
Iron Man An Enemy

Shortly after Christopher and Natasha exchanged a few words, a mysterious figure clad in black abruptly burst through the door, delivering a password-protected box into Natasha's hands before swiftly departing without a word.

Natasha passed the box to Christopher, revealing, "The password is 123456. Inside, you'll find your ID, SHIELD credentials, a satellite phone, and a loaded salary card worth a hundred thousand dollars." She added, "SHIELD has also arranged a meeting for you with Iron Man, Tony Stark, tomorrow morning."

"Thank you," Christopher expressed his gratitude.

With a nod, Natasha bid her farewell. "I'll take my leave then."

"Goodbye," Christopher waved her off.

After Natasha departed, Christopher followed suit, seeking refuge in a nearby hotel. Exhausted, he collapsed onto the bed and swiftly succumbed to sleep.

The following day, Christopher woke to the blaring sound of his mobile phone's alarm. After a hurried grooming session, he hailed a taxi to Stark Industries.

Two hours later, Christopher stood within Stark Industries, explaining his purpose to the receptionist. Soon, Tony's secretary, Pepper, appeared.

"Hello, Mr. Christopher. I'm Tony's secretary, Pepper," she greeted warmly.

"Hello, is Tony available?" Christopher inquired.

Pepper nodded. "Yes, he's expecting you in his office. Follow me."

Guided by Pepper, Christopher rode the president's elevator to Tony's office.

Upon entering, Christopher found himself in a bustling laboratory filled with mechanical components, a departure from the usual office environment.

"Tony, Mr. Christopher is here," Pepper announced.

Engrossed in his work, Tony didn't turn around. "What's this about cooperation?" he asked, his tone brimming with arrogance.

"I can assist you in developing lifelike machinery," Christopher declared confidently.

Tony chuckled skeptically. "Haha! Show me what you've got then," he challenged, clearly doubting the existence of the technologies Christopher claimed to possess.

"If you willingly let me extract your genes, I can create a life machine for you to see," Christopher proposed, standing firm in his assertion.

Tony halted his research, turning to face Christopher, and burst into laughter. "Do you really think I'm foolish enough to let you willingly extract my genes?" Tony's laughter echoed his understanding of the gravity of genetic material extraction.

"This is a deal. I'll extract your genes and provide you with life machine technology," Christopher asserted, his tone serious.

"I don't need your technology, and you can't have it now, so I'm sorry," Tony firmly refused, dismissing Christopher's offer.

"I also know how to treat the injury on your chest," Christopher added, trying to entice Tony with the promise of medical assistance.

Tony shook his head in disappointment, saying, "It seems you're a liar. Let's go!" He instructed Jarvis to check and simulate the situation, finding no apparent solution to his chest injury. The shrapnel was dangerously close to his heart, leaving him skeptical of Christopher's claims.

"Nano technology can help you remove shrapnel from your body, and regenerative cradle technology can repair your wounds," Christopher insisted, attempting to convince Tony of his capabilities.

"No matter how good you are, you can't show these technologies. How can I trust you?" Tony retorted impatiently, remaining unconvinced.

"I don't have nanotechnology and regenerative cradle technology, but I know someone who does. Allow me to extract your genes, and I'll share that information with you. Additionally, I'll help you create life machines," Christopher proposed, trying to strike a deal.

"That's enough. If it weren't for SHIELD, I wouldn't tolerate a liar like you. Now, I'll give you two options. One, leave by yourself. Two, I'll have security escort you out," Tony declared, displaying no willingness to entertain further discussions.

Christopher, despite needing Tony's mechanical expertise, stood firm in his dignity. "Your decision will make you one more enemy," he warned before turning to leave.

As Christopher departed, he silently vowed revenge, plotting to make Iron Man pay for the disrespect he had received. The Marvel world, rich in talent, offered numerous alternatives, and Christopher was determined to find the right alliance to achieve his goals.

Intent on showcasing the superiority of his mechanical armor to Tony Stark, Christopher plotted his next move. Meanwhile, in Tony's office, Pepper expressed her apprehension regarding Christopher's capabilities as a mutant.

"Tony, he's a mutant. His transformation has grants him immense strength and formidable power. Provoking him could lead to serious trouble," Pepper warned, her concern evident.

Tony, however, brushed off her worries with characteristic bravado. "What's there to fear? He's no match for me. With a single missile, I'll send him straight to hell," Tony boasted, his confidence inflated by his identity as Iron Man, disregarding potential consequences and underestimating other formidable entities, including S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pepper fell silent, her concerns unheeded, as Tony remained steadfast in his arrogance.

Meanwhile, Christopher, having departed Stark Industries, contemplated his next move. Suddenly struck by an idea, he pondered the possibility of extracting genes from deceased individuals.

If successful, he could obtain the genetic material of Dr. Arnim Zola, Hydra's brilliant chief scientist during World War II, known for his advanced technological achievements and his ability to transfer his consciousness into computers.

Excited by the prospect, Christopher queried the system eagerly. "System, is it possible to extract genes from corpses?" he inquired.

[Humanoid corpses are suitable for gene extraction, as they lack consciousness and resistance.]

The system responded promptly, confirming the feasibility. 

Enthralled by the revelation, Christopher exclaimed, "Fantastic! If only I had known earlier, I wouldn't have wasted time pursuing Iron Man!"

Determined to proceed, Christopher swiftly acquired a heavy-duty motorcycle and utilized a SHIELD-provided satellite phone to contact Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow.

"Natasha, could you provide me with the location of the secret military base where Captain America trained?" Christopher requested.

Intrigued but cautious, Natasha questioned his intentions. Christopher evasively assured her, "Don't worry about it. Just give me the address, and consider it a favor owed."

Recognizing the seriousness of Christopher's request, Natasha agreed to assist, acknowledging his potential and the significance of his actions in the context of World War II. Despite his current reliance on external aid, Christopher envisioned a future where he would be self-sufficient, empowered by his own intelligence system to access any information he required.


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