
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Oriental
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64 Chs

The Hunting Begins

//Last updated on June 20, 2024


It was swift and accurate in its actions. Liu Feng's reflexes were barely fast enough to evade the creature's claws.

It jumped at him again, and when it got close enough, the fang-covered mouth opened like a trap. It curled its fingers and then extended a pair of black claws.

Liu Feng restrained its jaws with one branch, but it snapped. The branch split into three pieces, two of which were still present in each of his hands.

It attempted to take a bite out of Liu Feng's neck but failed once again. Liu Feng was frustrated. He grabbed both pieces and began ramming them into it at random.

The wolf's claws brushed up against his torso a few times, injuring him. It then started to chomp down one of his arms. He slammed it down on the ground as it was busy biting his left hand. He then began hacking at it with the wooden sticks. Finally, as its grip on his arm lessened a little, Liu Feng shifted his arm and began punching it violently with both arms.

"Die you stupid dog!!!", he yelled in frustration.

It eventually stopped moving after a few minutes of resistance. Liu Feng knelt near it, panting fiercely.

After a few moments of regaining his breath, He said, "System, collect the Dao Fragments."

[Ding. Few Inferior Fragments and A Lesser Fragment of the great Dao have been detected.]

[You can choose the Lesser Grade Fragment either to convert it or move it to the collection.]

While Liu Feng was still collecting his breath, a faint smile emerged on his lips. He'd finally gotten a Lesser Fragment.

"Finally!!!" screamed Liu Feng. He was ecstatic. Even though he had multiple wounds all over his body and a large bite mark on his left arm with blood still pouring, he believed it was worth it.

Although Inferior Fragments were nice and easy to get by, they were not like Lesser Fragments. Although a Lesser Fragment can provide him with more DPs in the hundreds, it can also be used for other purposes.

"Move the lesser fragment into the collection and convert the inferior fragment into DPs."

While everything was going on, he had the impression that the place was still unsafe. He felt compelled to leave this place. He also pulled the wolf's body behind him, along with the dead rats.

He didn't forget to collect the Dao fragment from those rats, either. Unfortunately, it did not provide him with Lesser Fragments, so he exchanged them for Dao Points.

He checked his status as he was leaving.


[Name: Liu Feng]

[Age: 17]

[Cultivation: None]

[Dao Points: 34]


> {Unnamed Beast Dao} (Origin: Tempest Wolf) (Lesser Grade) x1]

[Remarks: Congratulations host for collecting your first Lesser Fragment. The Host is advised to infuse 10 LesserGrade Dao Fragments into a *Medium.]

[Note: *Medium is referred to as any Cultivation Technique or Martial Technique that is synthesized by the system using the Dao Fragments.]

Yes, the system had this feature as well, allowing him to fuse the fragments he gathered into martial arts and even cultivation techniques. It was, without a doubt, an overpowered system.

But there was something unexpected. In the Collection Section of his status, there was his recently collected Dao Fragment but there was something called Origin there.

As he focused on it, something popped up.

{Unnamed Beast Dao} (Origin: Tempest Wolf) (Lesser Grade Fragment)

[Obtained from a young Gale Wolf that is said to be a descendant of the Tempest Wolves. Despite the bloodline being extraordinarily faint, there remains a lingering trace in its kin. Known for their extreme affinity with the Wind element and mastery over the laws of Wind, these fearsome beasts are a symbol of ferocity, which even deities fear.]

There was a lot of information about his recently acquired Dao Fragment. Although he was fascinated, he felt that this place was not very safe. He moved to a more secure location and attempted to wipe his wounds with his clothes. However, he soon realized that his clothing was far from being clean. As a result, he returned to the same pond as before to clean himself. He also carried the bodies of those dead animals with him.

He realized it was still morning and that he could go hunting again, but he opted against it owing to his injuries.

After a long bath, he was surprised to see that his wounds had already begun to heal while cleaning himself.

"I guess those points weren't wasted," Liu Feng was happy. The matter of quick healing might be due to his improved physique, he reasoned.

He ate some fruits and disposed of the dead bodies after resting for a few hours someplace away. He intended to use them to set up a trap. He attempted to dig a hole but quickly gave up due to the inefficiency of the process.

After restocking his weapons collection, he placed those dead bodies alongside a bush and hid beneath it.

Learning from his previous blunders, he stripped off his clothing and smeared the blood of the dead animals all over his body to hide his scent, He even used mud in several instances.

He attempted to keep his every motion under control so that it wouldn't notify any approaching animals.

After several hours of waiting, when he was almost getting sleepy, he noticed a wolf of the same species that he had killed before. However, this wolf was somewhat larger and looked stronger.

It began to examine its meal after investigating its surroundings. It was almost within Liu Feng's range as it neared its meal. Getting distracted for a moment it started chewing on the deceased creatures a few seconds later.

Just as it was occupied with its meal, Liu Feng drove one of his wooden branches into its throat. Without wasting a second, He began pounding its skull with all of his power right away.

Just like that, it died after a few minutes of futile resistance.

He gathered the Dao fragments while catching his breath. This time, there were two Lesser Fragments from the same origin, which was unexpected.

He hadn't noticed previously, but after gathering the Dao Fragments from the dead body, it didn't disintegrate like the other rocks, but it did lose its luster. He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or not, so he ignored it for the moment.

As he placed this fresh body among the others, he began to wait once again. After nearly an hour of silence, again there was some activity.

He used the same method to hunt another wolve, resulting in him collecting another Lesser Fragment, four in total.

As the sun was already setting, he decided to stop for the day.

He chose to leave those bodies since being near them at night would be dangerous. Even though these things were fantastic bait, he had to say farewell.

After washing himself off, he headed to his refuge to get some food. He had discovered a large tree with a tree hollow hole in the wilderness and was using it as his base currently.

He woke up early the next morning and went to check on the dead bodies from the previous day. But they were nowhere to be seen, just as he had predicted. Some marks on the ground indicated that they had been dragged by other animals.

He walked a little farther into the forest today, resolving his will. However, after extensive searching, he only discovered a few little creatures. He gathered some Inferior Dao fragments from them after killing them and took them to use as bait.

He put up a trap in a new area today. Even after a few hours of waiting, he only managed to kill a smaller wolf. He only got a Lesser Dao Fragment out of it, but Liu Feng was not satisfied.

"If this keeps up, I'm not sure when I'll be able to escape this forest, Sigh~...." Liu Feng sighed. Even though the forest was full of dangerous creatures, he felt it was there must be some opportunities waiting for him right here in this forest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sarcastic_Apecreators' thoughts