
Chapter 2: Secret base and Future plan

With nothing but a bacon a donut and a quest book in my inventory i spend hours of finding and asking where the nearby forest park is finally i found it and steal a bunch of tree sapling and 18 acorns.

And now my plan of material grinding begin but i need to find secluded place to hid all my secret first. After 3 hours of finding i finally found an abandon factory.

So i start to plant some saplings on the open dirt and crouch spamming to make sapling grow faster after a few second all the sapling grow into a fully grown tree and with just a few punch with thought of using vein-mine and just like in the game it actually work and i wonder how many function in the game are working in the real world so i start testing after a few hours of tested i know that all of materials that i want to mine will have a line of a square cube of halt a meter for me to mine and it will turn into block in my inventory after mining.

And with all the tree are turn into 32 block of woods 4 apple and a bunch of sapling and they automatically sent into my inventory unlike in the game you need to pick them up manually. And with all the wood that i have, i start to craft 1 crafting table 1 dirt sapling 8 drying rack to dry up the acorn to craft a cobblestone sapling. And the grind continue until i get to the coal sapling stage after i craft 2 stacks of torch i start to dig into the ground and with my passive all the dirt and stone around me follow the rule of minecraft without falling down and for 2 hours straight i dig to make my secret base after i finish all the digging work i ready to move all my stuff in.

And another round of digging crafting and grinding for material begin.

After a month of gathering and mob grinding using mob grinder and curse earth i have aton of almost every material except some that i need to go to other mod dimension like ironleaf in twilight forest mod etc... but all of that is not important right now all i need to do now is make some plan in for the future after hour of thinking i decide i want to be a hero but not like the typical hero that save peoples in danger i want to be a hero that all dying children need the children like my own sister that i used to had i want to see their smile the smile that reminded me of her smile before cancer and cruel fate take her away from me.

The laugh of joy the happy voice of her when she hug me and kiss on my cheek because i buy her a small gift all of that i couldn't protect before but now that i have all of this machines and portions i will be their guardian angel rescue them from their cruel fate.

But before all of that going to happen i need to go the the nether and catch some ghasts with cursed lasso in order to craft angel ring for fly ability and have a white wing on my back to look like an angel.

in this chapter i want to give mc some personality and alittle bit of background to not make him so blank.

TheRandomGuycreators' thoughts
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