our first destination!" Jacob was again interrupted by people thumping the table with their utensils as they cheered. Jacob of course did not take it to heart and smiled instead.

"But it was hard, many of our friends were injured. We pray to the Father almighty that they recover soon!" Jacob said as he clasped his hands on the chest.

"Amen!" Everyone said in unison.

"And during the harsh times earlier, there was someone else who volunteered to help despite the risk," Jacob said as he looked at Evan from the corner of his eye.

Most of the people had taken shelter immediately when Jacob told them to and so no one knew that Evan and his officers had also helped in the endeavor.

Everyone looked at each other and whispered to themselves trying to find out who was it that had such huge balls to stay on the deck while in a raging storm.

"We have on board here with us the fine and valiant military officers of the crown who volunteered to help despite knowing the risk," Jacob said as he looked toward Evan and company.

Everyone else also looked over in their direction and began murmuring in hush voices.

"For their help to us and service to our great Empire, they certainly deserve a round of applause, Ladies, and Gentlemen," Jacob said and put aside the mug of liquor and began clapping.

Everyone else followed his lead and also began clapping, some folk threw remarks of gratitude and praise here and there as they clapped loudly creating a sound similar to a thunderclap.

The officers who had helped Evan did not do it of their own volition but because their superior had taken on himself to help out they could not just sit and watch idly by. Although rather unwillingly... But they still helped.

Now after listening to Jacob and everyone else's praises, they thought that it wasn't that bad after all and felt proud of themselves to have helped. Evan however wore an awkward smile as he had no experience with having been praised by so many people at the same time. And he also helped because he believed that to be his duty so it was rather awkward for him.

Jacob once again grabbed the mug and opened his mouth to speak, "Let us cheers for the heroes and survival, Cheers!" Jacob said and drank all the liquor down his throat in one go.

Everyone else also followed with smiles and drank the alcohol happily as they shouted, "Cheers!" And "To Survival!"

An adventurous melody suddenly began playing in the background as a young man with black hair was a musician and was also carrying his Mandore with him. Seeing the young man, someone else quickly went back to their room and brought back a flute with them, and began playing with the rhythm creating an energetic, adventurous, and fresh symphony.