
Masked Puppets - Raise of the monster lord.

So there are many stories, many calls them fictions while other tell a real story, they are wrong and correct at the same time. There are many worlds and each one that have it's own story, some tell the tale of betrayal, some of forbidden love, some tell a story of a hero making his dream come true (or making a harem for some reason), some tell the story of the Villani but what about the monster? Not the monster that was in the previous life a person or got turned into one but the one was was born a monster? So are you interested? If so let me tell you it story that happens in the world different that your own.

Andrzejsaw · Fantaisie
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There are many stories, some talk about hero adventure, some tell how demon lord was born, some tell how kingdoms and empires were born, some tell a tragedy and love, some may talk about person life, some tell history of person and his past lives and many more. There are infinity numbers of stories and I shall tell you the one, a story about a monster. You probably wonder "the stories about monster are nothing new", it's true there are stories about monster, some were antagonists while other unlike heroes, so what so special or different from them you ask? Well, nothing, to more precisely he is a "monster", he is not pretending to be one. The story takes place in the world of fantasy, where magic exists as well as many different races, sky are filled with flying creatures, sea are full of vast of life, monster lurking beneath the ground and many more. The world in question is called Agnostos, in this world beside endless numbers of lives there exist beings of worships they are known as "Legends", demons, gods, heroes, demon lord, antagonists, protagonist, ancient creatures and many more, each one of them had a story, a story that affected entire world not just them. There were many ways for somebody or something to became legends, defeat ancient evil empire, be feared as lord of evil, save innocents and other stuff to put simple became writer of your own story, of your own destiny.

There are as well many kingdoms some ruled by humans, some ruled by elves, some by demons while other by mindless creatures, many fall and rise over the time that it's hard to keep a track of it all. The world it self is big as well there are many lands, some hellish while others some heavenly peaceful, some continents were living in harmony while others were consumed by a conflict and war.

There are many powers some are holy some are demonic, some of them are powers that sleep inside a person while others need to be acquired by a trails. These power are both part of nature and not and there is no limit to them.

Because how many different things were going one at same time the world itself had to adapt to a rapid changing nature, it was impossible to keep track of everything, every mortal and legends so the system was created, yes like a system in game where you can level up, have a class and stuff. Yes, yes you heard stories with game like system but my god do you know how overly annoying keeping scores of all things at same time is when your body continually changes. I mean if you were wondering why so many words have game like system now you know, it makes things at least understandable. To put simple the system, monitor the person existence, it can how much strong you are, what is your power and job is and other detailed stuff, it didn't hinder individual power or poetical. There are things like levels and stuff but it all depends on Invidia, no matter how many levels you have, you are weakling if don't know how to be yourself.

So how does our little friend monster fit in all this you say hum? Well that you will see but before we start our story let's talk about some stuff for example how monsters are born? Monsters are creatures that originally came from dungeon, an unknown energy know as miasma give birth to them, not many knows the origin of it even gods and devils may not know it. Miasma gives birth to a dungeon cores, dungeon cores give birth to a dungeon lord, dungeon lord gives birth to a dungeon and dungeon gives birth to a monsters, this is a short version I shall tell you later when the times comes about them with details. For now, I shall tell you more about monsters, they are dived into 2 main categories a dungeon monster and wild monsters. When dungeon monster is born, they really don't have body, sure you can touch them and hit them (unless they are some sort of ghost) but they are neither a person or a thing, they don't have emotions or needs so they don't have need to feed or anything, they don't think and only seek to destroy enemies, they are not fully manifested. Dungeon monster will fully manifest over time but during that time they can't grow in anyway way, they can't level up, gain intelligent or become smarter. When invaders die inside the dungeon dies, they are absorbed by dungeon transforming them into miasma but dungeon can't completely absorb it, around the half of it stays and dungeon monsters absorb it and uses it to manifest itself, when dungeon monster absorb enough miasma their body fully manifest transforming them into living creatures a wild monster. Wild monsters possess need, they feel hunger, they have emotion and can level up like outside creatures, over time they evolve not as a thing but as a creature, they learn, some understand speech and some are able to use it as well. Dungeon monster generate miasma as well, half of generated miasma is used for their manifestation while other half used to feed dungeon.

Before we start our story let's discus one more thing. Who is dungeon lord? Dungeon lord is being that like said before is a ruler of dungeon, he holds full authority over it and can do whatever it wants with it. Unlike dungeon monster dungeon lord is already fully manifested, because of that they can learn how to life their live faster, but they are bound to a dungeon and cannot leave it. Some people call them immortal guardian since they will revive no matter how many times as long as their other half, a dungeon core is still active. Dungeon core cannot be harmed as long as dungeon lord lives and dungeon will cease to exist the moment both dungeon lord and core stop functioning.

So, with all this explanation done shall we get to our story, shall we? Hm? You wonder who I'm? Oh, I'm just a simple story teller, I read stories from many worlds but in the end I'm just a redder nothing more nothing less, I hold no meaning. I think we are getting of the track so let's not prolog you anymore, please stay and listen to one of the stories I have to offer.