
Mastermind: psychopaths in love

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What is Mastermind: psychopaths in love

Lisez le roman Mastermind: psychopaths in love écrit par l'auteur Writer_Lilith publié sur WebNovel. **They are the Joneses, a family of serial killers who have been killing people for generations, following a code of honor and a tradition of excellence. But they also have their own secrets and lies....


**They are the Joneses, a family of serial killers who have been killing people for generations, following a code of honor and a tradition of excellence. But they also have their own secrets and lies.** Rose is in love with Alex, their adopted brother who betrayed them and joined their enemies. Charlie is in love with Amy, a single mother who is actually an undercover agent. Kevin is in love with Isabel, a wild girl who is actually a serial killer. Annabelle is in love with Jonathan, a beautiful boy who is actually a cult leader. Matthew is in love with Daisy and Rosie, a duo of lovers who are actually his half-sisters. And Caleb, their adopted brother, is in love with Rose, who doesn't know his true identity or his role in their father's plan. But their father has a revelation for them: he is not their real father, but a mastermind who manipulated them and their lovers for his own agenda. Now, he has set a trap for them, and they will have to fight for their lives and their love. Mastermind is a dark and twisted thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. If you love stories of deception, betrayal, and family drama, you won't want to miss this one. Order your copy today and find out what happens when love turns into a deadly game.

10 étiquettes
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