
Mason Aves: The Wizard [DROPPED]

Summary: I was 6 years old, when I realized I was not simply reborn in the country that ruled over my own.. previous country, and in the time when said oppression was going on. Read on to find what I do in the Magical world of Harry Potter. ~~NO HAREM!~~ I won't focus much on his school life, as you might judge by the tags. But yes, I'll start in school, so don't worry. SHOUT OUT TO MY OWN BOOK, "THE LEGENDS OF BALDUR!" READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!

HelloDarkness07 · Films
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44 Chs

Maledictus Cure, and Favour

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I'm depressed, and chapters don't come to me the same anymore.


July 1977: Aves Manor:

Walking into the ritual room, I see Nagini on the floor, in the centre of the room, and Ana standing to a side, staying ready, in case Nagini attacks.

Nodding at Ana, I say, "You can go home if you want. Darla must be waiting for you."

Shaking her head, Ana says, "I'll wait outside, if you don't mind. We need a favour from you." She sounds a bit hesitant when she says the last sentence.

Frowning, I shake my head and tell her, "Whatever it is, will be done, Ana. You're my friend." Seeing her still hesitant, I add, "Why don't you wait in the kitchen or Library? I'll come find you when I'm done here."

Ana nods, and walks out the door, after hugging me, and giving a fierce stare to Nagini once more.

While I could find out what her favour is, I'm going to wait and not break her trust. I've already broken it once today by listening to her thoughts unintentionally when she apparated into the manor.

Looking at Nagini, I ask, ~~Are you ready?~~

Nagini nods, and says, ~~Yes. I am.~~

Shrugging, I wave my hand, binding Nagini, in her snake form, to the Ritual circle. The binding will make sure that Nagini, even as a snake, does not move around much.

~~That's so you don't thrash around. I am warning you, this will hurt.~~ I say, looking at her wary look.

Ignoring her, I wave my hand once again, and summon a vial of Potion from the room opposite this one. The potion comes in through the door, and lands in my hand.

Removing the cork, I pour a drop of the Maledictus cure potion on her head, an inch above her tail, and a point in between, each. ~~Open your mouth~~ I hiss, looking at Nagini.

She does so, and I pour the rest of the Potion in her mouth and use Telekinesis to make her swallow it. Once I'm sure she's swallowed all of it, I step outside the Ritual circle, and plant my hands on the outer circle, and begin chanting.

"O mater Magia, obsecro, mihi aspergetur ex hac anima et ex hoc removendum in quas maledicta congessi. Salva me removere omnem admonitus a facie maledictionis luxit: et hoc geniti unum liberum manere nolite maledicere. Hanc maledictionem eius in benedictionem tuam eo: et conversus. Sic fiat semper!"

(A/N: Google translate of: Oh Mother Magic, please help me purify this soul, and remove the curse on it. Help me remove every hint of the curse, so this one's descendants remain curse free. Take this curse, and turn it into a blessing. So mote it be.)

As I say each sentence, the ritual circle begins flashing, starting from the outside, and a white light begins going from the circle, and through the lines connecting everything. As soon as I yell the last phrase, the small circle Nagini is in flashes brightly.

Immediately, I hear the snake screeching in pain. In between the unintelligible screeches, I hear, ~~IT HURTS! STOP! PLEASE, IT HURTS! PLEASE!~~

Internally apologizing to her, I keep providing magic to the ritual, and keep the ritual going.

It goes on for well over half an hour, and when it's finally done, I pant. Even with all the extra magic I have, when compared to a normal Wizard's, Emitting pure magic, for half hour continuously, is not something I can do without sweat.

Panting to catch my breath, I feel the magic slowly returning to me, along with my health, and look into the ritual circle, which had long since become just a white patch of light to me.

As the white light dissipates, I see a girl, in her twenties at most, laying down on the spot where Nagini used to be. It was surprising, considering that Nagini was supposed to be in her 70s.

Shaking my head at the bizarreness of Maledictus, I float her towards me, using Telekinesis, and scan her. She looked fine, and other than tiredness, and the confusion in her mind over where she was, thanks to the Fidelius, she was alright. Her magic was being restored, little by little, and she'll wake up within a few hours.

"Pinky, Tobey." I call out, to my two house elves. Well, Pinky's more Helena's than mine. Dorea also had another personal house elf called Minie, which she got from her mother as a wedding gift.

Purebloods. Giving sentient gifts.

"Yes, master?" Pinky asks, popping into the room, Tobey right beside her.

I point towards the unconscious Nagini, and say, "Pinky, take her to a guest room. Once she's awake, Tobey give her the secret. I don't want her to get a concussion."

The two elves nod, and Pinky snaps her finger, taking Nagini away. They both pop out a moment later.

Fidelius Charm. A charm that hides the secret to a location, inside the soul of a Secret Keeper. Only the Secret keeper can share the secret.

My secret keeper was my house elf, Tobey. I would have been the Secret keeper myself, but it doesn't work like that. The one who stays in the house cannot be the secret keeper. Correction, the wizard staying in the house cannot be the secret keeper.

Tobey, despite staying in Aves Manor, is not a wizard. Human laws don't exactly apply to him. Which means the charm is safe, even some 30 years after casting it.

As for Nagini, a person within the location they do not have the secret to, gets a concussion, by their magic and brain being confused over where they are. Which is why I told Tobey to give her the location.

Casting a Tergeo on myself, cleaning up all the sweat on my body, and my clothes, and another charm to make me smell better, I walk out of the room, and go towards where I know Ana is waiting for me. The Dining room.

Dorea was still not back from her brother's house, and Helena was still at St Mungo's. Ana was sitting in the Dining room with her hands upon the table, fingers entangled. Her whole demeanour screamed nervous, which is why I instantly got to the point, after pouring tea for myself.

"How can I help you?" I ask, after taking a sip from the tea.

Ana looks startled, not having noticed me come in. She mumbles, "Sorry, I was.. distracted."

I nod, and wait for her to say something, while calmly drinking tea.

"Did you know, we've been trying to adopt a child for 20 years now?" Ana asks, looking up at me with tearful eyes.

I nod, sighing. I say, "Dorea told me about it. She said that none of the muggle agencies let you adopt any child."

It was a sore point to everyone around us. I knew how being an orphan feels, Helena knew how hard I had it in the Orphanage in the beginning, Dorea wanted a child, but wasn't sure how to get the topic out, and Ana and Darla weren't allowed to adopt.

Ana sniffles, and continues, "The last one called us old rug munchers who haven't lain with a real man before kicking us out."

Standing up, I sit beside her, and pull her in a hug. Ana is an incredibly tolerant woman. I've known her since Hogwarts, and she's only cried once. Not even when she was told not to come back, by her elder brother, did she cry.

But, if she's crying, it means she's hurt, a lot.

"I am truly sorry, Ana. I am so sorry, that you had to go through it." I mumble, running my hand on her back, hoping to calm her.

Meanwhile, I go inside her mind, and get the name and location of the Adoption agency from her.

"Don't worry about it." Ana sniffles, and adds, "I cast my first crucio on him after sending Darla home."

Right, I taught her Occlumency. She sensed my intrusion.

Patting her head, I whisper, "I am sorry for not visiting you more, Ana. I've been so lost in my own world, that I never realized what problems you were facing."

Ana shakes her head, and wipes her eyes. She says, "It's alright. You have your own family to take care of, and I have mine."

Flicking her forehead, I glare at her, stopping her from arguing. I say, "You count in my family. Darla was my first friend, ever, and you are her wife, even if it's not legal. You're family, and I did not take care of you. Now I'm here, and I will help you any way I can."

Ana nods, and looks up at me. She asks, "Will you give Darla a child?"

"WHAT?!" Surprisingly, I expected something like this, but by the sound of it, Dorea did not.

Ana looks at Dorea, with wide eys, who had just come in to hear the last part, and was frozen in the door. She whispers, "That's one heck of a timing."

"You're telling me." I mumble, looking at Dorea too.

Dorea finally gets over her shock, and stalks towards us, where I had Ana on my lap(as a friend), and was comforting her, again, platonically.

She snarls out, "Is this what you've been up to?! Cheating on me and Helena?! And you, Ana! Does Darla know?! I even offered to share Mason with you! Why the hell did you go behind my back?! I thought we were friends!"

As Ana starts to chuckle, losing her sadness, I simply shake my head, pull Dorea close, and kiss her on the lips, shutting Dorea up.

As she's dazed by the sudden kiss, I ask, "Are you done?" Dorea simply nods, and I pull her on my lap, after Ana vacates the position for her. I continue, "If you'd listened properly, you'd understand that Ana asked a child for Darla and herself. We are not cheating on anyone. Get it?"

Dorea nods, wide eyed, thinking over the conversation she overheard. She snaps her head towards Ana, and asks, "What happened to the one yesterday?"

Ana shakes her head, smiling sadly. Poking Dorea, I bring her attention back to me, and say, "Now, I'll make sure Ana and Darla have a child. Meanwhile, what's this I just heard about you pimping me out?"

Ana snorts at the terminology, while Dorea chuckles nervously. She says, "Ah.. you heard that.."

"Of course, I did. You yelled it." I say, looking at Dorea with a calm expression on my face, but internally, I was a bit upset.

Sure, Ana and Darla are family, but still. Offering to share me with them is not something I expected her to do. To quote Charles Boyle, 'I'm more than a piece of meat.'

Dorea looks at my face, and softens her eyes. She asks, "You're upset, aren't you?"

I nod, but don't say anything. So she adds, "It was a long time ago. Before we were together. I'd thought you were in love with Darla, or Ana, and had relations with one of them. I did not know they were together, then."

I let out a sigh of relief, and immediately my shoulders unstiffen. I'd thought it was after we had gotten together.

Dorea continues, "When you rejected me for the first time, and I thought it was either Ana or Darla, I asked them directly, and even offered to share you with them."

Ah, I do remember her offering me the same. She'd said that if I was in a relationship with Ana and Darla, then I can manage another girl.

"Stupid woman." I say, and hug Dorea close, making her understand I'm not angry.

Ana chuckles, and says, "I do remember that day. It was a few days before the Patronus lesson, I think. Dorea came to me, and kissed me hard on the lips. And then, she offered you to share between us. I have to say, that kiss encouraged me to pursue girls in general, and Darla in particular."

As Dorea blushes, I think something. Dorea kissed Ana, so she can convince Ana to share me. This made Ana realize she likes girls. Did she do the same with Darla? I hope not.

Probably not. If she had, Darla would have had the happy memory for her Patronus.

"Okay, enough embarrassing Dorea. I have a solution to your problem, which does not include me having sex with either of you, or me ejaculating in a container." I say, bringing Ana out of her musings, and Dorea from my neck, where she was hiding her face.

"What?" Ana asks, trepidation in her voice.

Smirking wide, I answer, "Why, Polyjuice Potion. While it won't make the baby completely mine, it will allow you to generate enough sperms to make a baby."

Looking a little doubtful, Ana asks, "Will it even work? Line theft is not something Polyjuice Potion enables."

Nodding at her, I explain, looking at both Dorea and Ana. I say, "The baby will be genetically yours and Darla's, with me being a third parent. The ratio would be something like 40:40:20, where I'm the 20% parent. Probably less. I'll have to calculate it to find out."

Ana nods, but looks at me, knowing I have more. Smiling, I say, "Polyjuice Potion, when used by a male, to turn into a male, does not have a genetic change to the sperm. The sperm will still be the original person's. So using Polyjuice in line theft is not possible.

"But, from what I know of the Potion, and my own Medical experience, it does not work the same for female to male Polyjuice. Females don't have sperm to keep it the same. So, the Potion uses the information from the hair, nail, of skin sample used in it, and creates the sperm from scratch, while also using the original person's genetic data as a base."

Smiling widely, at the now tearful Ana, I end my explanation, and say, "So, you and Darla will have your own child, with no need for adoption. The child will be a Greengrass, White, and even Aves, all by blood. Although, my contribution will be a lot less than yours."

Getting up from her chair, Ana jumps on top of us, hugging both me and Dorea.

"Well.. fuck." Dorea says, as the chair slowly leans back, and begins falling. I use Telekinesis to stabilise us, and hug Ana, while Dorea does the same.

"Ana, honey?" Dorea says, after three minutes if staying in an uncomfortable position. As Ana hums in question, Dorea says, "While I would love to keep the hug going, I am pressed between you and Mason. And Mason's erection is pressing onto my butt, which is making me very aroused. So can you please get up?"

Thank you Dorea, my love. I was getting turned on by Dorea pressing herself down on my groin.

Immediately, Ana jumps up, and looks away, blushing a bit. Her sight does land on my groin, which was clearly erect, but I don't point it out. She is bisexual, I know that. Plus, she's either going to become me, or she's going to fuck me. So, I already have my dream of Harem fulfilled. Kinda. 6 year old me would be so proud.

Dorea slaps me on the head, somehow sensing my wandering mind, and warns, "No dirty thoughts about friends, Mason."

Hugging Dorea closer, I mumble, "No worries. I have you and Helena. Helena!" Turning to Ana, I say, "I'm sorry to say this, but I'll have to ask Helena first, before giving you my hair."

This is a decision that's going to need both my girls' permission. Dorea has already allowed it, so I'll have to ask Helena.

Ana sighs, and says, "Yeah, I'll have to ask Darla too. This was a sudden decision for me too. Don't worry if she rejects. We'll find some bloke we can steal a couple hair off."

Looking at her face, I realize that she's not that enthusiastic about anyone else being the father of their child. While she does like me a bit, most other males are chauvinistic pigs. At least, in this time.

Dorea looks at Ana's frowning face, and nods. She says, "Don't worry about it. I'll go talk with Helena. It's still my turn at Mungo's anyway." Kissing me on the lips, she gets off my lap and says, "You better give her the best Polyjuice Potion you have. I don't want faulty potion to get in the way of Ana's motherhood, alright?"

Smiling at her, I nod, and smack her arse as she turns around to walk out, taking Ana with her.

Once they're gone, I get a serious look on my face. I'll be a father? A Pseudo father, but a father still. I am ready for it, though.

---Few hours later---

I was laying on my bed, Dorea beside me, Helena having decided to stay at St Mungo's for the night. Nagini hadn't woken up yet, and Pinky was still keeping an eye on her.

Helena had given me the okay, on the terms that I won't neglect that child in favour of any that we have, and that even if it's a squib, I will love them equally.

Obviously, I agreed. I was a muggle in my past life. I don't care if any of my future kids are Squibs, magically weaker, or even amongst the spectrum. I will love all of them equally. I don't want to turn out like my own dad from my past life.

Dorea suddenly shouts, "LET'S HAVE A BABY!"

I jump in my spot, my wand pointing at the door on reflex, as I hear the shout, and pull Dorea behind me. My mind finally registers what she just said, or shouted out of nervousness, and I smile.

Putting my wand away, I ask, "Finally made up the courage, have you?"

Pouting, Dorea mumbles, "I was waiting for the right moment. Ana and Darla will have a child in a year or so, so the child should have a sibling, no?"

Getting in a teasing mode, I say, "Hmm.. Well, I can probably make a potion that can make it so Ana only has twins, if you're so worried."

"NO!" Dorea yells, getting panicked. She looks at my smiling face, and harrumphs. She says, "Don't tease me, Mason. I want a child, and so does Helena."

Getting wide eyed, I whisper, "Three children. At once?" shaking my head, I look at Dorea fiercely, and plead, "One at a time? Please?"

Dorea puts a finger on her chin, pretending to think, and answers, "Nope. All three at once."

"But.. I don't want to deal with three preg..." Dorea glares at me, and I even feel Minnie glaring from somewhere, along with Pinky. I say, "I meant.. I would be happy to make both of you pregnant at the same time, while Darla makes Ana pregnant?"

Dorea glares at me one last time, and nods. She says, "And don't you forget it."

Sighing I sleep beside her, pulling her close. Now, let's just hope Voldemort takes a break for a year or something. Or I'll just kill him within a year. I don't even care anymore.

He's a danger to my family, and I know where each of his horcruxes, save one are. And that one, he always kept in his person. I'd duelled him that long for a reason.

Fake Diadem was in Hogwarts. Surprisingly, he had still found the Diadem, by befriending the Bloody Baron, who was told by Helena not to tell she was alive now, on the fear of permanent death, and not forgiving him. Ever.

The Hufflepuff's cup was in my basement, which Dorea had gotten from Bellatrix. The Diary was with a 23 old Lucius Malfoy, having given to keep safe.

Slytherin's Locket was still always with Tom, having not decided on a follower to give it to, and the fake Gaunt Ring was kept in the Gaunt shack, under a lot of wards.

These were the only Horcruxes he'd made as of this time, leaving Harry and Nagini, both of which I'd prevented from happening.

Well, I'll deal with it later. No need to hurry. For now, I'll sleep. I'm going to become a father within a year!

Boy, I hope my children don't turn out to be like me. I'm already messed up enough as it is.


A/N: Okay, I am going to slow my speed, a lot. My depression is coming back to the forefront, and the criticism, while probably fair, does make it worse. My replies to you will probably hint how aggressive I have become.

Sorry about that, in advance.

A warning, this does not mean Ana or Darla, or both are coming into the collective/Harem/triad. The three are happy together, and won't add anyone else.

While Ana is bisexual, having only gone with Darla because of Dorea's kiss, and that she wanted to cheer Darla up, she's currently in a relationship with Darla. So no, she won't have sex with Mason.

Saying that, Darla does not like penises. Not even a bit. So, she definitely won't be the one getting impregnated. That's Ana.

Look at me, Healer character, and I'm using big worda like impregnated. Lol.

Anyway, Tata!

(Especially for the four people who missed my last Tata when I said goodbye! love you guys. Platonically!)