
Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

  This is a translation!!!!! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.  A system comes to Marvel out of nowhere. Since then, the whole world has been painted in a different light. Thor: Who released the video of me getting hammered by Hulk? Get your ass out here! Hawkeye: Are you sure you call that a hammer blast? Loki says he has something to say about that. Hulk: I haven't even pushed hard yet and you're all down. Star-Lord: My divine body is comparable to that of a mortal? That's absolutely disinformation! Iron Man: Sorry, but my mortal body is equal to a god's! Captain America: No more pretending, my identity as America's Hip is revealed! Nick Fury: This is an absolute lie! How did my S.H.I.E.L.D. become Snake Shield? !!!!Again!!!! This is a translation! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.

Drakienek_Tiren · Films
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233 Chs

Chapter 189: The Greatest Snap, Wiping Out Half of the Living Beings of the Universe!



Black Widow stepped forward and momentarily called out to the overbearing Captain Marvel, addressing the other man, "We usually move together, and frankly, our morale is a little low right now."

"We know space is your domain!" Captain America also said to Captain Marvel from beside Black Widow, "But this is our fight all the same."

"Do you know where he is?" Rod, who was leaning against the wall on one side, asked the crucial question in a nutshell.

"I know people who might know." Captain Marvel said with a bemused expression.

"Don't bother."

In another corner of the hall, a woman who looked like a mechanical transformer suddenly spoke up, "I can tell you where Thanos is."

"This woman ... doesn't know if she's an alien or a robot." The Black Widow in front of the screen stared at the woman and couldn't help but ask out loud.

But it was clear that not being human was one hundred per cent.

Immediately after that Black Widow didn't have any nonsense and switched her eyes directly to her writing eye, giving an accurate copy of the woman's appearance.

Whatever that woman was, she was equally everyone's future comrade in arms.

-- That woman was none other than one of the two daughters of Thanos, the enemies of the pre-Galactic Guardians, Nebula.

"It took a long time for Thanos to improve me, and when he transformed me, he always talked about his great plans." Nebula narrated as the crowd watched, "Even after he dismantled it, I still wanted to please him."

"I would ask where we would go when the plan was complete."

"His answer was the same every time, to 'The Garden'."

With that, Nebula walked over to a table in the hall, and the others in the scene, likewise, walked over and stood around it.

As there was a projection device on the table, it was obvious that Nebula was going to show everyone next with a digital projection.

"Mr Star-Lord, do you know what that place is?" Captain America asked as he couldn't help but glance at Star-Lord beside him.

Although this guy was from Earth, it was clear that he didn't live on Earth, but rather mixed with the stars.

"The Garden? That name sucks." Star-Lord spat with a disgusted look on his face before shaking his head, "No, I've never heard of this place."

With that Captain America returned his gaze to the big screen.

Only to see Rocket Raccoon stand on the table at this point and flick a switch, a digital projection of Earth, immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"When the Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became a burst of cosmic level energy, so to speak, unprecedented until two days ago ..."

Rocket Raccoon began to explain to everyone around the table.

It was a scene that arguably took everyone in front of the screen by surprise, a raccoon talking!

That's fucking outrageous!

Some of them couldn't help but recall at this point what raccoon had been discussed when Black Widow and Hawkeye Barton had gone to that mysterious alien planet to get the Mind Stone.

That raccoon was the one in front of them, right?

At that moment, the Rocket Raccoon on the screen continued to manipulate, and the digital projection made a switch.

Another planet appeared in front of everyone.

"On this one planet, it happened again."

Rocket Raccoon continued to speak to the group.

"Thanos is there." Nebula added off to the side.

"Thanos used the stones once more." Black Widow stared at the one planet and made a judgement come.

"We're going to be severely understaffed if we go." Dr Banner on one side reminded everyone on the scene with a straight face, "And the stones are still in his possession."

"Then we'll go and get it back!" Captain Marvel was as dominant as ever, "Use the stones to get everyone back."

"It's that simple?" Dr Banner said unsure.

"Yes, it's that simple." Captain America replied heavily instead.

"Even if there is a glimmer of hope of salvaging everything, we must try for everyone who is not here." Black Widow's attitude was also very determined.

"Even if we go." Dr Banner once again asked a very important question, "How do we know the outcome will be different from last time?"

These few words from Dr Banner still revealed a very important piece of information to everyone: everyone had fought the Exterminators before, but had failed miserably.

So badly that Dr Banner no longer had any confidence.

"You didn't have me last time!" Captain Marvel once again spoke with that arrogance.

Both Tony Stark and Strange couldn't help but shrug, both of them had very proud personalities as well, but they were still a little short of Captain Marvel.

This blonde girl played it up with a roundness and dominance that the average person couldn't pull off.

"Hey, new girl." Rod was also looking a bit put out, "Everyone in this room is a dry superhero, do you mind if I ask where you've been for so long?"

"There are a lot of planets in the universe, unfortunately, those places don't have people like you." Captain Marvel replied matter-of-factly.

In a nutshell, I've been keeping the peace of the universe!

This reason was still very powerful, it had to be said.

Thor, who had been sitting at the table eating and not saying a word, suddenly walked up to Captain Marvel at that moment.

A hand was extended.


A huge axe flew into his hand in the air, and Thor just gave Captain Marvel a look and nodded, "I like this guy!"

"Let's go take that son of a bitch out!" Captain America said in a deep voice off to the side at this point.

The next thing the camera did was a switch.

In the vast expanse of space, there was endless darkness as far as the eye could see, but something like a space door appeared, followed by a ship bursting out.

A blazing light flew out from the ship, and it was Captain Marvel, bathed in golden light.

"I'll go ahead and do some reconnaissance!"

Captain Marvel greeted everyone and with a whoosh flew towards the planet ahead.

"She can fly through space with her power?"

Star-Lord watched in awe.

If this image was an image of the future, as those few Earthlings had said, this woman was a bit too powerful, wasn't she?


A short while later, Captain Marvel went and returned, speaking to the group outside the ship, "No satellites, no warships, no armies, no ground defences of any kind, just him."

"It's enough to have him!" Nebula said meaningfully.

Here again, the camera made a switch.

In the middle of the wilderness, there was a very inconspicuous, but quiet and peaceful thatched cottage.

The smoke is still rising from the chimney of the cottage.

Surrounding the house is a field of plants of some kind, and Myrmidon is picking the fruits of the field like an old man who has retired to his garden.

Then he returns to the hut and cooks with his own hands.

It was a life of joy.

"So Thanos is ... retired?" Tony Stark couldn't help but spit out, this style of painting is a bit incongruous with the identity of the generation overlord.

Only for some reason, Thanos looked seriously injured, half of his face was scarred, and he was walking with a limp.

It seemed to be quite badly injured.


Thanos who was cooking suddenly seemed to feel something, and he subconsciously raised his head and looked in a certain direction towards the roof.


The very next moment, the roof was instantly pierced by a golden light, and Captain Marvel just fell from the sky and instantly dried up Thanos on the ground.

Following a few athletic flips, she instantly locked Thanos's neck from behind.

War Machine and Dr Banner in his anti-Hulk armour also showed up next, and one each grabbed one of the Thanos's hands, and just about had him in a death grip.


The wall then immediately broke open, but Thor, the God of Thunder, broke through the wall and swung his axe, severing the gloved arm of the Exterminator in one fell swoop.

The Infinity Gauntlet, along with Thanos's severed arm, fell to the ground.

At this time, Captain America, Black Widow and Rocket Raccoon walked in through the doorway in a big way turn.

The first thing Rocket Raccoon did when he entered was to run over and flip the severed arm of the Exterminator over to reveal the back of the Infinity Gauntlet, which was used to set the stones.

But the next thing he knew, Rocket Raccoon's face changed.

The gems were missing from the glove!

The other people inside the thatched roof saw this scene and their faces turned extremely ugly.

"Where are the stones?" Captain America immediately stared at Thanos condescendingly and asked in a deep voice.

"Answer the question!" Captain Marvel said threateningly as he snapped a hand around the neck of the exterminator.

"The universe needs to be corrected, after that, the stones are useless." Thanos gasped, "Except for temptation!"

"You've killed trillions of beings!" Dr Banner couldn't help but shout in anger, pushing Thanos to the ground in one fell swoop.

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but feel a stir in their hearts.

With these words, Dr Banner once again revealed an important message to everyone: Thanos had killed trillions of living beings.

So were the billions of people who would die in the future on Earth among them?

This possibility is still very, very high.

"Killing trillions of living beings?" Star-Lord staggered repeatedly, even wondering if he had heard wrong.

How was this possible?

Even Thanos could not do such a thing at all.

"You should be grateful!" Instead, the exterminator screamed at Dr Banner, so angry that Dr Banner hammered Thanos over with a single punch.

"Where the hell are the stones!" Black Widow once again bellowed from the side.

"It's gone, turned into atoms!"

"You just used the gem two days ago!" Dr Banner shouted off to the side.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones! That nearly killed me, but the Great Work was done, and that was destined to be done." Thanos looked at the crowd on the scene, a living, hopeless lunatic, "I am the Mandate of Heaven!"

"Let's turn this place upside down, he must be lying!" War Machine Rhodes began to suggest.

"My father has many specialities, but lying is not one of them." Nebula was the one who said off to the side.


This was a scene that irritated everyone in front of the screen for a moment; the woman that everyone couldn't tell if she was a robot or an alien was the daughter of Thanos.

"Thank you, daughter." As soon as Nebula spoke, the exterminator put his eyes on Nebula, "Maybe I was too harsh on you before."


Thanos had only just finished saying this sentence when Thor, the God of Thunder on one side, suddenly swung the axe in his hand and chopped off Thanos's head with a single stroke.


Thanos's head rolled on the ground twice, and his headless corpse fell to the ground immediately afterwards.

"What?" Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but freeze, caught a little off guard, as he stared at Thor and asked, "What did you do?"

"I chopped off his head!"

Thor, however, uttered something that seemed a little strange and followed it up by turning around and striding out the door.

The image was framed on Thor's fading back.

The amount of information revealed to everyone in this image was, again, arguably very large, and all very important too.

"Now we can be certain that those billions of future deaths on Earth are indeed the work of Thanos."

Captain America opened up first, summarising the important information in the image, "It was Thanos who used the power of the six Infinity Stones to do this."

There was no longer any doubt about this point.

Although the image did not give this answer explicitly, it was not difficult to come to this conclusion by piecing together the various clues that everyone had so far.

"Excuse me, Mr Steve, but did you just say that billions of people on Earth would die?" Strange was so irritated that he almost bit his tongue off.

That would be a bit of a stretch, wouldn't it?

"Yes Dr Strange, the exact information, we'll share it with you after the quiz." Black Widow said to Strange from the side.

"It's not just Earth, it should be every planet in the universe that has been poisoned by Thanos ." Tony Stark added in a hushed voice, "He's a madman."

"Trillions of living beings" and "The universe needs to be fixed", those words spoke volumes.

"We also know the motives of Thanos ." Thor's voice was a little heavy, "He thinks the universe needs a correction, so he's using the gems to do a big cleanse across the universe."

This is not good news.

Because Thanos cleansed the universe not out of any grudge, or ambition to rule, but something akin to faith.

And faith, often, is a very difficult thing to change.

"Loki said that the style of Thanos is to kill half and leave half, so do you think that Thanos will kill half of the beings in the universe?"

Black Widow suddenly remembered something and with a touch of shock on her face, she opened her mouth and said.

Everyone on the scene was spurred on immediately afterwards, it was a real possibility!

That's half of the universe!

This guy, Thanos, was something else.